Solaris 8 Advanced Installation Guide

Syntax of Profile Keywords and Values

This section describes the profile keywords and values you can use in a profile.

Note –

Profile keywords and their values are case sensitive.

Table 18–4 provides a quick way to determine which keywords you can use based on your installation scenario. Unless otherwise noted in the keyword descriptions, the keyword can only be used with the initial installation option.

Table 18–4 Overview of Profile Keywords

Installation Scenarios 



Profile Keywords 

Standalone System (Non-Networked) 

Standalone System (Networked) or Server 

OS Server 


Upgrade With Disk Space Reallocation 





















cluster (adding software groups)





cluster (adding/deleting clusters)











fdisk (IA only)





filesys (mounting remote file systems)





filesys (creating local file systems)

































































backup_media Profile Keyword

backup_media type path

Note –

You can use backup_media only with the upgrade option when disk space reallocation is required.

backup_media defines the media that is to be used to back up file systems if space needs to be reallocated during an upgrade because of a lack of space. If multiple tapes or diskettes are required for the backup, you are prompted to insert tapes or diskettes during the upgrade.

Valid type Values

Valid path Values




A local tape drive on the system being upgraded. path must be the character (raw) device path for the tape drive, where n is the number of the tape drive.



A local diskette drive on the system being upgraded. path must be the character (raw) device path for the diskette drive, where n is the number of the diskette drive.

Diskettes used for the backup must be formatted. 




A local file system on the system being upgraded. You cannot specify a local file system that is being changed by the upgrade. path can be a block device path for a disk slice (that is, the tx in /dev/dsk/cwtxdysz might not be needed) or the absolute path to a file system mounted by the /etc/vfstab file.



An NFS file system on a remote system. path must include the name or IP address of the remote system (host) and the absolute path to the NFS file system (file_system). The NFS file system must have read/write access.


A directory on a remote system that can be reached by a remote shell (rsh). The system being upgraded must have access to the remote system through the remote system's .rhosts file. path must include the name of the remote system (host) and the absolute path to the directory (directory). If a user login ID (user) is not specified, root is used by default.


backup_media local_tape /dev/rmt/0

backup_media local_diskette /dev/rdiskette1

backup_media local_filesystem /dev/dsk/c0t3d0s4

backup_media local_filesystem /export

backup_media remote_filesystem system1:/export/temp

backup_media remote_system user1@system1:/export/temp

boot_device Profile Keyword

boot_device device eeprom

boot_device designates the device where JumpStart is to install the root (/) file system and consequently the system's boot device.

If you don't specify the boot_device keyword in a profile, the following boot_device keyword is specified by default during the installation: boot_device any update.

device - Choose the boot device.

eeprom - Choose to update or preserve the system's EEPROM.

Choose if you want to update or preserve the system's EEPROM to the specified boot device.

You must specify the preserve value.

SPARC only –

On SPARC based systems, the eeprom value also enables you to update the system's EEPROM if you change the system's current boot device, so the system can automatically boot from the new boot device.


boot_device c0t0d0s2 update

Note –

boot_device must match any filesys keywords that specify the root (/) file system and the root_device keyword (if specified).

client_arch Profile Keyword

client_arch karch_value ...

client_arch specifies that the operating system server is to support a different platform group than it uses. If you do not specify client_arch in the profile, any diskless client that uses the operating system server must contain the same platform group as the server. You must specify each platform group that you want the operating system server to support.

Valid values for karch_value are: sun4d, sun4m, sun4u, i86pc. (Chapter 31, Platform Names and Groups contains a detailed list of the platform names of various systems.)

Note –

You can use client_arch only when system_type is specified as server.

client_root Profile Keyword

client_root root_size

client_root defines the amount of root space (root_size in Mbytes) to allocate for each client. If you do not specify client_root in a server's profile, the installation software automatically allocates 15 Mbytes of root space per client by default. The size of the client root area is used in combination with the num_clients keyword to determine how much space to reserve for the /export/root file system.

Note –

You can use client_root only when system_type is specified as server.

client_swap Profile Keyword

client_swap swap_size

client_swap defines the amount of swap space (swap_size in Mbytes) to allocate for each diskless client. If you do not specify client_swap in the profile, 32 Mbytes of swap space is allocated by default.


client_swap 64

The previous example specifies that each diskless client is to have a swap space of 64 Mbytes.

Note –

You can use client_swap only when system_type is specified as server.

cluster Profile Keyword (Adding Software Groups)

cluster group_name

cluster designates the software group to add to the system. The group_name for each software group is listed in the following table.

