Sun Java System Access Manager 7 2005Q4 Administration Guide

Part I Access Manager Configuration

This is part one of the Sun Java System Access ManagerTM 7 2005Q4 Administration Guide. It discusses configuration options that you can perform after Access Manager installation. This part contains the following chapters:

Chapter 1 Access Manager 7 2005Q4 Configuration Scripts

This chapter describes how to configure and deploy Sun JavaTM System Access Manager using the amconfig script and the sample silent mode input file (amsamplesilent). Topics include:

Access Manager 7 2005Q4 Installation Overview

For a new installation, always install the first instance of Access Manager 7 2005Q4 by running the Sun Java Enterprise System (Java ES) installer. When you run the installer, you can select either of these configuration options for Access Manager:

Note –

If you are installing BEA WebLogic or IBM WebSphere Application Server as the Access Manager web container, you must choose the Configure Later option when installing Access Manager. See Chapter 2, Installing and Configuring Third-Party Web Containers for more information.

For information about the installer, refer to the Sun Java Enterprise System 2005Q4 Installation Guide for UNIX.

The Java Enterprise System installer installs the Access Manager 7 2005Q4 amconfig script and sample silent mode input file (amsamplesilent) in the AccessManager-base /SUNWam/bin directory on Solaris systems or the AccessManager-base/identity/bin directory on Linux systems.

AccessManager-base represents the Access Manager base installation directory. On Solaris systems, the default base installation directory is /opt, and on Linux systems, it is /opt/sun. However, you can specify another directory, if you prefer, when you run the installer.

The amconfig script is a top-level script that calls other scripts as needed to perform the requested operation. For more information, see the Access Manager amconfig Script.

The sample configuration script input file (amsamplesilent) is a template that you can use to create the input file that you must specify when you run the amconfig script in silent mode.

This sample configuration script input file is an ASCII text file that contains Access Manager configuration variables. Before you run the amconfig script, copy (and rename, if you wish) the amsamplesilent file, and then edit the variables in the file based on your system environment. The configuration variables are in the following format:


For example:


For a list of the variables you can set in a configuration script input file, see the Access Manager Sample Configuration Script Input FileAccess Manager Sample Configuration Script Input File.

Caution – Caution –

The format of the sample configuration script input file used when you run the amconfig script in silent mode does not follow the same format or necessarily use the same variable names as a Java Enterprise System silent installation state file. This file contains sensitive data, such as the administrator password. Make sure to protect or delete this file as appropriate.

Access Manager amconfig Script Operations

After you install first instance of Access Manager using the Sun Java Enterprise System installer, you can run the amconfig script to perform the following operations, depending on the values of the variables in the silent mode input file:

Access Manager Sample Configuration Script Input File

After you run the Java Enterprise System installer, the Access Manager sample configuration script input file (amsamplesilent) is available in the AccessManager-base/SUNWam/bin directory on Solaris systems or the AccessManager-base/identity/bin directory on Linux systems.

To set configuration variables, first copy and rename the amsamplesilent file. Then set the variables in the copy for the operation you want to perform. For an example of this file, see Example Configuration Script Input File.

This sample silent mode input file contains the following configuration variables:

Deployment Mode Variable

This section describes the values for the required DEPLOY_LEVEL variable. This variable determines the operation you want the amconfig script to perform.

Table 1–1 Access Manager DEPLOY_LEVEL Variable


DEPLOY_LEVEL Variable Value and Description  


1 = Full Access Manager installation for a new instance (default) 

2 = Install Access Manager console only 

3 = Install Access Manager SDK only 

4 = Install SDK only and configure the container 

5 = Install Federation Management module only 

6 = Install server only 

7=Install Access Manager and configure the container for deploying with Portal Server. 

Caution DEPLOY_MODE=7 is intended only for deploying Access Manager with Portal Server.

For some deployments, you might want to install the console only and server only on a single host server using different web containers. First, run the Java ES installer to install all Access Manager subcomponents using the Configure Later option. Then, run the amconfig script to configure both the console and server instances.

Uninstall (unconfigure) 

11 = Full uninstall 

12 = Uninstall console only 

13 = Uninstall SDK only 

14 = Uninstall SDK only and unconfigure the container 

15 = Uninstall Federation Management module 

16 = Uninstall server only 

Uninstall Access Manager and unconfigure the container when deployed with Portal Server. 

Caution DEPLOY_MODE=7 is intended only when Access Manager is deployed with Portal Server.


(also referred to as re-deploy or re-configure) 

21 = Redeploy all (console, password, services, and common) web applications. 

26 = Undeploy all (console, password, services, and common) web applications. 

Access Manager Configuration Variables

This section describes the Access Manager configuration variables.

Table 1–2 Access Manager Configuration Variables




Indicates the Access Manager mode: 

  • enabled: Access Manager operates in Realm Mode, with Access Manager 7 2005Q4 features and console.

  • disabled: Access Manager operates in Legacy Mode, with Access Manager 6 2005Q1 features and console.

Default: enabled 

Caution – Caution –

Access Manager Realm Mode is enabled by default. If you are deploying Access Manager with Portal Server, Messaging Server, Calendar Server, Delegated Administrator, or Instant Messaging, you must select Legacy Mode (AM_REALM=disabled) before you run the amconfig script.


Base installation directory for Access Manager packages. 


For Solaris systems, PLATFORM_DEFAULT is /opt

For Linux systems, PLATFORM_DEFAULT is /opt/sun


Fully qualified host name of the system where Access Manager is running (or will be installed). 

For a remote SDK installation, set this variable to the host where Access Manager is (or will be) installed and not the remote client host. 

