System Administration Guide

Chapter 61 System Accounting (Reference)

This is a list of reference information in this chapter.

Daily Accounting

Daily accounting can help you track four types of accounting: connect accounting, process accounting, disk accounting, and fee calculations.

Connect Accounting

Connect accounting enables you to determine the following:

To provide this information, the system stores records of time adjustments, boot times, times the accounting software was turned off and on, changes in run levels, the creation of user processes (login processes and init processes), and the deaths of processes. These records (produced from the output of system programs such as date, init, login, ttymon, and acctwtmp) are stored in the /var/adm/wtmp file. Entries in the wtmp file may contain the following information: a user's login name, a device name, a process ID, the type of entry, and a time stamp denoting when the entry was made.

Process Accounting

Process accounting enables you to keep track of the following data about each process run on your system:

Every time a process dies, the exit program collects this data and writes it to /var/adm/pacct.

Disk Accounting

Disk accounting enables you to gather and format the following data about the files each user has on disks:

This data is collected by the shell script /usr/lib/acct/dodisk at intervals determined by the entry you add to the /var/spool/cron/crontabs/root file. In turn, dodisk invokes the commands acctdusg and diskusg, which gather disk usage by login.

See "How to Set Up System Accounting" for more information about setting up dodisk.

The acctdusg command gathers all the disk accounting information. Each time it is invoked, this command can process a maximum of 3000 users.

Caution - Caution -

Information gathered by running dodisk is stored in the /var/adm/acct/nite/disktacct file. This information is overwritten the next time dodisk is run. Therefore, avoid running dodisk twice in the same day.

The diskusg command may overcharge for files that are written in random access fashion, which may create holes in the files. This is because diskusg does not read the indirect blocks of a file when determining its size. Rather, diskusg determines the size of a file by looking at the di_size value of the inode.

Calculating User Fees

The chargefee utility stores charges for special services provided to a user, such as file restoration, in the file /var/adm/fee. Each entry in the file consists of a user's login name, user ID, and the fee. This file is checked by the runacct program every day and new entries are merged into the total accounting records. For instructions on running chargefee to bill users, see "How to Bill Users".

How Daily Accounting Works

Here is a step-by-step summary of how daily accounting works:

  1. When the system is switched into multiuser mode, the /usr/lib/acct/startup program is executed. The startup program executes several other programs that invoke accounting.

  2. The acctwtmp program adds a "boot" record to /var/adm/wtmp. In this record, the system name is shown as the login name in the wtmp record. Table 61-1 summarizes how the raw accounting data is gathered and where it is stored.

    Table 61-1 Raw Accounting Data

    File in /var/adm


    Written By 



    Connect sessions

    login, init










    shutacct shell



    Kernel (when the process ends)  




    turnacct switch (creates a new file when the old one reaches 500 blocks)



    Special charges 




    Disk space used 



  3. The turnacct program, invoked with the -on option, begins process accounting. Specifically, turnacct executes the accton program with the /var/adm/pacct argument.

  4. The remove shell script "cleans up" the saved pacct and wtmp files left in the sum directory by runacct.

  5. The login and init programs record connect sessions by writing records into /var/adm/wtmp. Any date changes (using date with an argument) are also written to /var/adm/wtmp. Reboots and shutdowns using acctwtmp are also recorded in /var/adm/wtmp.

  6. When a process ends, the kernel writes one record per process, using acct.h format, in the /var/adm/pacct file.

    Every hour, cron executes the ckpacct program to check the size of /var/adm/pacct. If the file grows past 500 blocks (default), the turnacct switch is executed. (The program moves the pacct file and creates a new one.) The advantage of having several smaller pacct files becomes apparent when trying to restart runacct if a failure occurs when processing these records.

  7. runacct is executed by cron each night. runacct processes the accounting files: /var/adm/pacctn, /var/adm/wtmp, /var/adm/fee, and /var/adm/acct/nite/disktacct, to produce command summaries and usage summaries by login.

  8. The /usr/lib/acct/prdaily program is executed on a daily basis by runacct to write the daily accounting information collected by runacct (in ASCII format) in /var/adm/acct/sum/rprt.MMDD.

