Solaris 8 Installation Supplement

archive_location Keyword

When you use the custom JumpStart installation method to install a Web Start Flash archive, you must include a new custom JumpStart keyword in the profile file. The new keyword is archive_location and the syntax for the keyword is:

archive_location retrieval_type location

The values of retrieval_type and location depend on where the Web Start Flash archive is stored.

NFS Server

If the archive is stored on an NFS server, use the following syntax for the archive_location keyword.

archive_location nfs server_name:/path/filename

In this command line:


archive_location nfs golden:/archives/usrarchive


archive_location nfs://golden/archives/usrarchive

HTTP Server

If the archive is stored on an HTTP server, use the following syntax for the archive_location keyword.

archive_location http server_name:port path/filename optional_keywords

In this command line:

When you are retrieving a Web Start Flash archive from an HTTP server, you can use several optional keywords.

Table 8–1 Optional Keywords to Use With retrieval_type HTTP


Value Definitions 

auth basic username password

If the archive is located on an HTTP server that is password protected, you must include the username and password that you need to access the HTTP server in the profile file.

Note –

The use of this authentication method in a profile that is intended for use with custom JumpStart is risky, as unauthorized users might have access to the profile file that contains the password.

timeout min

The timeout keyword enables you to specify, in minutes, the maximum length of time that is allowed to pass without receipt of data from the HTTP server before the connection is closed, reopened, and resumed from the point where the timeout occurred. If you specify a timeout value of 0 (zero), the connection is not reopened because of inactivity.

If a time-out reconnection occurs, the Web Start Flash installation utilities attempt to resume at the last known position in the archive. If the Web Start Flash installation utilities cannot resume at the last known position, the retrieval restarts from the beginning of the archive and the data retrieved prior to the timeout is discarded. 

proxy host:port

The proxy keyword allows you to specify a proxy host and proxy port. You can use a proxy host to retrieve a Web Start Flash archive from the other side of a firewall. You must supply a proxy port when you specify the proxy keyword.


archive_location http silver /archives/usrarchive auth basic user1 secret timeout 5 


archive_location http://user1:secret@silver/archives/usrarchive timeout 5 

Local Tape

If the archive is stored on a tape, use the following syntax for the archive_location keyword.

archive_location local_tape device  position

In this command line:


archive_location local_tape /dev/rmt/0n 5


archive_location local_tape 0n 5

Local Device

You can retrieve a Web Start Flash archive from a local device if you stored the Web Start Flash archive on a file system-oriented, random-access device, such as a diskette or a CD-ROM. Use the following syntax for the archive_location keyword.

Note –

You can retrieve an archive from stream-oriented devices, such as tape, by using the syntax for local tape.

archive_location local_device device path/filename file_system_type

In this command line:


To retrieve an archive from a local hard drive that is formatted as a UFS file system:

archive_location local_device c0t0d0so /archives/$HOST

To retrieve an archive from a local CD-ROM that has an HSFS file system:

archive_location local_device c0t0d0so /archives/usrarchive

Local File

You can retrieve an archive that you stored in the miniroot from which you booted the clone system as a local file. When you perform a custom Jumpstart installation, you boot the system from a CD-ROM or NFS-based miniroot. The installation software is loaded and run from this miniroot. Therefore, a Web Start Flash archive that you stored in the CD-ROM or NFS-based miniroot is accessible as a local file. Use the following syntax for the archive_location keyword.

archive_location local_file path/filename 

In this command line:


archive_location local_file /archives/usrarchive


archive_location local_file:/archives/usrarchive