This variable should match the counterpart variable in the web container configuration. For example, for Application Server 8, this variable should match AS81_HOST. 


Access Manager port number. Default: 58080 

For a remote SDK installation, set this variable to the port on the host where Access Manager is (or will be) installed and not the remote client host. 

This variable should match the counterpart variable in the web container configuration. For example, for Application Server 8, this variable should match AS81_PORT. 


Server protocol: http or https. Default: http 

For a remote SDK installation, set this variable to the protocol on the host where Access Manager is (or will be) installed and not the remote client host. 

This variable should match the counterpart variable in the web container configuration. For example, for Application Server 8, this variable should match AS81_PROTOCOL. 


Fully qualified host name of the server where the console is installed. 

Default: Value provided for the Access Manager host  


Port of the web container where the console is installed and listens for connections. 

Default: Value provided for the Access Manager port  


Protocol of the web container where the console is installed. 

Default: Server protocol  


Set to true if the console is remote from the Access Manager services. Otherwise, set to false. Default: false 


Fully qualified host name of Directory Server. 


Directory Server port. Default: 389. 


Directory manager DN: the user who has unrestricted access to Directory Server. 

Default: "cn=Directory Manager"


Password for the directory manager 

See the note about special characters in the description of Access Manager Configuration Variables.


Initial or root suffix of the directory. You must make sure that this value exists in the Directory Server you are using. 

See the note about special characters in the description of Access Manager Configuration Variables.


Password for the administrator (amadmin). Must be different from the password for amldapuser.

Note: If the password contains special characters such as a slash (/) or backslash (\\), the special character must be enclosed by single quotes (”). For example:


However, the password cannot have a single quote as one of the actual password characters. 


Password for amldapuser. Must be different from the password for amadmin.

See the note about special characters in the description of Access Manager Configuration Variables.


URI prefix for accessing the HTML pages, classes and JAR files associated with the Access Manager Administration Console subcomponent. 

Default: /amconsole


URI prefix for accessing the HTML pages, classes, and JAR files associated with the Identity Management and Policy Services Core subcomponent. 

Default: /amserver


URI that determines the mapping that the web container running Access Manager will use between a string you specify and a corresponding deployed application. 

Default: /ampassword


URI prefix for accessing the common domain services on the web container. 

Default: /amcommon


Names of the trusted DNS domains that Access Manager returns to a browser when it grants a session ID to a user. At least one value should be present. In general, the format is the server’s domain name preceded with a period. 



Path to the JDK installation directory. Default: /usr/jdk/entsys-j2se. This variable provides the JDK used by the command line interface’s (such as amadmin) executables. The version must be 1.4.2 or later.


Password encryption key: String that Access Manager uses to encrypt user passwords. Default: none. When the value is set to none, amconfig will generate a password encryption key for the user, so a password encryption will exist for the installation that is either specified by the user or created through amconfig .

Important: If you are deploying multiple instances of Access Manager or the remote SDK, all instances must use the same password encryption key. When you deploy an additional instance, copy the value from the am.encryption.pwd property in the file for the first instance.


Locale of the platform. Default: en_US (US English)


New owner for the Access Manager files after installation. Default: root


New group for the Access Manager files after installation. Default: other

For a Linux installation, set NEW_GROUP to root.


Name of the PAM service from the PAM configuration or stack that comes with the operating system and is used for the Unix authentication module (normally other for Solaris or password for Linux). Default: other.


XML encoding. Default: ISO-8859-1


Specifies whether the configuration script should deploy Access Manager to a new user-created web container instance: 

  • true = To deploy Access Manager to a new user-created web container instance other than an instance that already exists.

  • false = To configure the first instance or re-configure an instance.

    Default: false


Is not used in this release. 

Web Container Configuration Variables

To specify the web container for Access Manager, set the WEB_CONTAINER variable in the silent mode input file. For the versions of the web containers supported by Access Manager 7 2005Q4, see the Sun Java System Access Manager 7 2005Q4 Release Notes.

Table 1–3 Access Manager WEB_CONTAINER Variable


Web Container 

WS6 (default) 

Sun Java System Web Server 6.1 SP5


Sun Java System Application Server 8.1


BEA WebLogic Server 8.1


IBM WebSphere 5.1

Sun Java System Web Server 6.1 SP5

This section describes the configuration variables for Web Server 6.1 2005Q4 SP5 in the silent mode input file.

Table 1–4 Web Server 6.1 Configuration Variables




Name of the Web Server instance on which Access Manager will be deployed or un-deployed. 

Default: https-web-server-instance-name

where web-server-instance-name is the Access Manager host (Access Manager Configuration Variables variable)


Web Server base installation directory. 

Default: /opt/SUNWwbsvr


Protocol used by the Web Server instance set by the Sun Java System Web Server 6.1 SP5 variable where Access Manager will be deployed: http or https.

Default: Access Manager protocol (Access Manager Configuration Variables variable)


Fully qualified host name for the Web Server instance ( Sun Java System Web Server 6.1 SP5 variable).

Default: Access Manager host instance (Access Manager Configuration Variables variable)


Port on which Web Server listens for connections. 

Default: Access Manager port number (Access Manager Configuration Variables variable)


Port on which the Web Server Administration Server listens for connections. 

Default: 8888 


User ID of the Web Server administrator. 

Default: "admin"

Sun Java System Application Server 8.1

This section describes the configuration variables for Application Server 8.1 in the silent mode input file.

Table 1–5 Application Server 8.1 Configuration Variables




Path to the directory where Application Server 8.1 is installed. 

Default: /opt/SUNWappserver/appserver


Protocol used by the Application Server instance: http or https. 

