Solaris 8 2/02 Release Notes Supplement for Sun Hardware

Documents on the Software Supplement for the Solaris 8 2/02 Operating Environment CD

Note –

In this document, the CD labeled “Software Supplement for the Solaris 8 2/02 Operating Environment” is called the “Supplement CD”.

Table 1–1 lists the documents available on the Supplement CD that are not included in AnswerBookTM or man page collections:

Table 1–1 Documents on the Supplement CD




Readme file for Solaris 8 2/02 Sun Supplement CD 


Solaris 8 2/02 Sun Hardware Platform Guide


Platform Notes: The dmfe Fast Ethernet Device Driver


ShowMe TV™ 1.3 User's Guide


SunForum™ User's Guide

Note –

The _en indicates an English language document. Other languages may be indicated, depending on locale.

The Supplement CD also contains other documentation in AnswerBook packages and in man page packages. The documentation in AnswerBook packages can only be read through the AnswerBook2™ server software provided on the Solaris Documentation CD. Documents in the man page packages can only be read through the man command. Refer to the Solaris 8 2/02 Sun Hardware Platform Guide for details on installing these packages from the Supplement CD.