System Administration Guide

How to Use the /etc/printers.conf File to Load NIS

  1. Log in as superuser on the system that contains the /etc/printers.conf file to be copied to the NIS master server.

  2. Copy the system's /etc/printers.conf file to the NIS master server's /etc directory.

  3. Copy the /usr/lib/print/Makefile.yp makefile to the NIS master server's /var/yp directory.

  4. Log in as superuser on the NIS master server.

  5. On this system, specify how to process the files.

    # make -f /var/yp/makefile -f /var/yp/Makefile.yp printers.conf
    -f /var/yp/makefile

    Specifies the NIS makefile. 

    -f /usr/lib/print/Makefile.yp

    Specifies the NIS print makefile. This means implicit rules and predefined macros from both makefiles are concatenated. 


    Specifies the file to be created or updated.