System Administration Guide

How to Add SunOS 4.x OS Services to an OS Server

Note -

Sun plans to remove support for the SunOS 4.x release in a later version of the Solstice AdminSuite software. Also, you cannot add SunOS 4.x services to x86 OS servers.

The high-level steps in this procedure are:

  1. Log in as superuser on the OS server to which you want to add SunOS 4.x OS services for diskless clients.

  2. Insert the Solstice AdminSuite 2.3 CD into your CD-ROM drive.

    This step assumes that your system is running Volume Management.

  3. Change directory to the location of the software.

    # cd /cdrom/Solstice_sysmgt_2.3/4.x
  4. Install the SunOS 4.x heterogeneous install software.

    # pkgadd -d `pwd` SUNWhinst
  5. Eject the Solstice AdminSuite 2.3 CD.

    # cd
    # eject cd
  6. Insert the SunOS 4.x release CD into your CD-ROM drive.

    This step assumes that your system is running Volume Management, and the CD-ROM drive is directly attached to the server. Volume Management automatically mounts the CD directory on /cdrom/volume1/s0.

  7. Start the SunOS 4.x release software installation program.

    # /usr/sbin/install4x -m /cdrom/volume1/s0 -e /export

    The main menu is displayed.

    *** 4.1* Install Main Menu ***
    Choose an Architecture (then select modules to load):
                                    Loaded    Selected
    [a] sun4.sun4c.sunos.4.1.2         0            0
    [b] sun4.sun4.sunos.4.1.2          0            0
    [c] sun4.sun4m.sunos.4.1.2         0            0
     or begin the loading process for all selected modules:
    [L] Load selected modules
    or abort without loading any modules:
    [Q] Quit without loading                              
                                               | Disk Usage:       |
                                               |      0K Selected  |
                                               |  53634K Free      |
    Type any bracketed letter to select that function. 
    Type ? for help.      
  8. On the main menu, specify the architecture you want to support by typing the associated character that is shown in brackets.

    The Module Selection menu is displayed.

    Select sun4.sun4c.sunos.4.1.2 modules:
    +[a] R proto root............240K | [o]   User_Diag..............6352K 
    +[b] R usr.................26240K | [p]   Manual.................7456K 
    +[c] R Kvm..................4832K |+[q] D TLI..................... 48K 
    +[d] R Install...............936K | [r] D RFS.................... 912K
     [e] D Networking...........1040K | [s] D Debugging..............2928K
     [f] D System_V.............4008K | [t]   SunView_Programmers....1840K
     [g] D Sys..................5288K | [u]   Shlib_Custom...........1376K
     [h] C SunView_Users........2664K | [v]   Graphics...............1784K 
     [i]   SunView_Demo..........512K |+[w]   uucp....................608K+
     [j]   Text..................712K |+[x]   Games.............. ...3136K
     [k]   Demo.................4264K | [y]   Versatec...............5960K
     [l] C OpenWindows_Users...25936K | [z]   Security................312K
     [m] C OpenWindows_Demo.....4288K | [A]  OpenWindows_Programmers.10200K
     [n] C OpenWindows_Fonts ...7840K |
    Module     + = already loaded        R = Required     C= Common
    Legend:   ** = selected for loading  D = Desirable    Others are optional
    Select [a-A] or a Quick-Pick Option:
    [1] All Required Modules  [4] All Optional Modules  | Disk Usage:      |
    [2] All Desirable  Modules[5] All Modules           |      0K Selected | 
    [3] All Common Modules                              |   53634K Free    |
    or [D] (done) to return to the main screen         +-------------------+ 
  9. Select modules to load by typing the associated character that is shown in brackets.

    The Module Selection screen readily enables you to pick groups of modules to be loaded. When you enter a 1, it marks all required modules for loading. When you enter a 2, it marks all recommended modules. When you enter a 3, it marks all commonly loaded modules. When you enter a 4, it marks all optional modules. When you enter a 5, it marks all modules shown on the Module Selection screen.

  10. Return to the main menu by typing D.

    The main menu is displayed.

     *** 4.1* Install Main Menu ***
    Choose an Architecture (then select modules to load): 
                                    Loaded     Selected 
    [a] sun4.sun4c.sunos.4.1.2         0              4 
    [b] sun4.sun4.sunos.4.1.2          0              3 
    [c] sun4.sun4m.sunos.4.1.2         0              1
    or begin the loading process for all selected modules: 
    [L] Load selected modules
    or abort without loading any modules: 
    [Q] Quit without loading                   +-------------------+ 
                                               | Disk Usage:       |
                                               |       0K Selected | 
                                               |   53634K Free     |
    Type any bracketed letter to select that function.
    Type ? for help. 
  11. Type L to install the software.

    The modules you previously selected are installed.

    Installing module `proto  root' [size: 248K]
               in directory /export/exec/proto.root.sunos.4.1.2 ...
       Updating server databases ...
       Press any key to continue: 
  12. After the modules are installed, press any key to return to the main menu.

    The loaded modules are displayed in the main menu.

  13. If you want to add support for other architectures, repeat Step 8 through Step 11. Otherwise, type Q to exit.

    Note -

    There is no command-line equivalent for adding SunOS 4.x services to an OS server.

  14. Verify the SunOS 4.x services have been added by listing the contents of the /export/SunOS_4.x directory.

Where to Go From Here

If you want to add SunOS 4.x support for a diskless client, see "How to Add Support for a Diskless Client".