Sun Java System Access Manager 7 2005Q4 Administration Guide

ProcedureTo Install Directory Server

  1. Run the first Java ES invocation to install Directory Server (either local or remote) with the Configure Now option. The Configure Now option allows you to configure the first instance during the installation by the choices (or default values) that you select.

  2. Run the second Java ES invocation to install Access Manager with the Configure Later option. This option Installs the Access Manager 2005Q4 components. After installation, you must configure Access Manager.

    WebLogic and WebSphere are installed independently of Java ES, so the Installer does not contain the necessary configuration data to automatically deploy the containers. Because of this, you must select the Configure Later option when installing Access Manager. This option leaves your Access Manager deployment in the following state:

    • The active Directory Server (either Local or Remote) does not have Access Manager DIT data loaded.

      • Access Manager configuration files are not automatically loaded.

      • Access Manager web application .war files are not generated.

      • Access Manager deployment and post-installation configuration processes are not automatically started and run.

        For detailed installation instructions, refer to the Sun Java Enterprise System Installation Guide located at