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Sun OpenDS Standard Edition 2.2 Installation Guide

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Document Information

Which Install To Choose

Sun OpenDS Standard Edition System Requirements

Getting the Software

Installing the Directory Server

Installing the Proxy Server

Configuring the JVM, Java Options, and Database Cache

Starting and Stopping Your Server Instance

Managing the Server as a Service

Uninstalling the Directory Server

To Uninstall the Directory Server in GUI Mode

To Uninstall the Directory Server Using the CLI

To Uninstall the Directory Server by Using a Script (UNIX/Linux Only)

Uninstalling the Proxy

To Uninstall the Directory Server in GUI Mode

GUI mode is the default and recommended uninstall option. The GUI provides an easy interface for removing a directory server installation.

  1. Go to the Sun OpenDS Standard Edition installation subdirectory.
  2. Type uninstall to launch the graphical uninstaller.
    (UNIX, Linux) $ uninstall
    (Windows)     C:\> uninstall.bat
  3. Clear any components that you want to remove, confirm that you want to delete them, and click Uninstall.

    Note - By default, all components are selected for removal.

  4. If your directory server is part of a replication topology, click Yes to continue the uninstallation.

    The uninstaller starts the server (if it is not already running) and asks you for your Global Administrator login to remove the references to this server in the other replicating directory servers.

  5. If your directory server is a standalone server and is running, a dialog box is displayed, asking to shut down the directory server before continuing with the uninstall.

    Click Yes to have the uninstaller stop the server for you and continue with the uninstallation.

  6. On the dialog, make note of any files or directories that require manual removal and click Close.
  7. Review the logs to confirm the file or directory removals. Unix logs the entries at /var/tmp, Linux at /tmp, and Windows in the location defined by the TEMP user environment variable.

    Log files are listed as opends-uninstall-IDNumber.log, where IDNumber is a system-generated number for your log.

  8. Manually remove any remaining files or directories.
  9. For Windows systems, check the Windows registry for any remaining keys ending with OpenDS. For example:
  10. Locate the SunOpenDS_SE2.2 directory, and manually remove the directory and its subdirectories.
    (UNIX, Linux) $ rm -ir SunOpenDS_SE2.2
    (Windows)     C:\> rmdir /s /q C:\path\to\SunOpenDS_SE2.2