System Administration Guide

Converting Files

The LP print service uses print filters to convert files from one content type to another. You can specify the accepted file content types for each printer. The user specifies the file content type when submitting a print request, and the LP print service finds a printer that can print files of that content type. Because many applications can generate files for various printers, this is often sufficient. However, some applications may generate files that cannot be printed on any available printers.

Each time the LP print service receives a request to print a type of file that is in a format that cannot be accepted directly by a printer, the LP print service tries to match the content type of the print request with the content type of the available (or specified) printer. If there is a match, the file can be sent directly to the printer without filtering. If no match is found, or if the content type specifies that a filter be used, the LP print service tries to match the content type of the file with the input content type of available filters, and match the output type of the filter with the content type of the printer. When an appropriate filter is found, the print request is passed through the filter.