System Administration Guide

How to Accept or Reject Print Requests for a Printer

  1. Log in as superuser or lp on the print server.

  2. Stop accepting print requests for the printer by using the reject command.

    # reject [-r "reason"] printer-name
    -r "reason"

    Provides users a reason why the printer is rejecting print requests. The reason is stored and displayed whenever a user checks on the status of the printer (lpstat -p).


    Name of the printer that will stop accepting print requests. 

    The queued requests will continue printing as long as the printer is enabled. For instructions on disabling a printer so it stops printing, see "How to Enable or Disable a Printer".

  3. Start accepting print requests for the printer by using the accept command.

    # accept printer-name
  4. Check the status of the printer to see whether it is accepting or rejecting print requests by using the lpstat command.

    $ lpstat -p printer-name

Examples--Accepting or Rejecting Print Requests for a Printer

In the following example, the command stops the printer luna from accepting print requests.

# reject -r "luna is down for repairs" luna
destination "luna" will no longer accept requests

In the following example, the command sets the printer luna to accept print requests.

# accept luna
destination "luna" now accepting requests