Software Group 




End User System Support 


Developer System Support 


Entire Distribution 


Entire Distribution Plus OEM Support 


You can specify only one software group in a profile, and it must be specified before other cluster and package entries. If you do not specify a software group with cluster in the profile, the end user software group (SUNWCuser) is installed on the system by default.

cluster Profile Keyword (Adding or Deleting Clusters)

cluster cluster_name add_delete_switch

Note –

cluster (adding or deleting clusters) can be used with both the initial installation and upgrade options.

cluster designates whether a cluster is to be added or deleted from the software group that is to be installed on the system.

cluster_name must be in the form SUNWCname. To view detailed information about clusters and their names, start Admintool on an installed system and choose Software from the Browse menu.

add_delete_switch represents the option add or delete, which you use to indicate whether to add or delete the specified cluster. If you do not specify add_delete_switch, add is used by default.

For an upgrade:

dontuse Profile Keyword

dontuse disk_name ...

By default, JumpStart uses all the operational disks on the system when partitioning default is specified. dontuse designates one or more disks that you don't want JumpStart to use. disk_name must be specified in the form cxtydz or cydz, for example, c0t0d0.

Note –

You cannot specify the dontuse keyword and the usedisk keyword in the same profile.

x86: fdisk Profile Keyword

fdisk disk_name type size

fdisk defines how the fdisk partitions are set up on an IA based system. You can specify fdisk more than once. This is what happens by default when fdisk partitions an IA based system:

disk_name - Choose where the fdisk partition is to be created or deleted:

type - Choose what type of fdisk partition is to be created or deleted on the specified disk:

The following table shows the integer and hexadecimal numbers for some of the fdisk types.

fdisk Type



























size - Is one of the following values:

filesys Profile Keyword (Mounting Remote File Systems)

filesys server:path server_address mount_pt_name [[mount_options]]

This instance of filesys sets up the installed system to automatically mount remote file systems when it boots. You can specify filesys more than once.


filesys sherlock:/export/home/user2 - /home

server: - The name of the server where the remote file system is located (followed by a colon).

path - The remote file system's mount point name, /usr or /export/home, for example.

server_address - The IP address of the server specified in server:path. If a name service is not running on the network, this value can be used to populate the /etc/hosts file with the server's host name and IP address. If you don't want to specify the server's IP address (if you have a name service running on the network), you must specify a minus sign (-).

mount_pt_name - The name of the mount point on which the remote file system is to be mounted.

mount_options - One or more mount options (same as the -o option of the mount(1M) command) that are added to the /etc/vfstab entry for the specified mount_pt_name.

Note –

If you need to specify more than one mount option, the mount options must be separated by commas and no spaces (ro,quota, for example).

filesys Profile Keyword (Creating Local File Systems)

filesys slice size [[file_system optional_parameters]]

This instance of filesys creates local file systems during the installation. You can specify filesys more than once.

slice - Choose one of the following options:

size - Choose one of the following options:

file_system - You can use this optional value when slice is specified as any or cwtxdysz. If file_system is not specified, unnamed is set by default, but then you can't specify the optional_parameters value. Choose one of the following options:

optional_parameters - Choose one of the following options:

geo locale Profile Keyword

geo locale

Note –

You can use geo with both the initial installation and upgrade options.

geo designates the regional locale or locales you want to install on a system (or to add when upgrading a system). Values you can specify for locale are:




Northern Africa, including Egypt 


Central America, including Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama 


North America, including Canada, United States 


South America, including Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Paraguay, Peru, Uruguay, Venezuela 


Asia, including Japan, Republic of Korea, People's Republic of China, Taiwan, Thailand 


Australasia, including Australia, New Zealand 


Central Europe, including Austria, Czech Republic, Germany, Hungary, Poland, Slovakia, Switzerland 


Eastern Europe, including Albania, Bosnia, Bulgaria, Croatia, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Macedonia, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Slovenia, Turkey 


Northern Europe, including Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, Sweden 


Southern Europe, including Greece, Italy, Portugal, Spain 


Western Europe, including Belgium, France, Great Britain, Ireland, Netherlands 


Middle East, including Israel 

A complete list of the component locale values that make up each regional locale listed above is presented in Chapter 32, Locale Values.

Note –

You can specify a geo keyword for each locale you need to add to a system.

install_type Profile Keyword

install_type initial_install_upgrade_switch

install_type defines whether to erase and install a new Solaris operating environment on a system or upgrade the existing Solaris environment on a system.

Note –

You must specify install_type in a profile, and it must be the first profile keyword in every profile.

initial_install_upgrade_switch represents the option initial_install or upgrade, which you use to indicate the type of installation to be performed.

You must specify initial_install_upgrade_switch.