  9. The monacct program should be executed on a monthly basis (or at intervals determined by you, such as the end of every fiscal period). The monacct program creates a report based on data stored in the sum directory that has been updated daily by runacct. After creating the report, monacct "cleans up" the sum directory to prepare the directory's files for the new runacct data.

What Happens if the System Shuts Down

If the system is shut down using shutdown, the shutacct program is executed automatically. The shutacct program writes a reason record into /var/adm/wtmp and turns off process accounting.

Accounting Reports

This section describes the various reports generated by the accounting software.

Daily Accounting Reports

The runacct shell script generates four basic reports upon each invocation. These reports cover the areas of connect accounting, usage by login on a daily basis, command usage reported by daily and monthly totals, and a report of the last time users were logged in. Table 61-2 describes the four basic reports generated.

Table 61-2 Daily Accounting Reports

Report Type 


Daily Report 

Shows line utilization by tty number.

Daily Usage Report 

Indicates usage of system resources by users (listed in order of UID). 

Daily Command Summary 

Indicates usage of system resources by commands, listed in descending order of use of memory (in other words, the command that used the most memory is listed first). This same information is reported for the month with the monthly total command summary.

Last Login 

Shows the last time each user logged in (arranged in chronological order). 

Daily Report

This report gives information about each terminal line used. A sample daily report appears below.

Feb 27 12:25 1997  DAILY REPORT FOR mercury Page 1
from Wed Feb 26 13:21:58 1997
to   Thu Feb 27 12:25:33 1997
1       system boot
1       run-level 3
1       acctg on
1       runacct
1       acctcon
/dev/pts/5   0        0        0       0     0   
/dev/pts/6   0        0        0       0     1   
/dev/pts/7   0        0        0       0     0   
console      1337     97       1       1     1   
pts/3        0        0        0       0     1   
pts/4        0        0        0       0     1   
pts/5        3        0        2       2     3   
pts/6        232      17       5       5     5   
pts/7        54       4        1       1     2   
pts/8        0        0        0       0     1   
pts/9        0        0        0       0     1   
TOTALS       1625     --       9       9     16

The from and to lines specify the time period reflected in the report--the period from the time the last accounting report was generated until the time the current accounting report was generated. It is followed by a log of system reboots, shutdowns, power failure recoveries, and any other record dumped into /var/adm/wtmp by the acctwtmp program. For more information, see acct(1M).

The second part of the report is a breakdown of line utilization. The TOTAL DURATION tells how long the system was in multiuser state (accessible through the terminal lines). The columns are described in Table 61-3.

Table 61-3 Daily Report Data




The terminal line or access port.  


The total number of minutes that the line was in use during the accounting period.  


The total number of MINUTES the line was in use, divided into the TOTAL DURATION.


The number of times this port was accessed for a login session. 

# ON

Identical to SESS. (This column does not have much meaning anymore. Previously, it listed the number of times that a port was used to log in a user.)


This column reflects the number of times a user logs out and any interrupts that occur on that line. Generally, interrupts occur on a port when ttymon is first invoked after the system is brought to multiuser state. If the # OFF exceeds the # ON by a large factor, the multiplexer, modem, or cable is probably going bad, or there is a bad connection somewhere. The most common cause of this is an unconnected cable dangling from the multiplexer.

During real time, you should monitor /var/adm/wtmp because it is the file from which the connect accounting is geared. If the wtmp file grows rapidly, execute acctcon -l file < /var/adm/wtmp to see which tty line is the noisiest. If interruption is occurring frequently, general system performance will be affected. Additionally, wtmp may become corrupted. To correct this, see "How to Fix a wtmp File".

Daily Usage Report

The daily usage report gives a breakdown of system resource utilization by user. A sample of this type of report appears below.

Feb 27 12:25 1997  DAILY USAGE REPORT FOR mercury Page 1
0     TOTAL  1     1      2017  717    785   840    660361  1067  9     7    20
0     root   1     1      1833  499    550   840    400443  408   2     1    0
1     daemon 0     0      0     0      0     0      400     0     0     1    0
2     bin    0     0      0     0      0     0      253942  0     0     1    0
3     sys    0     0      0     0      0     0      2       0     0     1    0
4     adm    0     0      46    83     0     0      104     280   0     1    0
5     uucp   0     0      74    133    0     0      1672    316   0     1    0
71    lp     0     0      0     2      0     0      3798    1     0     1    0
8198  ksm    0     0      8     0      0     0      0       6     1     0    0
52171 pjm    0     0      56    0      234   0      0       56    6     0    20

The data provided in the daily usage report is described in Table 61-4.

