System Administration Guide

How to Start Solstice Host Manager

  1. Verify that the following prerequisites are met. To use Solstice Host Manager, you must have:

    • Solstice AdminSuite installed.

    • A bit-mapped display monitor. The Solstice AdminSuite software can be used only on a system with a console that has a bit-mapped screen such as a standard display monitor that comes with a Sun workstation.

    • If you want to perform administration tasks on a system with an ASCII terminal as the console, use Solaris commands instead.

    • An X Window system installed and running.

    • Superuser (root) privilege or membership in the sysadmin group (group 14) and the required access privileges for managing the NIS or NIS+ database.

      Note -

      If your name service is NIS+, you must be a member of the NIS+ admin group.

  2. Start the Solstice Launcher.

    $ solstice &

    The Solstice Launcher Menu is displayed.

  3. Click on the Host Manager icon.


    The Load window is displayed.

  4. Select the name service used in your network.

  5. Check that the domain or host name is correct.

    If not, type the domain or host name you need to access.

  6. Click on OK.

    The Solstice Host Manager main window is displayed.

Example--Host Manager Main Window