Default: Access Manager protocol (Access Manager Configuration Variables variable)


Fully qualified domain name (FQDN) on which the Application Server instance listens for connections. 

Default: Access Manager host (Access Manager Configuration Variables variable)


Port on which Application Server instance listens for connections. 

Default: Access Manager port number (Access Manager Configuration Variables variable)


Port on which the Application Server administration server listens for connections. 

Default: 4849 


Name of the user who administers the Application Server administration server for the domain into which Application Server is being displayed. 

Default: admin


Password for the Application Server administrator for the domain into which Application Server is being displayed. 

See the note about special characters in the description of Access Manager Configuration Variables.


Name of the Application Server instance that will run Access Manager. 

Default: server


Path to the Application Server directory for the domain to which you want to deploy this Access Manager instance. 

Default: domain1


Path to the directory where Application Server stores files for the instance. 

Default: /var/opt/SUNWappserver/domains/domain1


Directory where Application Server stores content documents. 

Default: /var/opt/SUNWappserver/domains/domain1/docroot


Specifies whether the Application Server administration instance is using SSL: 

  • true: Secure port is enabled (HTTPS protocol).

  • false: Secure port is not enabled (HTTP protocol).

    Default: true (enabled)

    In ampsamplesilent, there is an additional setting that specified whether the application server administration port is secure:

  • true: The application server administration port is secure (HTTPS protocol).

  • false: The application server administration port is not secure (HTTP protocol).

    Default: True (enabled).

BEA WebLogic Server 8.1

This section describes the configuration variables for BEA WebLogic Server 8.1 in the silent mode input file.

Table 1–6 BEA WebLogic Server 8.1 Configuration Variables




WebLogic home directory. Default: /usr/local/bea


WebLogic project directory. Default: user_projects


WebLogic domain name. Default: mydomain


WebLogic server name. Default: myserver


WebLogic instance name. Default: /usr/local/bea/weblogic81 ($WL8_HOME/weblogic81)


WebLogic protocol. Default: http 


WebLogic host name. Default: Host name of the server 


WebLogic port. Default: 7001 


WebLogic SSL port. Default: 7002 


WebLogic administrator. Default: "weblogic"


WebLogic administrator password. 

See the note about special characters in the description of Access Manager Configuration Variables.


WebLogic JDK home directory. Default: BEA WebLogic Server 8.1 /jdk142_04


Should be set to the parent directory of the location of the WebLogic start script. 

IBM WebSphere 5.1

This section describes the configuration variables for IBM WebSphere Server 5.1 in the silent mode input file.

Table 1–7 IBM WebSphere 5.1 Configuration Variables




WebSphere home directory. Default: /opt/WebSphere/AppServer


WebSphere JDK home directory. Default: /opt/WebSphere/AppServer/java


WebSphere cell. Default: hostname value 


WebSphere node name. Default: host name of the server where WebSphere is installed. Default: hostname value 


WebSphere instance name. Default: server1


WebSphere protocol. Default: http 


WebSphere host name. Default: Hostname of the server


WebSphere port. Default: 9080 


WebSphere SSL port. Default: 9081 


WebSphere administrator. Default: "admin"


WebSphere administrator port. Default: 9090 

Directory Server Configuration Variables

For the versions of Directory Server supported by Access Manager 7 2005Q4, see the Sun Java System Access Manager 7 2005Q4 Release Notes. This section describes the Directory Server configuration variables in the silent mode input file.

Table 1–8 Directory Server Configuration Variables




Directory Server modes: 

1 = Use for a new installation of a Directory Information Tree (DIT). 

2 = Use for an existing DIT. The naming attributes and object classes are the same, so the configuration scripts load the installExisting.ldif and umsExisting.ldif files.

The configuration scripts also update the LDIF and properties files with the actual values entered during configuration (for example, BASE_DIR, SERVER_HOST, and ROOT_SUFFIX). 

This update is also referred to as “tag swapping,” because the configuration scripts replace the placeholder tags in the files with the actual configuration values. 

3 = Use for an existing DIT when you want to do a manual load. The naming attributes and object classes are different, so the configuration scripts do not load the installExisting.ldif and umsExisting.ldif files. The scripts perform tag swapping (described for mode 2).

You should inspect and modify (if needed) the LDIF files and then manually load the LDIF files and services. 

4 = Use for an existing multi-server installation. The configuration scripts do not load the LDIF files and services, because the operation is against an existing Access Manager installation. The scripts perform tag swapping only (described for mode 2) and adds a server entry in the platform list. 

5 = Use for an existing upgrade. The scripts perform tag swapping only (described for mode 2). 

Default: 1 


User naming attribute: Unique identifier for the user or resource within its relative name space. Default: uid


Naming attribute of the user’s company or organization. Default: o


Organization object class. Default: sunismanagedorganization


User object class. Default: inetorgperson


Default organization name. Default: none 

Access Manager amconfig Script

After you run the Java Enterprise System installer, the amconfig script is available in the AccessManager-base /SUNWam/bin directory on Solaris systems or the AccessManager-base/identity/bin directory on Linux systems.

The amconfig script reads a silent configuration input file and then calls other scripts in silent mode, as needed, to perform the requested operation.

To run the amconfig script, use this syntax:

amconfig -s



-s runs amconfig in silent mode.

input-file is the silent configuration input file that contains the configuration variables for the operation you want to perform. For more information, see Access Manager Sample Configuration Script Input File.

Several considerations for running the amconfig script are:

Note –

In the Access Manager 7 2005Q4 release, the following scripts are not supported:

Also, by default amserver start starts only the authentication amsecuridd and amunixd helpers. The amsecuridd helper is available only on the Solaris OS SPARC platform.

