C H A P T E R  2

ILOM Platform Features for the Sun Netra X6270 M2 Server Module

ILOM 3.0 operates on many platforms, supporting features that are common to all platforms. Some ILOM 3.0 features belong to a subset of platforms and not to all. This chapter describes the features that are specific to the Sun Netra X6270 M2 server module.

For detailed information about ILOM features that are common to all server platforms, see the Oracle Integrated Lights Out Manager (ILOM) 3.0 Documentation Collection, as described in ILOM 3.0 Common Feature Set Documentation Collection.

ILOM features discussed in this chapter, which are specific to the Sun Netra X6270 M2 server module, are as follows:

Supported Server Module Firmware

TABLE 2-1 identifies the ILOM and BIOS firmware versions that are supported on the Sun Netra X6270 M2 server module.

TABLE 2-1 Supported Platform Firmware

ILOM SP Version

Host BIOS Version

ILOM Chassis Management Module (CMM) Firmware

Applicable Hardware

08.04.01 (r48988) (or subsequent release)

Sun Netra X6270 M2 server module

For information about how to update the firmware on your server module, refer to the Oracle Integrated Lights Out Manager (ILOM) 3.0 Documentation Collection at:


Hardware Management Pack for Single Server Module Management

The Sun Server Hardware Management Pack (Hardware Management Pack) from Oracle provides tools to help you manage and configure your Oracle server modules from the host operating system. To use these tools, you must install the Hardware Management Pack software on your server module. After installing the Hardware Management Pack software, you will be able to perform the following server management tasks described in TABLE 2-2

TABLE 2-2 Hardware Managemen t Pack - Server Management Tasks

Server Module Management Task

From Host OS*

Hardware Management Pack Implementation


Monitor Oracle hardware with host IP address

Use the Hardware Management Agent and the associated Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) Plugins at the operating-system level to enable in-band monitoring of your Oracle hardware. This in-band monitoring functionality enables you to use your host operating system IP address to monitor your Oracle server module without connecting the ILOM management port to your network.

Host OS-level
management tool

Monitor storage devices, including RAID arrays

Use the Server Storage Management Agent at the operating-system level to enable in-band monitoring of the storage devices configured on your Oracle server module. The Server Storage Management Agent provides an operating-system daemon that gathers information about your storage devices such as hard disk drives (HDDs) and RAID arrays, and sends this information to the ILOM service processor. The Storage Monitoring features in ILOM enable you to view and monitor the information provided by the Server Storage Management Agent. You can access the Storage Monitoring features in ILOM from the command-line interface (CLI).

Storage Monitoring features

Configure BIOS CMOS settings, device boot order, and some SP settings

Use the biosconfig CLI tool from the host operating system to configure your Oracle x86 server module BIOS CMOS settings, device boot order, and some service processor (SP) settings.

Host OS-level
biosconfig CLI

Query, update, and validate firmware versions on supported SAS storage devices

Use the fwupdate CLI tool from the host operating system to query, update, and validate firmware versions on supported storage devices such as SAS host bus adapters (HBAs), embedded SAS storage controllers, LSI SAS storage expanders, and disk drives (spinning media and flash drives).

Host OS-level
fwupdate CLI

Restore, set, and view ILOM configuration settings

Use the ilomconfig CLI tool from the host operating system to restore ILOM configuration settings, as well as to view and set ILOM properties that are associated with network management, clock configuration, and user management.

Host OS-level
ilomconfig CLI

View or create RAID volumes on storage drives

Use the raidconfig CLI tool from the host operating system to view and create RAID volumes on storage drives that are attached to RAID controllers, including storage arrays.

Host OS-level
raidconfig CLI

Use IPMItool to access and manage Oracle server module

Use the open source command-line IPMItool from the host operating system to access and manage your Oracle server module via the IPMI protocol.

Host OS-level
command-line IMPItool

*Supported host operating systems include: Oracle Solaris, Linux, Windows, and VMware

View Support Matrix and Download Hardware Management Pack Software

Refer to the following table to view the support matrix for the Hardware Management Pack software or to download the Hardware Management Pack software.



View operating system and hardware support for the Hardware Management Pack


Download the Hardware Management Pack software


Hardware Management Pack Documentation

For instructions for installing the management pack software or using its components, see the following Hardware Management Pack documentation:

For additional details about how to use the Storage Monitoring features in ILOM, see Chapter 4 of the Oracle Integrated Lights Out Manager (ILOM) 3.0 Feature Updates and Release Notes, 820-7329.

