Mobile IP Administration Guide

How to Create the Mobile IP Configuration File

  1. Become superuser on the system where you want to enable Mobile IP.

  2. Depending on your preference, do one of the following substeps.

    1. In the /etc/inet directory, create an empty file named mipagent.conf.

    2. From the following list, copy the sample file that provides the functionality you want to the file /etc/inet/mipagent.conf.

      • /etc/inet/mipagent.conf.fa-sample

      • /etc/inet/mipagent.conf.ha-sample

      • /etc/inet/mipagent.conf-sample

  3. Add or change configuration parameters in the /etc/inet/mipagent.conf file according to your configuration requirements. The remaining procedures in this section describe the steps that you perform.