Note –

Some profile keywords can only be used with the initial_install option, and this also applies to the upgrade option.

isa_bits Profile Keyword

isa_bits bit_switch

isa_bits specifies whether 64-bit or 32-bit Solaris 8 packages are to be installed.

bit_switch represents the option 64 or 32, which you use to indicate whether 64-bit or 32-bit Solaris 8 packages are to be installed. If you do not set this keyword in the profile, JumpStart installs:

Note –

If you use the isa_bits keyword, you must also use the latest check script in the Solaris_8/Misc/jumpstart_sample directory on the Solaris 8 Software 1 of 2 SPARC Platform Edition or Solaris 8 Software 1 of 2 Intel Platform Edition CD.

layout_constraint Profile Keyword

layout_constraint slice constraint [[minimum_size]]

Note –

You can use layout_constraint only for the upgrade option when you need to reallocate disk space.

layout_constraint designates the constraint auto-layout has on a file system if it needs to reallocate space during an upgrade because of space problems.

If you don't specify the layout_constraint keyword, the:

If you specify one or more layout_constraint keywords, the:

Even though you can't change the constraint on file systems requiring more space for the upgrade (they must be marked changeable), you can use layout_constraint on those file systems to change their minimum_size values.

Note –

To help auto-layout reallocate space, select more file systems to be changeable or moveable, especially those that are located on the same disks as the file systems that require more space for the upgrade.

slice - This is the file system's disk slice on which to specify the constraint. You must specify the system's disk slice in the form cwtxdysz or cxdysz.

constraint - Choose one the following constraints for the specified file system:

minimum_size - This value specifies the size of the file system after auto-layout reallocates space. This option enables you to change the size of a file system. The size of the file system may end up being more if unallocated space is added to it, but the size is never less than the value you specify. You can use this optional value only if you have marked a file system as changeable, and the minimum size cannot be less than what the file system needs for its existing contents.


layout_constraint c0t3d0s1 changeable 200

layout_constraint c0d0s4 movable

layout_constraint c0t3d1s3 available

layout_constraint c0t2d0s1 collapse

locale locale_name Profile Keyword

locale locale_name

Note –

You can use locale with both the initial installation and upgrade options.

locale designates the locale packages you want to install (or to add when upgrading) for the specified locale_name. The locale_name values are the same as those used for the $LANG environment variable. Chapter 32, Locale Values contains a list of valid locale values.

Note –

If you have preconfigured a default locale, it is automatically installed. The English language packages are installed by default.

Note –

You can specify a locale keyword for each locale you need to add to a system.

num_clients Profile Keyword

num_clients client_num

When a server is installed, space is allocated for each diskless client's root (/) and swap file systems. num_clients defines the number of diskless clients (client_num) that a server supports. If you do not specify num_clients in the profile, five diskless clients are allocated by default.

Note –

You can use num_clients only when system_type is specified as server.

package Profile Keyword

package package_name [[add_delete_switch]]

Note –

You can use package with both the initial installation and upgrade options.

package designates whether a package is to be added to or deleted from the software group that is to be installed on the system.

You must specify package_name in the form SUNWname. Use the pkginfo -l command or Admintool (choose Software from the Browse menu) on an installed system to view detailed information about packages and their names.

add_delete_switch represents the option add or delete, which you use to indicate whether to add or delete the specified package. If you do not specify add_delete_switch, add is used by default.

For an upgrade:

partitioning Profile Keyword

partitioning type

partitioning defines how the disks are divided into slices for file systems during the installation.

type - Choose one of the following options:

If you do not specify partitioning in the profile, the default type of partitioning is used by default.

root_device Profile Keyword

root_device slice

Note –

You can use root_device with both the initial installation and upgrade options.

root_device designates the system's root disk. How the System's Root Disk Is Determined contains additional information.

For an upgrade:

root_device designates the root (/) file system and the file systems mounted by its /etc/vfstab file to be upgraded. You must specify root_device if more than one root (/) file system can be upgraded on a system. You must specify slice in the form cwtxdysz or cxdysz.


root_device c0t0d0s2

Note –

If you specify root_device on a system with only one disk, the root_device and the disk must match. Also, any filesys keywords that specify the root (/) file system must match root_device.

system_type Profile Keyword

system_type type_switch

system_type defines the type of system on which the Solaris environment is to be installed.

type_switch represents the option standalone or server, which you use to indicate the type of system on which Solaris is to be installed. If you do not specify system_type in a profile, standalone is used by default.

usedisk Profile Keyword

usedisk disk_name ...

By default, JumpStart uses all the operational disks on the system when you specify partitioning default. The usedisk profile keyword designates one or more disks that you want JumpStart to use. You must specify disk_name in the form cxtydz or cydz, for example, c0t0d0 or c0d0s0.

If you specify usedisk in a profile, JumpStart uses only the disks that you specify after the usedisk keyword.

Note –

You cannot specify the usedisk keyword and the dontuse keyword in the same profile.