Solaris Advanced Installation Guide

Creating a Profile Server

When setting up custom JumpStart installations for systems on the network, you have to create a directory on a server (called a JumpStart directory). A JumpStart directory contains all the essential custom JumpStart files (for example, the rules file, rules.ok file, and profiles) at its root level.

The server that contains a JumpStart directory is called a profile server. The profile server can be the same system as either the install or boot server, or it can be a completely different server. The JumpStart directory should be owned by root and have permissions equal to 755.

Note -

A profile server can provide custom JumpStart files for systems with the same or different platform type as the server. For example, a SPARC server can provide custom JumpStart files for both SPARC and x86 based systems.

How to Create a JumpStart Directory on a Server

Note -

This procedure assumes that the system is running Volume Management. If you are not using Volume Management to manage diskettes and CDs, refer to the System Administration Guide for detailed information about managing removable media without Volume Management.

  1. Log in as root on the server where you want the JumpStart directory to reside.

  2. Create the JumpStart directory anywhere on the server.

    # mkdir jumpstart_dir_path


    Is the absolute path of the JumpStart directory. 

    For example, the following command would create the directory called jumpstart in the root file system:

    mkdir /jumpstart

  3. Edit the /etc/dfs/dfstab file. Add the following entry.

    share -F nfs -o ro,anon=0 jumpstart_dir_path

    For example, the following entry would share the /jumpstart directory:

    share -F nfs -o ro,anon=0 /jumpstart

  4. Type shareall and press Return.

  5. Determine your next step based on where the Solaris CD is located.

    You only need to perform the rest of the steps if you want to copy example custom JumpStart files from the Solaris CD. You are already done creating the profile server.

    If You Want to Use The ... 

    Then ... 

    Solaris CD in the local CD-ROM drive 

    1. Insert the Solaris CD into the CD-ROM drive.

    2. Mount the Solaris CD (if needed).

      Note -

      Volume management automatically mounts the Solaris CD on /cdrom/cdrom0/s0 or /cdrom/cdrom0/s2.

    Solaris CD image on local disk

    Change the directory to the Solaris CD image on the local disk. For example: 

    cd /export/install

  6. Change directory to the Misc directory on the Solaris CD image.

    # cd Solaris_2.6/Misc
  7. Copy the example custom JumpStart files into the JumpStart directory on the profile server.

    # cp -r jumpstart_sample/* jumpstart_dir_path

    For example, the following command would copy the jumpstart_sample directory into the /jumpstart directory:

    cp -r jumpstart_sample/* /jumpstart

    The files you just copied are only example custom JumpStart files. You must update the files for your own site.

Where to Go Next

You have completed creating a profile server. To continue, see "Enabling All Systems to Access the Profile Server".