For additional details about accessing and managing your server module via SNMP or IPMI, see the Oracle Integrated Lights Out Manager (ILOM) 3.0 Management Protocols Reference Guide, 820-6413.

ILOM Sideband Management

By default, you connect to the server module service processor (SP) using the out-of-band network management port (NET MGT). The ILOM sideband management feature enables you to select either the NET MGT port or one of the server module Gigabit Ethernet ports (NET 0, 1, 2, 3), which are in-band ports, to send and receive ILOM commands to and from the SP. In-band ports are also called sideband ports.

The advantage of using a sideband management port to manage the SP is that one fewer cable connection and one fewer network switch port is needed. In configurations where numerous servers are being managed, such as data centers, sideband management can represent a significant savings in hardware and network utilization.

You can configure sideband management using either the web interface, the command-line interface (CLI), the BIOS, or IPMI. For special considerations and configuration instructions, see the following sections:

Special Considerations for Sideband Management

When sideband management is enabled in ILOM, the following conditions might occur:

Note - If the ports are configured as switch ports and participate in the Spanning Tree Protocol (STP), you might experience longer outages due to spanning tree recalculation.

procedure icon  Configure Sideband Management Using the Web Interface

1. Log in to the ILOM web interface.

2. Select Configuration --> Network.

The Network Settings page appears.

Screenshot of the Network Settings page.

3. In the Network Settings page, do the following:

a. Select DHCP to acquire the IP address automatically or select Static to specify the appropriate IP address.

b. To select a sideband management port, click the Management Port drop-down list and select the desired management port.

The drop-down list enables you to change to any one of the four Gigabit Ethernet ports, /SYS/MB/NETn, where n is 0 to 3. The SP NET MGT port, /SYS/SP/NET0, is the default.

c. Click Save for the changes to take effect.

procedure icon  Configure Sideband Management Using the CLI

1. Log in to ILOM using the CLI.

Note - Using a serial connection for this procedure eliminates the possibility of losing connectivity during sideband management configuration changes.

2. If you logged in using the serial port, you can assign a static IP address.

For instructions, see the information about assigning an IP address in the Sun Netra X6270 M2 Server Module Installation Guide, 821-0937.

3. To show the current port settings, type:

-> show /SP/network

The network properties appear. For example:

        commitpending = (Cannot show property)
        dhcp_server_ip = none
        ipaddress = xx.xx.xx.xx
        ipdiscovery = static
        ipgateway = xx.xx.xx.xx
        ipnetmask = xx.xx.xx.xx
        macaddress =
        managementport = /SYS/SP/NET0
        outofbandmacaddress =
        pendingipaddress = xx.xx.xx.xx
        pendingipdiscovery = static
        pendingipgateway =  xx.xx.xx.xx
        pendingipnetmask =  xx.xx.xx.xx
        pendingmanagementport = /SYS/SP/NET0
        sidebandmacaddress = 
        state = enabled

In the above output the current active macaddress is the same as the SP’s outofbandmacaddress and the current active managementport is set to the default (/SYS/SP/NET0).

4. To set the SP management port to a sideband port, type the following commands:

-> set /SP/network pendingmanagementport=/SYS/MB/NETn

Where n equals 0, 1, 2, or 3.

-> set commitpending=true

5. To view the change, type:

-> show /SP/network

The network properties appear and show that the change has taken effect. For example:

        commitpending = (Cannot show property)
        dhcp_server_ip = none
        ipaddress = xx.xx.xx.xx
        ipdiscovery = static
        ipgateway = xx.xx.xx.xx
        ipnetmask = xx.xx.xx.xx
        macaddress =
        managementport = /SYS/MB/NETn
        outofbandmacaddress =
        pendingipaddress = xx.xx.xx.xx
        pendingipdiscovery = static
        pendingipgateway =  xx.xx.xx.xx
        pendingipnetmask =  xx.xx.xx.xx
        pendingmanagementport = /SYS/MB/NETn
        sidebandmacaddress =
        state = enabled

In the above output the macaddress matches the sidebandmacaddress, and the managementport matches the pendingmanagementport.

procedure icon  Configure Sideband Management Using the Host BIOS Setup Utility

You can access the BIOS Setup Utility screens from the following interfaces:

To configure sideband management using the host BIOS Setup Utility, perform the following steps:

1. Power on or power cycle the server module.

2. To enter the BIOS Setup Utility, press the F2 key while the system is performing the power-on self-test (POST).

Graphic of the Press F2 to run Setup prompt.