Table 61-4 Daily Usage Report Data




User identification number. 


Login name of the user. Identifies a user who has multiple login names.  


Amount of time, in minutes, that the user's process used the central processing unit. Divided into PRIME and NPRIME (non-prime) utilization. The accounting system's version of this data is located in the /etc/acct/holidays file.


A cumulative measure of the amount of memory in kbyte segments per minute that a process uses while running. Divided into PRIME and NPRIME utilization.


Amount of time a user was logged into the system, or "real time." Divided into PRIME and NPRIME use. If these numbers are high while the # OF PROCS is low, you can conclude that the user logs in first thing in the morning and hardly touches the terminal the rest of the day.


Output from the acctdusg program, which runs and merges disk accounting programs and total accounting record (daytacct). (For accounting purposes, a block is 512 bytes.)


Number of processes invoked by the user. If large numbers appear, a user may have a shell procedure that has run out of control. 


Number of times a user logged on to the system. 


Number of times disk accounting was run to obtain the average number of DISK BLOCKS.


Often unused field that represents the total accumulation of units charged against the user by chargefee.

Daily Command Summary

The daily command summary report shows the system resource use by command. With this report, you can identify the most heavily used commands and, based on how those commands use system resources, gain insight on how best to tune the system. The format of the daily and monthly reports are virtually the same; however, the daily summary reports only on the current accounting period while the monthly summary reports on the start of the fiscal period to the current date. In other words, the monthly report reflects the data accumulated since the last invocation of monacct.

These reports are sorted by TOTAL KCOREMIN, which is an arbitrary gauge but often a good one for calculating drain on a system.

A sample daily command summary appears below.

Feb 27 12:25 1997  DAILY COMMAND SUMMARY Page 1
                                   TOTAL COMMAND SUMMARY
TOTALS   1067   2730.99    2.01    1649.38 1361.41   0.00  0.00    6253571  2305
sendmail   28   1085.87    0.05      0.24  23865.20  0.00  0.19     101544    39
admintoo    3    397.68    0.12   1132.96  3443.12   0.04  0.00     680220    83 
sh        166    204.78    0.31    161.13  651.80    0.00  0.00     598158    20 
nroff      12    167.17    0.14      0.24  1205.55   0.01  0.59     709048    22 
find       10    151.27    0.27      2.72  563.40    0.03  0.10     877971  1580
acctdusg    3     87.40    0.13      2.74  698.29    0.04  0.05     883845   203 
lp         10     74.29    0.05      0.22  1397.38   0.01  0.24     136460    57 
expr       20     67.48    0.02      0.06  3213.24   0.00  0.34       6380     1 
mail.loc    3     65.83    0.01      0.04  11285.60  0.00  0.15      24709    15
cmdtool     1     37.65    0.02     20.13  2091.56   0.02  0.00     151296     1 
uudemon.  105     37.38    0.09      0.32  435.46    0.00  0.27      62130    17 
csh         6     35.17    0.05     57.28  756.30    0.01  0.00     209560    13 
col        12     31.12    0.06      0.26  523.00    0.00  0.23     309932     0 
ntpdate    22     27.55    0.05     11.18  599.00    0.00  0.00      22419     0 
uuxqt      44     18.66    0.04      0.06  417.79    0.00  0.74      32604     3 
man        12     15.11    0.03      7.05  503.67    0.00  0.00      85266    47

The data provided, by column, in the daily command summary is described in Table 61-5.

Table 61-5 Daily Command Summary




Name of the command. Unfortunately, all shell procedures are lumped together under the name sh because only object modules are reported by the process accounting system. It's a good idea to monitor the frequency of programs called a.out or core or any other unexpected name. acctcom can be used to determine who executed an oddly named command and if superuser privileges were used.


Total number of invocations of this particular command during prime time.  


Total cumulative measurement of the Kbyte segments of memory used by a process per minute of run time.  


Total processing time this program has accumulated during prime time.  


Total real-time (wall-clock) minutes this program has accumulated.  


