Sun Java System Access Manager 7 2005Q4 Release Notes

CR# 6520326: Applying patch 5 to a second Access Manager instance on a server overwrites serverconfig.xml for first instance

In this deployment scenario, two Access Manager instances are deployed on the same host server, with each instance on a different web container instance. You then follow these steps:

  1. Apply patch 5.

  2. Modify the amsilent file and redeploy the first Access Manager instance.

  3. Modify the amsilent again for the second Access Manager instance, and then redeploy that instance.

If NEW_INSTANCE=false in the amsilent file, the serverconfig.xml file for the first Access Manager instance is overwritten with information from the second Access Manager instance. A subsequent restart of the first Access Manager instance fails. The serverconfig.xml file is in the following directory depending on your platform:

Workaround: When you deploy the second Access Manager, set NEW_INSTANCE=true in the amsilent file. The serverconfig.xml file for the second Access Manager instance is then updated with the correct information, and the serverconfig.xml file for the first Access Manager instance is not overwritten.