When BIOS is started, the main BIOS Setup Utility top-level screen appears. This screen provides seven menu options across the top of the screen.

Graphic of BIOS Setup utility main screen.

3. In the main screen, select Advanced --> IPMI Configuration.

The IPMI 2.0 Configuration screen appears.

Graphic showing BIOS Setup utility: Advanced - IPMI configuration.

4. In the IPMI 2.0 Configuration screen, select the Set LAN Configuration option.

The LAN Configuration screen appears.

Graphic showing BIOS Setup utility: Advanced - LAN Configuration.

5. In the LAN Configuration screen, do the following:

a. Use the left and right arrow keys to select the IP Assignment option and set it to DHCP.

b. Use the left and right arrow keys to select the Active Management Port option and set the port to a sideband management port (NET0, NET1, NET2, NET3).

The NET MGT port is the default.

c. Select Commit for the change to take effect.

Switch Serial Port Output Between SP and Host Console

You can switch the serial port output between the SP console (SER MGT) and the host console (COM1). By default, the SP console is connected to the system serial port. This feature is beneficial for Windows kernel debugging, as it enables you to view non-ASCII character traffic from the host console.

You can switch serial port output using either the ILOM web interface or the ILOM command-line interface (CLI). For instructions, see the following sections:

caution icon Caution - You should set up the network on the SP before attempting to switch the serial port owner to the host server module. If a network is not set up, and you switch the serial port owner to the host server module, you will be unable to connect using the CLI or web interface to change the serial port owner back to the SP. To change the serial port owner back to the SP, you must use the ILOM Preboot Menu to restore access to the serial port over the network. For more information see the ILOM Preboot Menu information in the Sun Netra X6270 M2 Server Module Service Manual,821-0939.

procedure icon  Switch Serial Port Output Using the Web Interface

1. Log in to the ILOM web interface.

2. Select Configuration --> Serial Port.

The Serial Port Settings page appears.

Graphic of the Serial Port Settings page.

3. To select a serial port owner, click the Owner drop-down list and select the desired serial port owner.

The drop-down list enables you to select either Service Processor or Host Server.

By default, Service Processor is selected.

4. Click Save for your change to take effect.

procedure icon  Switch Serial Port Output Using the CLI

1. Log in to the ILOM CLI.

2. To set the serial port owner, type:

-> set /SP/serial/portsharing/owner=host

By default, owner=SP.

Clear Server Module and CMM Faults

When a server module component fails, the server module generates a component-specific fault that is captured by the ILOM SP. Some faults are cleared automatically when the failed component is replaced, but faults generated for components that are not hot-serviceable have to be cleared manually. You can use either the ILOM web interface or the command-line interface (CLI) to manually clear faults.

For the Sun Netra X6270 M2 server module, the following types of faults must be cleared manually after the faulty component is replaced:

Other faults captured by the fault management function in ILOM include faults generated by the chassis monitoring module (CMM). These faults occur when other components in the chassis fail, for example:

Chassis related faults are not automatically cleared by the system. You must manually clear these faults in the Fault Management function on the ILOM CMM. After you have cleared the faults reported by the CMM, the chassis related faults are then automatically cleared by the system in the Fault Management function on the ILOM SP.

When clearing faults, give consideration to the following:

The procedure for clearing a fault differs depending on the type of fault:

For information on how to use the ILOM web interface or the CLI to clear server module faults, see the Oracle Integrated Lights Out Manager (ILOM) 3.0 Documentation Collection at:


Sensors and Indicators Reference Information

The server module includes several sensors that report on hardware conditions. Many of the sensor readings are used to adjust the fan speeds and perform other actions, such as illuminating LEDs and powering off the server module.

This section describes the sensors that ILOM monitors for the Sun Netra X6270 M2 server module.

The following types of sensors are described:

Note - For information about how to obtain sensor readings or to determine the state of system indicators in ILOM, see the Sun Integrated Lights Out Manager (ILOM) 3.0 CLI Procedures Guide, 820-6412, and the Oracle Integrated Lights Out Manager (ILOM) 3.0 Web Interface Procedures Guide, 820-6411.

