System Administration Guide

Administering ttymon Port Monitors

Use the sacadm command to add, list, remove, kill, start, enable, disable, enable, and remove a ttymon port monitor.

Note -

You must be superuser to perform the following procedures.

How to Add a ttymon Port Monitor

To add a ttymon port monitor, type:

# sacadm -a -p mbmon -t ttymon -c /usr/lib/saf/ttymon -v `ttyadm
-V` -y "TTY Ports a & b"


The add port monitor flag


Specifies the pmtag mbmon as the port monitor tag


Specifies the port monitor type as ttymon


Defines the command string used to start the port monitor


Specifies the version number of the port monitor


Defines a comment to describe this instance of the port monitor 

How to View ttymon Port Monitor Status

To see the status of a ttymon port monitor, type:

# sacadm -l -p mbmon


The list port monitor status flag


Specifies the pmtag mbmon as the port monitor tag

Example--Viewing ttymon Port Monitor Status

# sacadm -l -p mbmon
mbmon  ttymon  -    0    STARTING  /usr/lib/saf/ttymon #TTY Ports a & b



Identifies the port monitor name, mbmon.



Identifies the port monitor type, ttymon.



Indicates whether the following two flags are set: 

d, do not enable the new port monitor, or

x, do not start the new port monitor. There are no flags set in this example.



Indicates the return count value. A return count of 0 indicates that the port monitor is not to be restarted if it fails.



Indicates the current status of the port monitor. 


/usr/lib/saf ...

Identifies the command used to start the port monitor. 

#TTY Ports a & b

Identifies any comment used to describe the port monitor. 

How to Stop a ttymon Port Monitor

To kill a ttymon port monitor, type:

# sacadm -k -p mbmon


The kill port monitor status flag


Specifies the pmtag mbmon as the port monitor tag

How to Start a ttymon Port Monitor

To start a killed ttymon port monitor, type:

# sacadm -s -p mbmon


The start port monitor status flag


Specifies the pmtag mbmon as the port monitor tag

How to Disable a ttymon Port Monitor

Disabling a port monitor prevents new services from starting, without affecting existing services.

To disable a ttymon port monitor, type:

# sacadm -d -p mbmon


The disable port monitor status flag


Specifies the pmtag mbmon as the port monitor tag

How to Enable a ttymon Port Monitor

Enabling a ttymon port monitor allows it to service new requests.

To enable a ttymon port monitor, type:

# sacadm -e -p mbmon


The enable port monitor status flag


Specifies the pmtag mbmon as the port monitor tag

How to Remove a ttymon Port Monitor

To remove a ttymon port monitor, type:

# sacadm -r -p mbmon


The remove port monitor status flag


Specifies the pmtag mbmon as the port monitor tag

Note -

Removing a port monitor deletes all the configuration files associated with it. Port monitor configuration files cannot be updated or changed using sacadm. To reconfigure a port monitor, remove it and add a new one.