System Administration Guide

Checking the Installation of Packages

You use the pkgchk command to check installation completeness, path name, file contents, and file attributes of a package. See the pkgchk(1M) man page for more information on all the options.

Use the pkginfo command to display information about the packages that are installed on the system.

How to List Information About All Installed Packages

List information about installed packages with the pkginfo command.

$ pkginfo

Example--Listing All Packages Installed

The following example shows the pkginfo command to list all packages installed on a local system, whether that system is a standalone, server, diskless client, or AutoClient system. The output shows the primary category, package name, and a description of the package.

$ pkginfo
system      SUNWab2m       Solaris Documentation Server Lookup
system      SUNWaccr       System Accounting, (Root)
system      SUNWaccu       System Accounting, (Usr)
system      SUNWadmap      System administration applications
system      SUNWadmc       System administration core libraries

Example--Listing All Packages Installed on a Diskless or AutoClient System

In a diskless or AutoClient system client/server setup, you may want to manage software from a central location. Since the server is the place to do this, you would need to use a variation of the pkginfo command. The following example shows the pkginfo -R command to list all packages installed on a diskless client named io. This command is executed from the diskless client's server.

server$ pkginfo -R /export/root/io
system			SUNWaccr			System Accounting, (Root)
system			SUNWaccu			System Accounting, (Usr)
system			SUNWadmap		System & Network Administration Applications
system			SUNWadmfw		System & Network Administration Framework

How to Check the Integrity of an Installed Package

  1. Log in to a system as superuser.

  2. Check the status of an installed package with the pkgchk command.

    # pkgchk -a | -c -v pkgid ...
    # pkgchk -d spooldir pkgid ...


    Specifies to audit only the file attributes (that is, the permissions), rather than the file attributes and contents, which is the default for pkgchk.


    Specifies to audit only the file contents, rather than the file contents and attributes, which is the default for pkgchk.


    Specifies verbose mode, which displays file names as pkgchk processes them.

    -d spooldir

    Specifies the absolute path of the spool directory. 


    (Optional) Is the name of one or more packages (separated by spaces). If you do not specify a pkgid, pkgchk checks all the software packages installed on the system. If omitted, pkgchk displays all available packages.

Example--Checking the Contents of an Installed Package

The following example shows how to check the contents of a package.

# pkgchk -c SUNWadmfw

If pkgchk determines there are no errors, it returns the system prompt. Otherwise, it reports the error.

Example--Checking the File Attributes of an Installed Package

The following example shows how to check the file attributes of a package.

# pkgchk -a SUNWadmfw

If pkgchk determines there are no errors, it returns the system prompt. Otherwise, it reports the error.

Example--Checking Packages Installed in a Spool Directory

The following example shows how to check a software package copied to a spool directory (/export/install/packages).

# pkgchk -d /export/install/packages
## checking spooled package <SUNWadmap>
## checking spooled package <SUNWadmfw>
## checking spooled package <SUNWadmc>
## checking spooled package <SUNWsadml>

Note -

The checks made on a spooled package are limited because not all information can be audited until a package is installed.

How to Display Detailed Information About a Package

List information about installed packages with the pkginfo -l command.

$ pkginfo -l pkgid ...


Specifies to display output in long format, which includes all available information about the package. 


(Optional) Is the name of one or more packages (separated by spaces). If omitted, pkginfo displays information about all available packages.

Example--Displaying Detailed Information About a Package

$ pkginfo -l SUNWcar
   PKGINST:    SUNWcar
      NAME:  Core Architecture, (Root)
  CATEGORY:  system
      ARCH:  sparc.sun4u
   VERSION:  11.5.1,REV=
   BASEDIR:  /
    VENDOR:  Sun Microsystems, Inc.
      DESC:  core software for a specific hardware platform group
    PSTAMP:  on297961213180424
  INSTDATE:  Jan 02 1997 11:42
   HOTLINE:  Please contact your local service provider
    STATUS:  completely installed
     FILES:     54 installed pathnames
                 5 shared pathnames
                15 directories
                32 executables
              6243 blocks used (approx)