System Administration Guide

How to Eject a Diskette

  1. Make sure the diskette is not being used.

    Remember, a diskette is "being used" if a shell or an application is accessing any of its files or directories.

    If you are not sure whether you have found all users of a diskette (a renegade shell hidden behind a desktop tool may be accessing it), use the fuser command, as described in "How to Find Out If a Diskette Is Still in Use".

  2. Eject the diskette.

    # eject floppy0

    On a SPARC platform the floppy is physically ejected from its drive, but on an x86 platform you'll have to eject the diskette by hand. If you are running Windows, look for an onscreen message that says you can now eject the diskette.

    If the diskette is still in use, the following message appears:

     /vol/dev/rdiskette0/noname: Device busy

    In this case, return to Step 1 and make sure no one is using the diskette, then eject it again.

    If the diskette jams, eject it manually by inserting an unfolded paper clip about an inch into the small hole in the front of the drive.