Access Manager Deployment Scenarios

After you have installed the first instance of Access Manager using the Java Enterprise System installer, you can deploy and configure additional Access Manager instances by editing the configuration variables in the silent configuration input file and then running the amconfig script.

This section describes the following scenarios:

Deploying Additional Instances of Access Manager

Before you can deploy a new instance of Access Manager, you must create and start the new web container instance using the administration tools for the web container. For information, refer to the specific web container documentation:

The steps described in this section only apply to an Access Manager instance that has been installed with the Configure Now option. If you are planning to use WebLogic or WebSphere as web containers, you must use the Configure Later option when installing Access Manager. See Chapter 2, Installing and Configuring Third-Party Web Containers for more information.

Deploying an Additional Access Manager Instance

This section describes how to deploy an additional Access Manager instance on a different host server and update the Platform Server List.

ProcedureTo Deploy an Additional Access Manager Instance

  1. Log in as an administrator, depending on the web container for the instance. For example, if Web Server 6.1 will be the web container for the new instance, log in either as superuser (root) or as the user account for the Web Server Administration Server.

  2. Copy the amsamplesilent file to a writable directory and make that directory your current directory. For example, you might create a directory named /newinstances.

    Tip Rename the copy of the amsamplesilent file to describe the new instance you want to deploy. For example, the following steps use an input file named amnewws6instance to install a new instance for Web Server 6.1.

  3. Set the following variables in the new amnewws6instance file:


    Set other variables in the amnewws6instance file as required for the new instance you want to create. For a description of these variables, refer to the tables in the following sections:

  4. Run the amconfig, specifying the new amnewws6instance file. For example, on Solaris systems:

    # cd opt/SUNWam/bin/
     # ./amconfig -s ./newinstances/amnewws6instance

    The -s option runs the amconfig script in silent mode.

    The amconfig script calls other configuration scripts as needed, using variables in the amnewws6instance file to deploy the new instance.

ProcedureTo Update the Platform Server List

When you crate an additional container instance, you must update the Access Manager Platform Server list to reflect the addition of the container(s).

  1. Log in to the Access Manager Console as the top-level administrator.

  2. Click on the Service Configuration tab.

  3. Click on the Platform service.

  4. Enter the following information for the new instance in the Server List:


    The instance number should be the next available number that is not in use.

  5. Click Add.

  6. Click Save.

Configuring and Reconfiguring an Instance of Access Manager

You can configure an instance of Access Manager that was installed with the Configure Later option or reconfigure the first instance that was installed using Configure Now option in the Java Enterprise System installer by running the amconfig script.

For example, you might want to reconfigure an instance to change the Access Manager owner and group.

ProcedureTo Configure or Reconfigure an Instance of Access Manager

  1. Log in as an administrator, depending on the web container for the instance. For example, if Web Server 6.1 is the web container, log in either as superuser (root) or as the user account for Web Server Administration Server.

  2. Copy the silent configuration input file you used to deploy the instance to a writable directory and make that directory your current directory. For example, to reconfigure an instance for Web Server 6.1, the following steps use an input file named amnewinstanceforWS61 in the /reconfig directory.

  3. In the amnewinstanceforWS61 file, set the DEPLOY_LEVEL variable to one of the values described for a Deployment Mode Variable operation. For example, set DEPLOY_LEVEL=21 to reconfigure a full installation.

  4. In the amnewinstanceforWS61 file, set the NEW_INSTANCE variable to false:

  5. Set other variables in the amnewinstanceforWS61 file to reconfigure the instance. For example, to change the owner and group for the instance, set the NEW_OWNER and NEW_GROUP variables to their new values.

    For a description of other variables, refer to the tables in the following sections:

  6. Run the amconfig script, specifying your edited input file. For example, on Solaris systems:

    # cd opt/SUNWam/bin/
     # ./amconfig -s ./reconfig/amnewinstanceforWS61

    The -s option runs the script in silent mode. The amconfig script calls other configuration scripts as needed, using variables in the amnewinstanceforWS61 file to reconfigure the instance.

Uninstalling Access Manager

You can uninstall an instance of Access Manager that was installed by running the amconfig script. You can also temporarily unconfigure an instance of Access Manager, and unless you remove the web container instance, it is still available for you to re-deploy another Access Manager instance later.

ProcedureTo Uninstall an Instance of Access Manager

  1. Log in as an administrator, depending on the web container for the instance. For example, if Web Server 6.1 is the web container, log in either as superuser (root) or as the user account for Web Server Administration Server.

  2. Copy the silent configuration input file you used to deploy the instance to a writable directory and make that directory your current directory. For example, to unconfigure an instance for Web Server 6.1, the following steps use an input file named amnewinstanceforWS61 in the /unconfigure directory.

  3. In the amnewinstanceforWS61 file, set the DEPLOY_LEVEL variable to one of the values described for an Deployment Mode Variable operation. For example, set DEPLOY_LEVEL=11 to uninstall (or unconfigure) a full installation.

  4. Run the amconfig script, specifying your edited input file. For example, on Solaris systems:

    # cd opt/SUNWam/bin/
     # ./amconfig -s ./unconfigure/aminstanceforWS61

    The -s option runs the script in silent mode. The amconfig script reads the amnewinstanceforWS61 file and then uninstalls the instance.

    The web container instance is still available if you want to use it to re-deploy another Access Manager instance later.

Uninstalling All Access Manager Instances

This scenario completely removes all Access Manager 7 2005Q4 instances and packages from a system.

