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Sun OpenDS Standard Edition 2.2 Installation Guide

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Document Information

Which Install To Choose

Sun OpenDS Standard Edition System Requirements

Getting the Software

Installing the Directory Server

Installing the Proxy Server

Setting Up the Proxy Server

To Set Up the Proxy Using the vdp-setup GUI

Presentation of the vdp-setup Window

To Configure Simple Load Balancing

To Configure Simple Distribution

To Configure Distribution with Load Balancing

To Install a Proxy Using the vdp-setup CLI

Creating Global Index Catalogs Using vdp-setup

Duplicating Your Proxy Installation

To Duplicate Your Proxy Installation Using vdp-setup GUI

To Duplicate Your Proxy Installation Using the Installation Log File

Ensuring Redundancy

Configuring the JVM, Java Options, and Database Cache

Starting and Stopping Your Server Instance

Managing the Server as a Service

Uninstalling the Directory Server

Uninstalling the Proxy

To Configure Distribution with Load Balancing

  1. To launch the GUI install, type:
    (Unix, Linux) $ vdp-setup
    (Windows) C:\> vdp-setup.bat

    The installation wizard is launched.

    Note - If you are installing Sun OpenDS Standard Edition proxy on Windows, you may have to update the java path.

  2. On the Welcome panel, click Next.
  3. On the License panel, select the checkbox to accept the license and click Next.
  4. Enter the proxy server settings (name and port) and click Next.

    By default, the local hostname will be entered as the hostname, but this is an editable field. The ports are also predefined with an available port number. Make sure that you have the privileges on the port.

  5. (Optional) If you want to configure a secure LDAP port (LDAPS), click on the Configure button.

    Use the Configure Secure Access window to configure LDAPS access to Sun OpenDS Standard Edition proxy. Figure 2 illustrates the Configure Secure Access panel of the vdp-setup GUI.

    Note - The PCKS #11 format is not supported in this release of Sun OpenDS Standard Edition proxy.

    If you do not already have an existing certificate, for testing purposes you can automatically generate a self-signed certificate by selecting the Generate Self-Signed Certificate button.

    If you have an existing certificate, select the Use an existing Certificate button and select the appropriate keystore type. Provide the location of the keystore and provide the keystore password, also known as the keystore PIN.

    Figure 4
    Configure Secure Access Panel of the vdp-setup GUI
    Window for configuring Sun OpenDS Standard Edition proxy security
  6. Select the distribution configuration from the Configuration Option drop-down menu.

    For a general presentation of different deployment scenarios possible using the Sun OpenDS Standard Edition proxy, see Deciding Your Proxy Deployment Type in Sun OpenDS Standard Edition 2.2 Deployment Planning Guide.

    Note - If you select Configure later, only the server settings configured in the previous step will be setup. You will then have to use the CLI to configure your deployment.

  7. Select the number of partitions on which the data is separated.

    For the example distribution scenario, select two partitions.

  8. Define how the distribution of data will be done.
    1. Enter the naming context.

      For example,dc=example,dc=com.

    2. Enter the distribution base DN.

      For example, ou=people. The distribution base DN is the level after which the distribution requests apply.

    3. Enter the distribution attribute.

      For example,uid.

  9. Select the type of distribution algorithm and define the boundaries of each partition:

    If you use the Set Default Boundaries button, the vdp-setup will set default boundaries, which may not correspond to your deployment. However, this may be useful for test purposes.

    Note - You cannot set a distribution using DN pattern with the vdp-setup GUI. For more information on creating a distribution using DN pattern match, see Creating a dnpattern Distribution Partition in Sun OpenDS Standard Edition 2.2 Administration Guide.

    • For numeric, set numeric boundaries for each partition.

      For example, for partition 1, From=0, To=1000. This means that uids between 0 and 1000 will be sent to partition 1.

    • For lexico, set the alphabetic boundaries for each partition.

      For example, for partition 1, From=A, To=K. This means that uids with values between A and K will be sent to partition 1.

    Note - The upper boundaries are exclusive. That is, if you set the upper boundary to 1000, only entries up to 999 will be distributed to that partition.

  10. For each partition, select the back-end LDAP server which holds the corresponding partitioned data.

    Note - You must select at least two back-end LDAP servers per partition to deploy distribution with load balancing.

    • If you have Sun OpenDS or Sun DSEE LDAP servers installed:
      1. Click on Add Sun Servers.
      2. Select if you want to connect to Sun OpenDS or DSEE servers.
      3. Enter the LDAP hostname and port number.
        • If you choose Sun OpenDS, then also enter the administrative credentials of one of the Sun OpenDS Standard Edition servers.

          The vdp-setup will discover and display all the replicated Sun OpenDS Standard Edition servers.

        • If you choose Sun DSEE, then also enter the Directory Service Manager credentials of your DSCC registry.

          The vdp-setup will discover and display all the DSEE instances registered in the DSCC registry.

      4. Enter the password of the LDAP server.
      5. Click Connect.
      6. Leave the Sun LDAP server you want to use for your deployment selected.
      7. Click OK.
    • To enter the back-end LDAP server information manually:
      1. Click Add server.
      2. Enter the server name, port and security settings.

        Note - The security settings you set here will determine the security between the Sun OpenDS Standard Edition proxy and remote servers. For more information on setting security options, see Configuring Security Between the Proxy and the Data Source in Sun OpenDS Standard Edition 2.2 Administration Guide.

      3. Click Add.
      4. Click Close once you have added all the LDAP servers required.
  11. For each partition, set load balancing.
    1. Choose the load balancing algorithm.

      For example, select Proportional with default values.

    2. Set the load balancing algorithm properties.
      • For proportional, set the weight. Requests are distributed between the remote LDAP servers based on the weight indicated.

        For example, if you leave the default value of 1, then all servers will receive the same amount of requests.

        Once you have completed the vdp-setup installation, the weight can be set to a different value for each operation type. For more information, see Modifying the Load Balancing Route Properties in Sun OpenDS Standard Edition 2.2 Administration Guide.

      • For failover, indicate the order in which the servers are used.

        The server will a value of 1 will be the main server. The other servers will only be used if there is a failure on the server with a priority of 1.

      • For saturation, set the order in which the servers are used as well as the saturation threshold of each server.

        Requests are sent to the server with the highest priority (1) until it reaches the threshold indicated. The saturation threshold is the rate at which the server is considered saturated, or full. Typically this limit should be set lower than 100%.

  12. To configure a global index, see Creating Global Index Catalogs Using vdp-setup.

    Global indexes are optional. For more information on configuring and using global indexes, see Configuring the Global Index in Sun OpenDS Standard Edition 2.2 Administration Guide.

  13. Check the summary page to ensure that the deployment corresponds to what you want.

    If you need to make any modifications, use the Previous button.

  14. To view the commands that will be launched for your installation, select Show Commands.

    These commands are saved in a log file, in the logs folder. You can use these commands to run additional installations with similar deployment options later.

  15. Click Finish to launch your deployment.

    Note - Once your installation is complete, you can use dsconfig in the command line if you want to modify the current installation. For more information, see Configuring the Server With dsconfig in Sun OpenDS Standard Edition 2.2 Administration Guide.