Temperature Sensors

TABLE 2-3 describes the environmental sensors.

TABLE 2-3 Temperature Sensors

Sensor Name

Sensor Type




Motherboard ambient temperature sensor



Mirror of /SYS/MB/T_AMB



Temperature sensor on FEM

Fan Sensors

TABLE 2-5 describes the fan sensors.

TABLE 2-4 Fan Sensors

Sensor Name

Sensor Type




Fan speed sensor



Fan module error

FEM and ESM Sensors

TABLE 2-5 describes the Fabric Expansion Module (FEM) and Energy Storage Module (ESM) sensors.

TABLE 2-5 FEM and ESM Sensors

Sensor Name

Sensor Type




Asserts when the FEM fails



Asserts when ESM fails

Power Supply Sensors

TABLE 2-6 describes the power supply sensors.

TABLE 2-6 Power Supply Unit Current, Voltage, and Power Sensors

Sensor Name

Sensor Type




Power supply presence sensor



Power supply input voltage sensor



Power supply output voltage fault sensor



Voltage and current monitor

Entity Presence Sensors

TABLE 2-7 describes the entity presence sensors. In the table, n designates numbers

TABLE 2-7 Presence Sensors

Sensor Name

Sensor Type



Entity presence

Storage device presence sensor


Entity presence

Power supply presence sensor


Entity presence

PCI ExpressModule presence sensor


Entity presence

Network Express Module (NEM) presence sensor


Entity presence

Chassis Monitoring Module (CMM) presence sensor


Entity presence

Blade presence sensor


Entity presence

Blade’s slot ID


Entity presence

CPU presence sensor


Entity presence

DIMM presence sensor


Entity presence

Fabric Expansion Module (FEM) presence sensor


Entity presence

RAID Expansion Module (REM) presence sensor


Entity presence

Flash Module (FMOD) presence sensor


Entity presence

Energy Storage Module (ESM) presence sensor

System Indicators

TABLE 2-8 describes the system indicators.

TABLE 2-8 System Indicators

Sensor Name



Front panel OK/Power green LED


Front panel Locate white LED


Front panel Service amber LED


Front panel OK To Remove blue LED


Storage drive OK To Remove blue LED


Storage drive Service amber LED


Storage drive RFEM Service indicator


FMOD Service indicator


CPU Service indicator


DIMM Service indicator

SNMP and PET Message Reference Information

This section describes Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) and Platform Event Trap (PET) messages that are generated by devices being monitored by ILOM.

SNMP Traps

SNMP Traps are generated by the SNMP agents that are installed on the SNMP devices being managed by ILOM. Oracle ILOM receives the SNMP Traps and converts them into SNMP event messages that appear in the event log. For more information about the SNMP event messages that might be generated on your system, see TABLE 2-9.

TABLE 2-9 SNMP Event Messages

SNMP Trap Message

ILOM Event Message

Severity and Description

Sensor Name

Memory SNMP Events





Major; A memory component is suspected of causing a fault




Informational; A memory component fault has been cleared




Major; A memory component is suspected of causing a fault







Informational; A memory component fault has been cleared







Major; A memory component is suspected of causing a fault






Informational; A memory component fault has been cleared




Environmental SNMP Events






Major; A power supply component is suspected of causing a fault




Informational; A power supply component fault has been cleared



Major; A component is suspected of causing a fault





Informational; A component fault has been cleared


Lower critical threshold exceeded

Major; A temperature sensor has reported that its value has gone above an upper critical threshold setting or below a lower critical threshold setting



Lower critical threshold no longer exceeded

Informational; A temperature sensor has reported that its value is in the normal operating range


Upper noncritical threshold exceeded

Minor; A temperature sensor has reported that its value has gone above an upper critical threshold setting or below a lower critical threshold setting


Upper noncritical threshold no longer exceeded

Informational; A temperature sensor has reported that its value is in the normal operating range


Lower fatal threshold exceeded

Critical; A temperature sensor has reported that its value has gone above an upper fatal threshold setting or below a lower fatal threshold setting


Lower fatal threshold no longer exceeded

Informational; A temperature sensor has reported that its value has gone below an upper fatal threshold setting or above a lower fatal threshold setting


Upper fatal threshold exceeded

Critical; A temperature sensor has reported that its value has gone above an upper fatal threshold setting or below a lower fatal threshold setting




