System Administration Guide

How to View Information About a Form

  1. Log in as superuser or lp on the print server.

  2. Request information about a form by using the lpforms command.

    # lpforms -f form-name -l
    -f form-name


    Form for which you want to view information. Specify all for form-name to view information about all the available forms.


    Lists the specified form. 

    Information about the specified form(s) is displayed.

Examples--Viewing Information About a Form

In the following example, the command displays information about the medical form.

# lpforms -f medical -l
Page length: 62
Page width: 72
Number of pages: 2
Line pitch: 6
Character pitch: 12
Character set choice: pica
Ribbon color: black
Medical claim form

In the following example, the command redirects the information about the medical form to a file. (This command creates the form definition for the form.) This is useful if a form definition gets removed unintentionally.

# lpforms -f medical -l > medical.fmd