Mobile IP Administration Guide

How to Configure the Advertisements Section

    Edit the /etc/inet/mipagent.conf file and add or change the following lines using the values required for your configuration.

    [Advertisements Interface-name]
         HomeAgent = <yes/no>
         ForeignAgent = <yes/no>
         PrefixFlags = <yes/no>
         AdvertiseOnBcast = <yes/no>
         RegLifetime = n
         AdvLifetime = n
         AdvFrequency = n
         ReverseTunnel = <yes/no/FA/HA>
         ReverseTunnelRequired = <yes/no/FA/HA>

Note –

You must include a different Advertisements section for each interface on the local host that provides Mobile IP services.

Advertisements Section provides descriptions of the labels and values used in this section.