System Administration Guide

How to Copy Information From a CD

You can access a CD's files and directories just like any other file system. The only significant restrictions are ownership and permissions. For instance, if you copy a file from a CD into your file system, you'll be the owner, but you won't have write permissions (because the file never had them on the CD); you'll have to change the permissions yourself.

  1. Make sure the CD is mounted.

    $ ls /cdrom

    The ls command displays the contents of a mounted CD. If no contents are displayed, see "How to Load a CD".

  2. Copy the files or directories.

    To Copy ... 

    Use ... 

    A file 


    A directory 

    cp -r

Example--Copying Information From a CD

The following example uses cp to copy a single file from the /cdrom/solstice_sysmgt_2_3 directory into the system's working directory (denoted by the ".").

$ cp /cdrom/solstice_sysmgt_2_3/README .
$ ls -l
-r--r--r--   1 pmorph   users       4618 May  9 08:09 README

Note that when a file or directory is copied from a CD into your file system, you become its owner, but it retains the permissions it had on the CD:


To overwrite it, you'll need to change the permissions with the chmod command. See Chapter 51, Securing Files (Tasks) for more information on using the chmod command.