Solaris Advanced Installation Guide

Validating the rules File

Before the rules file and profiles can be used, you must run the check script to validate that these files are set up correctly. If all the rules and profiles are valid, the rules.ok file is created, which is required by the custom JumpStart installation software to match a system to a profile. Table 8-6 shows what the check script does.

Table 8-6 What Happens When You Use check



The rules file is checked for syntax.


check makes sure that the rule keywords are legitimate, and the begin, class, and finish fields are specified for each rule (the begin and finish fields may be a minus sign [-] instead of a file name).

If no errors are found in the rules file, each profile specified in the rules is checked for syntax.

If no errors are found, check creates the rules.ok file from the rules file, removing all comments and blank lines, retaining all the rules, and adding the following comment line to the end:

# version=2 checksum=num

Note -

The rules.ok file should be owned by root and have permissions equal to 644.

How to Validate the rules File

  1. Make sure that the check script resides in the JumpStart directory.

    Note -

    The check script is provided in the Solaris_2.6/Misc/jumpstart_sample directory on the Solaris CD.

  2. Change the directory to the JumpStart directory.

  3. Run the check script to validate the rules file.

    $ ./check [-p path] [-r file_name]

    -p path

    Validates the rules file by using the check script from a specified Solaris 2.6 CD image, instead of the check script from the system you are using. path is a Solaris installation image on a local disk or a mounted Solaris CD.

    Use this option to run the most recent version of check if your system is running a previous version of Solaris.

    -r file_name

    Specifies a rules file other than the one named rules. Using this option, you can test the validity of a rule before integrating it into the rules file.

    As the check script runs, it reports that it is checking the validity of the rules file and the validity of each profile. If no errors are encountered, it reports: The custom JumpStart configuration is ok.

Where to Go Next

The rules files is now validated. To read about the optional features available for custom JumpStart installations, see Chapter 9, Using Optional Custom JumpStart Features. To perform a custom JumpStart installation on a system, see Chapter 3, Performing a Custom JumpStart Installation.