Solaris Advanced Installation Guide

Enabling All Systems to Access the Profile Server

When you create a profile server, you must make sure systems can access it during a custom JumpStart installation. There are two ways to do this:

To save you time when adding systems for network installations, use the following procedure to enable all systems to access the profile server. Otherwise, see "Creating the rules File".

How to Enable All Systems to Access the Profile Server

This procedure is valid only if you are using the /etc/bootparams file to store network installation information. If you are using the NIS or NIS+ bootparams database for network installation information, you need to update the bootparams database with the entry in Step 2.

Note -

This procedure is not necessary if you are using a diskette for the JumpStart directory.

  1. On the install server or boot server, log in as root.

  2. Edit the /etc/bootparams file. Add the following entry.

    * install_config=server:jumpstart_dir_path

    Is a wildcard character specifying all systems. 


    Is the host name of the profile server where the JumpStart directory is located. 


    Is the absolute path of the JumpStart directory. 

    For example, the following entry would enable all systems to access the /jumpstart directory on the profile server named sherlock:

    * install_config=sherlock:/jumpstart

    Caution - Caution -

    Using this procedure may produce the following error message when an install client is booted: WARNING: getfile: RPC failed: error 5: (RPC Timed out). See "Booting a System Over the Network" for more details on this error message.

Where to Go Next

All systems can now access the profile server. You no longer need to specify the profile server in Host Manager or use the -c option of the add_install_client command when adding systems for network installations. To continue, go to "Creating the rules File".