Solaris Smart Cards Administration Guide

Additional OCF Server Configuration Tasks

OCF server properties define operations of ocfserv on each system. You can change these properties using either the OCF Server Configuration dialog box or the smartcard -c admin command. To change OCF server properties using the command line, use the following basic steps.

  1. Become superuser on the system where you want to change properties.

  2. Change the default server property.

    smartcard -c admin -x modify "property_name=property_value"

    -x modify

    Indicates that you want to modify a property. 


    Represents the property to be modified and the value you want to assign to it. 

How to View OCF Server and Client Properties (Command Line)

  1. Become superuser on the system that you want to configure.

  2. Display the configurable properties.

    # smartcard -c admin

    Your screen should resemble the following:

    Client Properties:
      ClientName.PropertyName   Value
      -----------------------   -----
      default.validcards      = CyberFlex IButton PayFlex
      default.authmechanism   = Pin=UserPin
      default.defaultaid      = A000000062030400
    Server Properties:
      PropertyName             Value
      ------------             -----
      authmechanism           = Pin Password   
      OpenCard.terminals      = com.sun.opencard.terminal.scm.
      ocfserv.protocol        = rpc
      PayFlex.ATR             = 3B6900005792020101000100A9 3B69110000005792020101000100
      authservicelocations    = com.sun.opencard.service.auth       = com.sun.opencard.service.cyberflex.CyberFlexServiceFactory 
    com.sun.opencard.service.ibutton.IButtonServiceFactory com.sun.opencard.service.payflex.
    PayFlexServiceFactory abc.class
      initializerlocations    = com.sun.opencard.cmd.IButtonInit
      IButton.ATR             = 008F0E0000000000000000000004000034909000
      cardservicelocations    = com.sun.opencard.service.common
      CyberFlex.ATR           = 3B169481100601810F 3B169481100601811F
      country                 = US
      debugging.filename      = /tmp/ocf_debugfile
      language                = en
      debugging               = 0

How to Change the Valid Smart Cards for the Server (Console)

See "How to Start the SmartCard Console (Command Line)" for help on starting the SmartCard Console.

By default, all three card types are considered valid by the OCF server.

  1. Select OCF Server from the Navigation pane.

  2. Double-click the icon representing the local system.

  3. Select Valid Smart Cards from the Available Resources list.

  4. Click the check box in the list that you want to deselect or select as a valid smart card type.

  5. Activate the card services for the cards you selected as being valid.

    For instructions on activating card services, see "How to Deactivate or Activate Card Services (Console)".

  6. Click Apply or OK.

How to Change the Default Smart Card for the Server (Console)

See "How to Start the SmartCard Console (Command Line)" for help on starting the SmartCard Console.

  1. Select OCF Server from the Navigation pane.

  2. Double-click the icon representing the local system.

  3. Select Default Smart Cards from the Available Resources list.

  4. Click the check box in the list that represents the card type you want as the default.

    None is selected by default, which means there is no default smart card type.

  5. Activate the card services for the cards you selected as the default.

    For instructions on activating card services, see "How to Deactivate or Activate Card Services (Console)".

  6. Click Apply or OK.