Sun Java System Access Manager 7 2005Q4 Release Notes

SDK and Client Issues

Can't remove Session Service configuration for a subrealm (6318296)

After creating a subrealm of the top-level realm and adding the Session Service to it, a subsequent attempt to remove the Session Service configuration caused an error message.

Workaround: Remove the default top-level ID repository, AMSDK1, and then add this repository back into the configuration.

This problem is fixed in patch 1. See Access Manager 7 2005Q4 Patch 1 for information about applying the patch for your specific platform.

CDC servlet redirecting to the invalid login page when policy condition is specified (6311985)

With the Apache agent 2.2 in CDSSO mode, when accessing the agent protected resource, the CDC servlet redirects the user to the anonymous authentication page, instead of the default login page.

Workaround: None. This problem is fixed in patch 1. See Access Manager 7 2005Q4 Patch 1 for information about applying the patch for your specific platform.

Clients do not get notifications after the server restarts (6309161)

Applications written using the client SDK (amclientsdk.jar) do not get notifications if the server restarts.

Workaround: None.

SDK clients need to restart after service schema change (6292616)

If you modify any service schema, ServiceSchema.getGlobalSchema returns the old schema and not the new schema.

Workaround: Restart the client after a service schema change.

This problem is fixed in patch 1. See Access Manager 7 2005Q4 Patch 1 for information about applying the patch for your specific platform.