System Administration Guide

How to Add a Form

  1. Log in as superuser or lp on the print server.

  2. Add a form that is based on a form definition by using the lpforms command.

    # lpforms -f form-name -F /etc/lp/forms/form
    -f form-name

    Name you choose for the form.  

    -F /etc/lp/forms/form

    Name of the form definition. 

    The form is added in the print server's /etc/lp/forms/form-name/describe file.

  3. Verify that the form was added by checking for a listing of information about the form in the output of the following command.

    # lpforms -f form-name -l

Example--Adding a Form

In the following example, the command adds the medical form that uses the medical.fmd form definition.

# lpforms -f medical -F /etc/lp/forms/medical.fmd

Note -

Before the form can be used, one or more printers must be given access to the form. See "How to Limit Printer Access to a Form".