Upper critical threshold exceeded

Major; A temperature sensor has reported that its value has gone above an upper critical threshold setting or below a lower critical threshold setting


Upper critical threshold no longer exceeded

Informational; A temperature sensor has reported that its value is in the normal operating range


Upper fatal threshold no longer exceeded

Informational; A temperature sensor has reported that its value has gone below an upper fatal threshold setting or above a lower fatal threshold setting



Major; A power supply sensor has detected an error













Informational; A power supply sensor has returned to its normal state

Device SNMP Events






Major; A component is suspected of causing a fault





Informational; A component fault has been cleared



Major; A component is suspected of causing a fault






A component fault has been cleared



Major; A component in the IO subsystem is suspected of causing a fault




Informational; An IO subsystem component fault has been cleared

Power Supply SNMP Events





Major; A power supply sensor has detected an error




Informational; A power supply sensor has returned to its normal state



Major; A power supply component is suspected of causing a fault






Informational; A power supply component fault has been cleared

PET Event Messages

PET event messages are generated by systems with Alert Standard Format (ASF) or an IPMI baseboard management controller. The PET events provide advance warning of possible system failures. For more information about the PET event messages that might occur on Oracle’s Sun Netra X6270 M2 server module, see TABLE 2-10.

TABLE 2-10 PET Event Messages

PET Event Message

ILOM Event Message

Severity and Description

Sensor Name

System Power Events




PowerSupply sensor ASSERT

Critical; A run-time power fault has occurred




PowerSupply sensor DEASSERT

Informational; Power supply is connected to AC Power

Entity Present Events



EntityPresence Insert


Critical; A processor is absent or has been removed.




































petTrapProcessorPresenceDetectedDeassert (continued)














EntityPresence Remove

Informational; A device is present or has been inserted


























petTrapEntityPresenceDeviceInsertedAssert (continued)

EntityPresence Remove

Informational; A device is present or has been inserted




















Environmental Events



Temperature sensor ASSERT

Informational; Temperature event occurred



Temperature sensor DEASSERT

Critical; Temperature event occurred


Temperature Upper non-critical threshold has been exceeded

Major; Temperature has decreased below upper non-recoverable threshold



Temperature Upper non-critical threshold no longer exceeded

Critical; Temperature event occurred. Possible cause: CPU is too hot.


Temperature Lower fatal threshold has been exceeded

Major; Temperature has increased above upper critical threshold


Temperature Lower fatal threshold no longer exceeded

Warning; Temperature has decreased below upper critical threshold


Temperature Lower critical threshold has been exceeded

Warning; Temperature has decreased below lower non-critical threshold


Temperature Lower critical threshold no longer exceeded


Temperature has returned to normal


Temperature Upper critical threshold has been exceeded

Warning; Temperature has increased above upper non-critical threshold


Temperature Upper critical threshold no longer exceeded


Temperature has returned to normal


Temperature Lower fatal threshold has been exceeded

Major; Temperature has decreased below lower critical threshold


Temperature Lower fatal threshold no longer exceeded

Warning; Temperature has increased above lower critical threshold


Temperature Lower non-critical threshold has been exceeded

Major; Temperature has increased above lower non-recoverable threshold


Temperature Lower non-critical threshold no longer exceeded

Critical; Temperature has increased above upper non-recoverable threshold

Component, Device, and Firmware Events



OEMReserved sensor ASSERT

Informational; An ESM fault has occurred (OEM State Deasserted assert)




OEMReserved sensor DEASSERT


OEM Predictive Failure Asserted


OEMReserved reporting Predictive Failure


OEM Predictive Failure Deasserted









OEMReserved Return to normal


System Firmware Error reported


Module Transition to Running assert









Module Transition to In Test assert









Module Transition to Power Off assert









Module Transition to On Line assert








Undocumented PET 1378820

Module Transition to Off Line assert









Module Transition to Off Duty assert









Module Transition to Degraded assert









Module Transition to Power Save assert









Module Install Error assert








Power Supply Events



Voltage sensor ASSERT

Informational; Voltage event occurred






Voltage sensor DEASSERT

Undocumented PET 132097

Voltage reporting Predictive Failure






Undocumented PET 132096

Voltage Return to normal


Fan Events



Fan reporting Predictive Failure

Informational; Fan Predictive Failure state has been cleared






Fan Return to normal

Critical; Fan speed has decreased below lower non-recoverable threshold. Fan failed or removed.