Mean of the TOTAL KCOREMIN over the number of invocations reflected by NUMBER CMDS.


Mean derived between the NUMBER CMDS and TOTAL CPU-MIN.


Total CPU time divided by elapsed time. Shows the ratio of system availability to system use, providing a relative measure of total available CPU time consumed by the process during its execution.  


Total count of the number of characters pushed around by the read and write system calls. May be negative due to overflow. 


Total count of the physical block reads and writes that a process performed.

Monthly Command Summary

The monthly command summary is similar to the daily command summary. The only difference is that the monthly command summary shows totals accumulated since the last invocation of monacct. A sample report appears below.

                                     TOTAL COMMAND SUMMARY
TOTALS     771    483.70   0.94    8984.09  515.12   0.00  0.00   2248299   179 
sh         105    155.41   0.23     429.58  667.94   0.00  0.00    491870     1 
uudemon.    85     29.39   0.07       0.29  434.28   0.00  0.23     49630    14 
acctcms      5     27.21   0.04       0.04  752.41   0.01  0.90    218880     1 
ntpdate     17     21.30   0.04      14.10  605.73   0.00  0.00     18192     0 
dtpad        1     19.69   0.01      10.87 2072.70   0.01  0.00     46992     8 
sendmail    17     16.75   0.02       0.02  859.04   0.00  0.91     1965      0 
acctprc      1     14.92   0.03       0.03  552.69   0.03  0.95    115584     0 
uuxqt       34     14.78   0.03       0.04  426.29   0.00  0.92     25194     0 
uusched     34     10.96   0.03       0.03  363.25   0.00  0.91     25194     0 
sed         40     10.15   0.03       0.09  315.50   0.00  0.36     64162     2 
man          5     10.08   0.02      57.58  555.05   0.00  0.00     25773     2 
getent       1      7.68   0.01       0.02  921.60   0.01  0.40     20136     0 
in.rlogi     5      7.65   0.01    4331.67  611.73   0.00  0.00     87440     0 
cp          37      7.28   0.03       0.05  280.08   0.00  0.50     1739     36 
date        27      7.24   0.02       0.03  329.12   0.00  0.65     23443     1 
ls          15      7.05   0.01       0.02  503.33   0.00  0.79     14123     0 
awk         19      6.94   0.02       0.06  372.04   0.00  0.32       666     0 
rm          29      6.83   0.02       0.04  301.32   0.00  0.60      2348    17

See "Daily Command Summary " for a description of the data.

Last Login Report

This report gives the date when a particular login was last used. You can use this information to find unused logins and login directories that may be archived and deleted. A sample report appears below.

Feb 27 12:25 1997  LAST LOGIN Page 1  
00-00-00  arimmer       00-00-00  lister        97-02-27  pjm
00-00-00  reception     00-00-00  smithey       97-02-27  ksm
00-00-00  release       00-00-00  smsc          97-02-27  root
00-00-00  resch         00-00-00  smtp

Looking at the pacct File With acctcom

At any time, you can examine the contents of the /var/adm/pacctn files, or any file with records in the acct.h format, by using the acctcom program. If you don't specify any files and don't provide any standard input when you run this command, acctcom reads the pacct file. Each record read by acctcom represents information about a dead process (active processes may be examined by running the ps command). The default output of acctcom provides the following information:

The following information can be obtained by using options to acctcom:

Table 61-6 acctcom Options




Show some average statistics about the processes selected. (The statistics are printed after the output is recorded.)  



Read the files backward, showing latest commands first. (This has no effect if reading standard input.)  


Print the fork/exec flag and system exit status columns. (The output is an octal number.)


Instead of mean memory size, show the hog factor, which is the fraction of total available CPU time consumed by the process during its execution. Hog factor = total_CPU_time/elapsed_time.


Print columns containing the I/O counts in the output.  


Show total kcore minutes instead of memory size.


Show mean core size (this is the default).  


Don't print output records, just print average statistics.  


Show CPU factor: user_time/(system_time + user_time).


Show separate system and user CPU times.  


Exclude column headings from the output.  

-C sec

Show only processes with total CPU time (system plus user) exceeding sec seconds.

-e time

Show processes existing at or before time, given in the format hr[:min[:sec]].

-E time

Show processes starting at or before time, given in the format hr[:min[:sec]]. Using the same time for both -S and -E, show processes that existed at the time.

