Solaris 8 Maintenance Update 4 Installation Guide

Backing Out the Solaris 8 MU4

It is best to reboot your system in single-user mode before backing out the MU4. MU4 applies patches to system libraries. Individual systems in a multiuser system will be unstable if any processes have mapped to a patched version of a library and later attempt to map to different sections of the old library.

In single-user mode, network services are not available. If the MU4 image is on the network rather than on a CD, you must copy the MU4 image from the network to your local system before booting your system in single-user mode.

If you cannot reboot the system in single-user mode or if you do not have enough disk space to make a local copy of the MU4 image, you need to back out MU4 using NFS in multiuser mode. In this case, you should have the system in as quiet a state as possible, without users logged on or running jobs.

The backout_mu script provided by MU4 enables you to back out an entire MU.

To back out the Solaris 8 MU4 software:

  1. Make sure that no important user or system processes are running.

  2. Exit the current session.

    The CDE login screen appears.

  3. Click the Options button and select Command Line Login.

    The system prompts you to log in.

  4. Type your login name as root and type the root password:

    login: root
    password: root password
  5. Reboot in single-user mode. From the root shell prompt, type:

    # reboot -- -s

    Note -

    Changing the run level from multiuser mode to single-user mode with the shutdown or init command might leave the vold process running. This process can cause problems when mounting the MU4 CD in single-user mode.

  6. Type the root password.

    Check that the system displays the following message and is now in system maintenance mode.

    Entering System Maintenance Mode
    Sun Microsystems Inc. SunOS 5.8 Generic Feb 2000
  7. Determine where you are running the backout_mu command.

    • If you are running backout_mu from the CD, go to Step 8.

    • If you are running backout_mu from a local copy of the MU4 image, go to Step 9.

  8. To mount the MU4 CD, place the CD in the drive and from the root shell prompt, type:

    # mount -o ro -F hsfs /dev/dsk/c0t6d0s0 /cdrom

    Note -

    In some cases, the CD-ROM drive might be on a controller other than c0 or a target other than t6, which would require a different path to the CD-ROM device. Check with your system administrator if you have questions about mounting the CD-ROM drive.

  9. Run backout_mu.

    • From a local copy of the MU4 image, type:

      # cd local_directory
      # ./backout_mu options
    • From the MU4 CD, type:

      # cd /cdrom
      # ./backout_mu options
    Table 3-1 Command-Line Options for backout_mu




    Disables the display of dots that indicate backout_mu activity

    -B backoutdir

    Specifies an alternate directory in which the information required to back a patch out will be held 

    When the backout is complete, the following message is displayed.

    backout_mu completed at date_time.
  10. Reboot the system by typing:

    # sync ; reboot

    You are then prompted for a login.

    Note -

    To prevent the library conflict problem, you must reboot your system after backing out MU4 .

  11. Type your login name and password:

    login: login
    password: password