ProcedureTo Completely Remove Access Manager 7 2005Q4 From a System

  1. Log in as or become superuser (root).

  2. In the input file you used to deploy the instance, set the DEPLOY_LEVEL variable to one of the values described for an Deployment Mode Variable operation. For example, set DEPLOY_LEVEL=11 to uninstall (or unconfigure) a full installation.

  3. Run the amconfig script using the file you edited in Uninstalling All Access Manager Instances. For example on Solaris systems:

    # cd opt/SUNWam/bin/ 
    # ./amconfig -s ./newinstances/amnewws6instance

    The amconfig script runs in silent mode to uninstall the instance.

    Repeat these steps for any other Access Manager instances you want to uninstall, except for the first instance, which is the instance you installed using the Java Enterprise System installer.

  4. To uninstall the first instance and remove all Access Manager packages from the system, run the Java Enterprise System uninstaller. For information about the uninstaller, refer to the Sun Java Enterprise System 2005Q4 Installation Guide for UNIX.

Example Configuration Script Input File

The following section includes an example of an Access Manager configuration script input file for deployment with WebLogic 8.1.

DS_DIRMGRDN=”cn=Directory Manager”
Sample Configuration Script Input File for WebLogic 8.1.x

Chapter 2 Installing and Configuring Third-Party Web Containers

This chapter describes the procedures for installing and configuring third-party web containers deployed with Sun Java™ System Access Manager. For this release, Access Manager supports BEA WebLogic 8.1 (and its current patches) and IBM WebSphere 5.1 (and its current patches).

WebLogic and WebSphere are not part of the Java Enterprise System, so you must install and configure them independently of the Java ES Install program. In general the procedures are:

Installing and Configuring BEA WebLogic 8.1

Before you install WebLogic, make sure that your host domain is registered in DNS. Also, verify that you are installing the correct version of the WebLogic software. For more information, go to the BEA product site at

ProcedureTo Install and Configure WebLogic 8.1

  1. Unpack the downloaded software image, either in .zip or .gz format. Make sure that the zip/gzip utility is for the correct platform or you may receive a checksum error during the unpackaging.

  2. Run the installation program from a shell window of your target system.

    Follow the procedures provided by the WebLogic installation utility (detailed installation instructions can be found at

    During the installation process, make sure that you record the following information, to be used later in the Access Manager configuration:

    • FQDN (used in the WL8_HOST parameter)

      • installation location

      • port number

  3. Once installation is complete, run the WebLogic configuration tool to configure the domain and server instance from the following location:


    By default, WebLogic defines the server instance as myserver and the domain as mydomain. It is unlikely that you will choose to use these defaults. If you create a new domain and instance, make sure that you record the information for Access Manager configuration and deployment. See the WebLogic 8.1 documentation for instructions.

  4. If you are installing on an administration instance, start WebLogic by using the utility from the following location:

    WebLogic-base/WebLogic-Userhome/domains/ WebLogic-domain/

    If you are installing on a managed instance, start WebLogic by using the following command:

    WebLogic-base/WebLogic-Userhome/domains/ WebLogic-domain/startManagedWebLogic WebLogic-managed-instancename admin-url

Installing and Configuring IBM WebSphere 5.1

Before you install WebSphere, make sure that your host domain is registered in DNS and verify that you are installing the correct version of the WebSphere software for your platform. For more information, go to the IBM product support website at

ProcedureTo Install and Configure WebSphere 5.1

  1. Unpack the downloaded software image, either in .zip or .gz format. Make sure that the zip/gzip utility is for the correct platform or you may receive a checksum error during the unpackaging.

  2. Run the installation program from a shell window of your target system. If you are planning on installing a patch, install the 5.1 version first and apply the patch later. Detailed installation instructions can be found at

    During the installation process, make sure that you record the following information to be used later in the Access Manager configuration:

    • hostname

      • domain name

      • cell name

      • node name

      • port number

      • installation directory

      • WebSphere instance name

      • administration port

        By default, WebSphere defines the server instance as server1, however it is unlikely that you will the default. If you create a new instance, make sure that you record the information for Access Manager configuration and deployment. See the WebSphere 5.1 documentation for instructions.

  3. Verify that the installation was successful.

    1. Make sure the server.xml file exists in the following directory:



    2. Use the command to start the server, for example:

      /opt/WebSphere/AppServer/bin/ server1

    3. In a web browser, enter the corresponding URL of the following format to view the sample web application:

      http:// fqdn:portnumber/snoop

  4. Once you have verified a successful installation, stop the server using the utility. For example:

    opt/WebSphere/AppServer/bin/ server1

  5. If you are installing WebSphere 5.1 patch, use the command line utility to install the patch over the original 5.1 instance.

  6. Restart WebSphere and verify that the installation was successful.

Using Java ES to Install Directory Server and Access Manager

Access Manager installation involves two separate invocations of the Java Enterprise System (Java ES) Installer.

ProcedureTo Install Directory Server

  1. Run the first Java ES invocation to install Directory Server (either local or remote) with the Configure Now option. The Configure Now option allows you to configure the first instance during the installation by the choices (or default values) that you select.

  2. Run the second Java ES invocation to install Access Manager with the Configure Later option. This option Installs the Access Manager 2005Q4 components. After installation, you must configure Access Manager.

    WebLogic and WebSphere are installed independently of Java ES, so the Installer does not contain the necessary configuration data to automatically deploy the containers. Because of this, you must select the Configure Later option when installing Access Manager. This option leaves your Access Manager deployment in the following state:

    • The active Directory Server (either Local or Remote) does not have Access Manager DIT data loaded.

      • Access Manager configuration files are not automatically loaded.

