Solaris 8 Advanced Installation Guide

Planning the Installation of Web Start Flash Archives

The final task in the Web Start Flash installation process is to install Web Start Flash archives on clone systems.

Deciding How to Install Web Start Flash Archives

You can use any of the Solaris installation methods to install Web Start Flash archives on clone systems.

The Solaris Web Start program on the Solaris 8 DVD or on the Solaris 8 Installation CD enables you to install Web Start Flash archives that are stored on the following:

The CLI of the Solaris 8 Interactive Installation Program on the Solaris 8 Software 1 of 2 CD enables you to install Web Start Flash archives that are stored on the following:

The custom JumpStart installation program enables you to install Web Start Flash archives that are stored on the following:

Installing Layered Web Start Flash Archives

The Web Start Flash installation feature provides the ability to layer Web Start Flash archives. You can create partial Web Start Flash archives to install in a variety of ways.

For example, you can create one archive that contains the Solaris operating environment files, a second archive that contains the files necessary to run a Web server, and a third archive that contains the files for an NFS server. You can install the first and second archives to a system to create a Web server. You can install the first and third archives to another system to create an NFS server.

By using layered archives, you can increase the flexibility of the Web Start Flash installation while you reduce the disk space that is required to store Web Start Flash archives. When you install layered archives to a clone system, one of the archives must contain the Solaris operating environment.

Note –

If you use layered Web Start Flash archives to install additional software on clone systems separately from the Solaris operating environment, the Solaris package database has no record of the additional software.