-g group

Show only processes belonging to group.  

-H factor

Show only processes that exceed factor, where factor is the "hog factor" (see the -h option).

-I chars

Show only processes transferring more characters than the cutoff number specified by chars.  

-l line

Show only processes belonging to the terminal /dev/line.

-n pattern

Show only commands matching pattern (a regular expression except that "+" means one or more occurrences).

-o ofile

Instead of printing the records, copy them in acct.h format to ofile.

-O sec

Show only processes with CPU system time exceeding sec seconds.  

-s time

Show processes existing at or after time, given in the format hr[:min[:sec]].

-S time

Show processes starting at or after time, given in the format hr[:min[:sec]].

-u user

Show only processes belonging to user.  

The runacct Program

The main daily accounting shell script, runacct, is normally invoked by cron outside of prime time hours. The runacct shell script processes connect, fee, disk, and process accounting files. It also prepares daily and cumulative summary files for use by prdaily and monacct for billing purposes.

The runacct shell script takes care not to damage files if errors occur. A series of protection mechanisms are used that attempt to recognize an error, provide intelligent diagnostics, and complete processing in such a way that runacct can be restarted with minimal intervention. It records its progress by writing descriptive messages into the file active. (Files used by runacct are assumed to be in the /var/adm/acct/nite directory, unless otherwise noted.) All diagnostic output during the execution of runacct is written into fd2log.

When runacct is invoked, it creates the files lock and lock1. These files are used to prevent simultaneous execution of runacct. The runacct program prints an error message if these files exist when it is invoked. The lastdate file contains the month and day runacct was last invoked, and is used to prevent more than one execution per day. If runacct detects an error, a message is written to the console, mail is sent to root and adm, locks may be removed, diagnostic files are saved, and execution is ended. For instructions on how to start runacct again, see "How to Restart runacct".

To allow runacct to be restartable, processing is broken down into separate re-entrant states. The file statefile is used to keep track of the last state completed. When each state is completed, statefile is updated to reflect the next state. After processing for the state is complete, statefile is read and the next state is processed. When runacct reaches the CLEANUP state, it removes the locks and ends. States are executed as shown in Table 61-7.

Table 61-7 runacct States




The command turnacct switch is executed to create a new pacct file. The process accounting files in /var/adm/pacctn (except for the pacct file) are moved to /var/adm/Spacctn.MMDD. The /var/adm/wtmp file is moved to /var/adm/acct/nite/wtmp.MMDD (with the current time record added on the end) and a new /var/adm/wtmp is created. closewtmp and utmp2wtmp add records to wtmp.MMDD and the new wtmp to account for users currently logged in.


The wtmpfix program checks the wtmp.MMDD file in the nite directory for accuracy. Because some date changes will cause acctcon to fail, wtmpfix attempts to adjust the time stamps in the wtmp file if a record of a date change appears. It also deletes any corrupted entries from the wtmp file. The fixed version of wtmp.MMDD is written to tmpwtmp.


The acctcon program is used to record connect accounting records in the file ctacct.MMDD. These records are in tacct.h format. In addition, acctcon creates the lineuse and reboots files. The reboots file records all the boot records found in the wtmp file.


The acctprc program is used to convert the process accounting files, /var/adm/Spacctn.MMDD, into total accounting records in ptacctn.MMDD. The Spacct and ptacct files are correlated by number so that if runacct fails, the Spacct files will not be processed.


The MERGE program merges the process accounting records with the connect accounting records to form daytacct.


The MERGE program merges ASCII tacct records from the fee file into daytacct.


If the dodisk procedure has been run, producing the disktacct file, the DISK program merges the file into daytacct and moves disktacct to /tmp/disktacct.MMDD.


The MERGETACCT merges daytacct with sum/tacct, the cumulative total accounting file. Each day, daytacct is saved in sum/tacct.MMDD, so that sum/tacct can be recreated if it is corrupted or lost.


The acctcms program is run several times. acctcms is first run to generate the command summary using the Spacctn files and write it to sum/daycms. The acctcms program is then run to merge sum/daycms with the cumulative command summary file sum/cms. Finally, acctcms is run to produce the ASCII command summary files, nite/daycms and nite/cms, from the sum/daycms and sum/cms files, respectively. The lastlogin program is used to create the /var/adm/acct/sum/loginlog log file, the report of when each user last logged in. (If runacct is run after midnight, the dates showing the time last logged in by some users will be incorrect by one day.)