      • Access Manager web application .war files are not generated.

      • Access Manager deployment and post-installation configuration processes are not automatically started and run.

        For detailed installation instructions, refer to the Sun Java Enterprise System Installation Guide located at

Configuring Access Manager

After you have completed Access Manager installation on the target system’s local drive, you need to manually configure Access Manager with either WebLogic 8.1 or WebSphere 5.1. This is a three-step process:

ProcedureTo Configure Access Manager

  1. Edit the configuration script input file

  2. Run the configuration script

  3. Restart the web container

Creating the Configuration Script Input File

The Access Manager configuration script input file contains all of the deployment level, Access Manager, web container, and Directory Server variable definitions. Access Manager contains a sample configuration script input file template (amsamplesilent) which is available in the AccessManager-base /SUNWam/bin directory on Solaris systems or the AccessManager-base /identity/bin directory on Linux systems.

You can use the amsamplesilent template to construct your configuration script input file. Instructions for editing the file, as well as the variable definitions, are described in Access Manager Sample Configuration Script Input File.

Before you edit the file, make sure that you have the following information available from your web container installation:

BEA WebLogic and IBM WebSphere

BEA WebLogic only

IBM WebSphere only

Running the Configuration Script

When you have saved the configuration script input file, you run the amconfig script to complete the configuration process. For example:

AccessManager-base/SUMWam/bin/amconfig -s silentfile

silentfile should be the absolute path to the configuration input file.

Running this script performs the following functions:

  1. Loads the Access Manager schema to the active Directory Server instance.

  2. Loads the Access Manager service data to the Directory Server instance.

  3. Generates the Access Manager configuration files used by the active Access Manager instance.

  4. Deploys the Access Manager web application data to the web container.

  5. Customizes the web container configuration to match the Access Manager requirements.

Restarting the Web Container

After you have completed the configuration process, you must restart the web container. Refer to your product’s documentation for instructions.

For BEA WebLogic 8.1, see

For IBM WebSphere 5.1, see

Chapter 3 Configuring Access Manager in SSL Mode

Using Secure Socket Layer (SSL) with simple authentication guarantees confidentiality and data integrity. To enable Access Manager in SSL, mode you would typically:

Configuring Access Manager With a Secure Sun Java Enterprise System Web Server

To configure Access Manager in SSL mode with Web Server, see the following steps:

ProcedureTo Configure a Secure Web Server

  1. In the Access Manager console, go to the Service Configuration module and select the Platform service. In the Server List attribute, remove the http:// protocol, and add the https:// protocol. Click Save.

    Note –

    Be sure to click Save. If you don’t, you will still be able to proceed with the following steps, but all configuration changes you have made will be lost and you will not be able to log in as administrator to fix it.

    Steps 2 through 24 describe the Web Server.

  2. Log on to the Web Server console. The default port is 8888.

  3. Select the Web Server instance on which Access Manager is running, and click Manage.

    This displays a pop-up window explaining that the configuration has changed. Click OK.

  4. Click on the Apply button located top right corner of the screen.

  5. Click Apply Changes.

    The Web Server should automatically restart. Click OK to continue.

  6. Stop the selected Web Server instance.

  7. Click the Security Tab.

  8. Click on Create Database.

  9. Enter the new database password and click OK.

    Ensure that you write down the database password for later use.

  10. Once the Certificate Database has been created, click on Request a Certificate.

  11. Enter the data in the fields provided in the screen.

    The Key Pair Field Password field is the same as you entered in Step 9. In the location field, you will need to spell out the location completely. Abbreviations, such as CA, will not work. All of the fields must be defined. In the Common Name field, provide the hostname of your Web Server.

  12. Once the form is submitted, you will see a message such as:

  13. Copy this text and submit it for the certificate request.

    Ensure that you get the Root CA certificate.

  14. You will receive a certificate response containing the certificate, such as:

  15. Copy this text into your clipboard, or save the text into a file.

  16. Go to the Web Server console and click on Install Certificate.

  17. Click on Certificate for this Server.

  18. Enter the Certificate Database password in the Key Pair File Password field.

  19. Paste the certificate into the provided text field, or check the radio button and enter the filename in the text box. Click Submit.

    The browser will display the certificate, and provide a button to add the certificate.

  20. Click Install Certificate.

  21. Click Certificate for Trusted Certificate Authority.

  22. Install the Root CA Certificate in the same manner described in steps 16 through 21.

  23. Once you have completed installing both certificates, click on the Preferences tab in the Web Server console.

  24. Select Add Listen Socket if you wish to have SSL enabled on a different port. Then, select Edit Listen Socket.

  25. Change the security status from Disabled to Enabled, and click OK to submit the changes, click Apply and Apply Changes.

    Steps 26–29 apply to Access Manager.

  26. Open the file. By default, the location of this file is etc/opt/SUNWam/config.

  27. Replace all of the protocol occurrences of http:// to https://, except for the Web Server Instance Directory. This is also specified in, but must remain the same.

  28. Save the file.

  29. In the Web Server console, click the ON/OFF button for the Access Manager hosting web server instance.

    The Web Server displays a text box in the Start/Stop page.

  30. Enter the Certificate Database password in the text field and select Start.

Configuring Access Manager with a Secure Sun Java System Application Server

Setting up Access Manager to run on an SSL-enabled Application server is a two-step process. First, secure the Application Server instance to the installed Access Manager, then configure Access Manager itself.

Setting Up Application Server 6.2 With SSL

This section describes the steps to set up Application Server 6.2 in SSL mode.

ProcedureTo Secure the Application Server Instance

  1. Log into the Sun Java System Application Server console as an administrator by entering the following address in your browser:


    The default port is 4848.

