Hardware Certification Test Suite 2.3 Installation Guide

Installing the HCTS Application

Use the following procedure to install the HCTS application on your test system.

Caution – Caution –

Installing HCTS on your test machine creates a security issue. During the installation process, the installation script executes an xhost + command that opens up access to your system. HCTS should only be installed on a non-production system on a private network.

ProcedureHow to Install HCTS

  1. Change to the hcts.2.3 directory.

  2. Become superuser.

    $ su

  3. Run the installation script.

    # ./install.hcts

  4. Press Enter when prompted by the installation script.

    Watch for any error messages and respond to any prompts accordingly.

    The installation script verifies that no previous version of HCTS is on your system. If an old version of HCTS is installed, go to Uninstalling the HCTS Application.

What Happens During the Installation Process

The installation script performs a number of actions while installing HCTS on your system. Some of these actions includes the following:

Where to Go From Here

After you have successfully installed HCTS on your test system, you can start certifying your system. Refer to the following materials to perform the certification tasks:

All of these documents provide information about various steps in the certification process. For complete information about the SolarisTM Operating System x86 Platform Edition Certification Program, go to the HCTS web site:


Note –

Before beginning any network controller certification, you must disable NIS.

Note –

After the completing the certification process, reinstall your test system to its original configuration to remove any changes that might have been introduced by the certification process.