Any installation-dependent (local) accounting program can be included at this point. runacct expects it to be called /usr/lib/acct/runacct.local.


Cleans up temporary files, runs prdaily and saves its output in sum/rpt.MMDD, removes the locks, then exits.

Caution - Caution -

When restarting runacct in the CLEANUP state, remove the last ptacct file because it will not be complete.

Accounting Files

The /var/adm directory structure contains the active data collection files and is owned by the adm login (currently user ID of 4).

Table 61-8 Files in /var/adm Directory




Output from the acctdusg program


Output from the chargefee program, ASCII tacct records


Active process accounting file  


Process accounting files switched using turnacct


Process accounting files for MMDD during execution of runacct

The /var/adm/acct directory contains the nite, sum, and fiscal directories, which contain the actual data collection files. For example, the nite directory contains files that are reused daily by the runacct procedure. A brief summary of the files in the /var/adm/acct/nite directory follows.

Table 61-9 Files in the /var/adm/acct/nite Directory




Used by runacct to record progress and print warning and error messages


Same as active after runacct detects an error


ASCII total command summary used by prdaily


Connect accounting records in tacct.h format


Output of acctcon1 program, connect session records in ctmp.h format (acctcon1 and acctcon2 are provided for compatibility purposes)


ASCII daily command summary used by prdaily


Total accounting records for one day in tacct.h format


Disk accounting records in tacct.h format, created by the dodisk procedure


Diagnostic output during execution of runacct


Last day runacct executed (in date +%m%d format)


Used to control serial use of runacct


tty line usage report used by prdaily


Diagnostic output from acctcon


Same as log after runacct detects an error


Previous day's wtmp file


Beginning and ending dates from wtmp and a listing of reboots


Used to record current state during execution of runacct


wtmp file corrected by wtmpfix


Place for wtmpfix error messages


Same as wtmperror after runacct detects an error


runacct's copy of the wtmp file

The sum directory contains the cumulative summary files updated by runacct and used by monacct. A brief summary of the files in the /var/adm/acct/sum directory is in Table 61-10.

Table 61-10 Files in the /var/adm/acct/sum Directory




Total command summary file for current fiscal period in internal summary format  


Command summary file without latest update  


Command summary file for the day's usage in internal summary format  


Record of last date each user logged on; created by lastlogin and used in the prdaily program


Saved output of prdaily program


Cumulative total accounting file for current fiscal period  


Same as tacct without latest update


Total accounting file for MMDD

The fiscal directory contains periodic summary files created by monacct. A brief description of the files in the /var/adm/acct/fiscal directory is in Table 61-11.

Table 61-11 Files in the /var/adm/acct/fiscal Directory




Total command summary file for fiscal period n in internal summary format


Report similar to rprtn for fiscal period n


Total accounting file for fiscal period n

Files Produced by runacct

The most useful files produced by runacct (found in /var/adm/acct) are shown in Table 61-12.

Table 61-12 Files Produced by runacct




runacct calls acctcon to gather data on terminal line usage from /var/adm/acct/nite/tmpwtmp and writes the data to /var/adm/acct/nite/lineuse. prdaily uses this data to report line usage. This report is especially useful for detecting bad lines. If the ratio between the number of logouts to logins is greater than about three to one, there is a good possibility that the line is failing.


This file is the total accounting file for the day in tacct.h format.


This file is the accumulation of each day's nite/daytacct and can be used for billing purposes. It is restarted each month or fiscal period by the monacct procedure.


runacct calls acctcms to process the data about the commands used during the day. This information is stored in /var/adm/acct/sum/daycms. It contains the daily command summary. The ASCII version of this file is /var/adm/acct/nite/daycms.


This file is the accumulation of each day's command summaries. It is restarted by the execution of monacct. The ASCII version is nite/cms.


runacct calls lastlogin to update the last date logged in for the logins in /var/adm/acct/sum/loginlog. lastlogin also removes from this file logins that are no longer valid.


Each execution of runacct saves a copy of the daily report that was printed by prdaily.