  2. Enter the username and password you entered during installation.

  3. Select the Application Server instance on which you installed (or will install) Access Manager. The right frame displays that the configuration has changed.

  4. Click Apply Changes.

  5. Click Restart. The Application Server should automatically restart.

  6. In the left frame, click Security.

  7. Click the Manage Database tab.

  8. Click Create Database, if it is not selected.

  9. Enter the new database password and confirm, then click the OK button. Make sure that you write down the database password for later use.

  10. Once the Certificate Database has been created, click the Certificate Management tab.

  11. Click the Request link, if it is not selected.

  12. Enter the following Request data for the certificate

    1. Select it if this is a new certificate or a certificate renewal. Many certificates expire after a specific period of time and some certificate authorities (CA) will automatically send you renewal notification.

    2. Specify the way in which you want to submit the request for the certificate.

      If the CA expects to receive the request in an E-mail message, check CA E-mail and enter the E-mail address of the CA. For a list of CAs, click List of Available Certificate Authorities.

      If you are requesting the certificate from an internal CA that is using the Certificate Server, click CA URL and enter the URL for the Certificate Server. This URL should point to the certificate server’s program that handles certificate requests.

    3. Enter the password for your key-pair file (this is the password you specified in step 9).

    4. Enter the following identification information:

      Common Name. The full name of the server including the port number.

      Requestor Name. The name of the requestor.

      Telephone Number. The telephone number of the requestor

      Common Name . The fully qualified name of the Sun Java System Application Server on which the digital certificate will be installed.

      E-mail Address. The E-mail address of the administrator.

      Organization Name. The name of your organization. The certificate authority may require any host names entered in this attribute belong to a domain registered to this organization.

      Organizational Unit Name. The name of your division, department, or other operational unit of your organization.

      Locality Name (city). The name of your city or town.

      State Name. The name of the state or province in which your organization operates if your organization is in the United States or Canada, respectively. Do not abbreviate.

      Country Code. The two-letter ISO code for your country. For example, the code for the United States is US.

  13. Click the OK button. A message will be displayed, for example:

  14. Copy all of this text to a file and click OK. Make sure that you get the Root CA certificate.

  15. Select a CA and follow the instructions on that authority’s web site to get a digital certificate. You can get the certificate from CMS, Verisign or

  16. After you receive your digital certificate from the certificate authority, you can copy the text into your clipboard, or save the text into a file.

  17. Go to the Application Server console and click on the Install link.

  18. Select Certificate For This Server.

  19. Enter the Certificate Database password in the Key Pair File Password field.

  20. Paste the certificate into the provided text field, Message text (with headers), or enter the filename in the Message that is in this file text box. Select the appropriate radio button.

  21. Click OK button. The browser displays the certificate, and provides a button to add the certificate.

  22. Click Add Server Certificate.

  23. Install the Root CA Certificate in the same manner described above. However, select Certificate for Trusted Certificate Authority.

  24. Once you have completed installing both certificates, expand the HTTP Server node in the left frame

  25. Select HTTP Listeners under HTTP Server.

  26. Select http-listener-1. The browser displays the socket information.

  27. Change the value of the port used by http-listener-1 from the value entered while installing application server, to a more appropriate value such as 443.

  28. Select SSL/TLS Enabled.

  29. Select Certificate Nickname.

  30. Specify the Return server. This should match the common name specified in Step 12.

  31. Click Save.

  32. Select the Application Server instance on which you will install the Access Manager software. The right frame shows that the configuration has changed.

  33. Click Apply Changes.

  34. Click Restart. The application server should automatically restart.

Configuring Application Server 8.1 With SSL

The basic steps to configure Application Server 8.1 with SSL are as follows. See the Application Server 8.1 documentation for detailed instructions.

  1. Create a secure port on the Application server through the Application Server Administration console. For more information, see “Configuring Security” in the Sun Java System Application Server Enterprise Edition 8.1 Administration Guide at the following location:

  2. Verify that the certificate authority (CA) that trusts the server's certificate is present in the web container's trust database. Then, obtain and install a server certificate for the web container. For more information, see “Working with Certificates and SSL” in the Sun Java System Application Server Enterprise Edition 8.1 Administration Guide at the following location:

  3. Restart the web container.

Configuring Access Manager in SSL Mode

This section describes the steps to configure Access Manager in SSL mode. Before you set up SSL for Access Manager, make sure that you configured the web container for your deployment.

ProcedureTo Configure Access Manager in SSL Mode

  1. In the Access Manager console, go to the Service Configuration module and select the Platform service. In the Server List attribute, add the same URL with the HTTPS protocol and an SSL-enabled port number. Click Save.

    Note –

    If a single instance of Access Manager is listening on two ports (one in HTTP and one in HTTPS) and you try to access Access Manager with a stalled cookie, Access Manager will become unresponsive. This is not a supported configuration.

  2. Open the file from the following default location:

  3. Replace all of the protocol occurrences of http:// to https:// and change the port number to an SSL-enabled port number.

  4. Save the file.

  5. Restart the Application Server.

Configuring AMSDK with a Secure BEA WebLogic Server

The BEA WebLogic Server must first be installed and configured as a web container before you configure it with the AMSDK in SSL. For installation instructions, see the BEA WebLogic server documentation. To configure WebLogic as a web container for Access Manager, see Chapter 1, Access Manager 7 2005Q4 Configuration Scripts.

