Mobile IP Administration Guide

Configuring the Mobile IP Configuration File

When you configure the mipagent.conf file for the first time, you need to perform the following tasks:

  1. Depending on your organization's host's requirements, determine what functionality your Mobile IP agent will provide:

    • Foreign agent functionality only

    • Home agent functionality only

    • Both foreign and home agent functionality

  2. Create the /etc/inet/mipagent.conf file and enter the settings you require using the procedures described in this section. You can also copy one of the following files to /etc/inet/mipagent.conf and modify it according to your requirements:

    • For foreign agent functionality, copy /etc/inet/mipagent.conf.fa-sample.

    • For home agent functionality , copy /etc/inet/mipagent.conf.ha-sample.

    • For both foreign agent and home agent functionality, copy /etc/inet/mipagent.conf-sample.

  3. You can reboot your system to invoke the boot script that starts the mipagent daemon. You can also start mipagent by typing the following command on a command line:

    # /etc/inet.d/mipagent start

Configuring the Mobile IP Configuration File Task Map

The following table provides a brief description of the tasks described in this section.

Table 3–1 Configuring the Mobile IP Configuration File Task Map



For Instructions, Go to ... 

Creating the Mobile IP configuration file 

Involves creating the /etc/inet/mipagent.conf file or copying one of the sample files

How to Create the Mobile IP Configuration File

Configuring the General section

Involves entering the version number into the General section of the Mobile IP configuration file

How to Configure the General Section

Configuring the Advertisements section

Involves adding labels and values or changing them in the Advertisements section of the Mobile IP configuration file

How to Configure the Advertisements Section

Configuring the GlobalSecurityParameters section

Involves adding labels and values or changing them in the GlobalSecurityParameters section of the Mobile IP configuration file

How to Configure the GlobalSecurityParameters Section

Configuring the Pool section

Involves adding labels and values or changing them in the Pool section of the Mobile IP configuration file

How to Configure the Pool Section

Configuring the SPI section

Involves adding labels and values or changing them in the SPI section of the Mobile IP configuration file

How to Configure the SPI Section

Configuring the Address section

Involves adding labels and values or changing them in the Address section of the Mobile IP configuration file

How to Configure the Address Section

How to Create the Mobile IP Configuration File

  1. Become superuser on the system where you want to enable Mobile IP.

  2. Depending on your preference, do one of the following substeps.

    1. In the /etc/inet directory, create an empty file named mipagent.conf.

    2. From the following list, copy the sample file that provides the functionality you want to the file /etc/inet/mipagent.conf.

      • /etc/inet/mipagent.conf.fa-sample

      • /etc/inet/mipagent.conf.ha-sample

      • /etc/inet/mipagent.conf-sample

  3. Add or change configuration parameters in the /etc/inet/mipagent.conf file according to your configuration requirements. The remaining procedures in this section describe the steps that you perform.

How to Configure the General Section

If you copied one of the sample files, you can omit this procedure because the sample file contains this entry.

    Edit the /etc/inet/mipagent.conf file and add the following lines.

         Version = 1.0

Note –

The /etc/inet/mipagent.conf file must contain the preceding entry.

General Section provides descriptions of the labels and values used in this section.

How to Configure the Advertisements Section

    Edit the /etc/inet/mipagent.conf file and add or change the following lines using the values required for your configuration.

    [Advertisements Interface-name]
         HomeAgent = <yes/no>
         ForeignAgent = <yes/no>
         PrefixFlags = <yes/no>
         AdvertiseOnBcast = <yes/no>
         RegLifetime = n
         AdvLifetime = n
         AdvFrequency = n
         ReverseTunnel = <yes/no/FA/HA>
         ReverseTunnelRequired = <yes/no/FA/HA>

Note –

You must include a different Advertisements section for each interface on the local host that provides Mobile IP services.

Advertisements Section provides descriptions of the labels and values used in this section.

How to Configure the GlobalSecurityParameters Section

    Edit the /etc/inet/mipagent.conf file and add or change the following lines using the values required for your configuration.

         MaxClockSkew = n
         HA-FAauth = <yes/no>
         MN-FAauth = <yes/no>
         Challenge = <yes/no>
         KeyDistribution = files

GlobalSecurityParameters Section provides descriptions of the labels and values used in this section.

How to Configure the Pool Section

    Edit the /etc/inet/mipagent.conf file and add or change the following lines using the values required for your configuration.

    [Pool Pool-identifier]
         BaseAddress = IP-address
         Size = size

Pool Section provides descriptions of the labels and values used in this section.

How to Configure the SPI Section

    Edit the /etc/inet/mipagent.conf file and add or change the following lines using the values required for your configuration.

    [SPI SPI-identifier]
         ReplayMethod = <none/timestamps>
         Key = key

Note –

You must include a different SPI section for each security context deployed.

SPI Section provides descriptions of the labels and values used in this section.

How to Configure the Address Section

    Edit the /etc/inet/mipagent.conf file and add or change the following lines using the values required for your configuration.

    • For mobile node with a home address or for an agent

      [Address address]
           Type = <agent/node>
           SPI = SPI-identifier
    • For mobile node identified by its NAI

      [Address NAI]
           Type = Node
           SPI = SPI-identifier
           Pool = Pool-identifier
    • For default mobile node

      [Address Node-Default]
           Type = Node
           SPI = SPI-identifier
           Pool = Pool-identifier

Address Section provides descriptions of the labels and values used in this section.