ProcedureTo Configure a Secure WebLogic Instance

  1. Create a domain using the quick start menu

  2. Go to the WebLogic installation directory and generate the certificate request.

  3. Apply for the server certificate using the CSR text file to a CA.

  4. Save the approved certificate in to a text file. For example, approvedcert.txt.

  5. Load the Root CA in cacerts by using the following commands:

    cd jdk141_03/jre/lib/security/

    jdk141_03/jre/bin/keytool -keystore cacerts -keyalg RSA -import -trustcacerts -alias "<alias name>" -storepass changeit -file /opt/bea81/cacert.txt

  6. Load the Server certificate by using the following command:

    jdk141_03/jre/bin/keytool -import -keystore <keystorename> -keyalg RSA -import -trustcacerts -file approvedcert.txt -alias "mykey"

  7. Login to WebLogic console with your username and password.

  8. Browse to the following location:

    yourdomain> Servers> myserver> Configure Keystores

  9. Select Custom Identity and then Java Standard Trust

  10. Enter the keystore location. For example, /opt/bea81/keystore .

  11. Enter Keystore Password and Keystore Pass Phrase. For example:

    Keystore Password: JKS/Java Standard Trust (for WL 8.1 it is only JKS)

    Key Store Pass Phrase: changeit

  12. Review the SSL Private Key Settings Private Key alias and password.

    Note –

    You must use the full strength SSL licence or SSL startup will fail

  13. In Access Manager, the following parameters in are automatically configured during installation. If they are not, you can edit them appropriately:

    com.sun.identity.jss.donotInstallAtHighestPriority=true [ this is not
     required for AM 6.3 and above]

    If your JDK path is the following:

    then use the keytool utility to import the root CA in the certificate database. For example:

    /usr/jdk/entsys-j2se/jre/bin/keytool -keystore cacerts  
    -keyalg RSA -import -trustcacerts -alias "machinename" -storepass changeit -file

    The keytool utility is located in the following directory:

  14. Remove -D"" from the Access Manager amadmin command line utility.

  15. Configure Access Manager in SSL Mode. For more information, see Configuring Access Manager in SSL Mode.

Configuring AMSDK with a Secure IBM WebSphere Application Server

The IBM WebSphere Server must first be installed and configured as a web container before you configure it with the AMSDK in SSL. For installation instructions, see the WebSphere server documentation. To configure WebLogic as a web container for Access Manager, see Chapter 1, Access Manager 7 2005Q4 Configuration Scripts.

ProcedureTo Configure a Secure WebSphere Instance

  1. Start, located in the Websphere /bin directory.

  2. From the Signer menu, import the certification authority’s (CA) certificate.

  3. From the Personal Certs menu, generate the CSR.

  4. Retrieve the certificate created in the previous step.

  5. Select Personal Certificates and import the server certificate.

  6. From the WebSphere console, change the default SSL settings and select the ciphers.

  7. Set the default IBM JSSE SSL provider.

  8. Enter the following command to import the Root CA certificate from the file you just created into application server JVM Keystore:

    $ appserver_root-dir/java/bin/ keytool -import -trustcacerts -alias cmscacert 
    -keystore ../jre/lib/security/cacerts -file 

    app-server-root-dir is the root directory for the application server and full_path_cacert_filename.txt is the full path to the file containing the certificate.

  9. In Access Manager, update the following parameters in to use JSSE:

  10. Configure Access Manager in SSL Mode. For more information, see Configuring Access Manager in SSL Mode.

Configuring Access Manager to Directory Server in SSL Mode

To provide secure communications over the network, Access Manager includes the LDAPS communications protocol. LDAPS is the standard LDAP protocol, but it runs on top of the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL). In order to enable SSL communication, you must first configure the Directory Server in SSL mode and then connect Access Manager to Directory Server. The basic steps are as follows:

  1. Obtain and install a certificate for your Directory Server, and configure the Directory Server to trust the certification authority’s (CA) certificate

  2. Turn on SSL in your directory.

  3. Configure the authentication, policy and platform services to connect to an SSL-enabled Directory Server.

  4. Configure Access Manager to securely connect to the Directory Server backend.

Configuring Directory Server in SSL Mode

In order to configure the Directory Server in SSL mode, you must obtain and install a server certificate, configure the Directory Server to trust the CA’s certificate and enable SSL. Detailed instructions on how to complete these tasks are included in Chapter 11, “Managing Authentication and Encryption” in the Directory Server Administration Guide. This document can be found in the following location:

If your Directory Server is already SSL-enabled, go to the next section for details on connecting Access Manager to Directory Server.

Connecting Access Manager to the SSL-enabled Directory Server

Once the Directory Server has been configured for SSL mode, you need to securely connect Access Manager to the Directory Server backend.

ProcedureTo Connect Access Manager to Directory Server

  1. In the Access Manager Console, go to the LDAP Authentication service in the Service Configuration module.

    1. Change the Directory Server port to the SSL port.

    2. Select the Enable SSL Access to LDAP Server attribute.

  2. Go to the Membership Authentication service in the Service Configuration module.

    1. Change the Directory Server port to the SSL port.

    2. Select the Enable SSL Access to LDAP Server attribute.

  3. Go to the Policy Configuration service located in Service Configuration.

    1. Change the Directory Server port to the SSL port.

    2. Select the Enable LDAP SSL attribute.

  4. Open the serverconfig.xml in a text editor. The file is in the following location:


    1. In the <Server> element, change the following values:

      port - enter the port number of the secure port to which Access Manager listens (636 is the default).

      type- change SIMPLE to SSL.

    2. Save and close serverconfig.xml.

  5. Open the file from the following default location:


    Change the following properties:

    1. = 636 (if using the default)

    2. ssl.enabed = true

    3. Save

  6. Restart the server