System Administration Guide

How to Collect Reports on a Server

  1. Become superuser.

  2. Set up a directory on the server:

    1. Change to the /usr/aset directory.

      mars# cd /usr/aset
    2. Create a rptdir directory.

      mars# mkdir rptdir
    3. Change to the rptdir directory and create a client_rpt directory.

      mars# cd rptdir
      mars# mkdir client_rpt
    4. This creates a subdirectory (client_rpt) for a client. Repeat this step for each client whose reports you need to collect.

      The following example creates the directory all_reports, and the subdirectories pluto_rpt and neptune_rpt.

      mars# cd /usr/aset
      mars# mkdir all_reports
      mars# cd all_reports
      mars# mkdir pluto_rpt
      mars# mkdir neptune_rpt
  3. Add the client_rpt directories to the /etc/dfs/dfstab file.

    The directories should have read/write options.

    For example, the following entries in dfstab are shared with read/write permissions.

    share -F nfs -o rw=pluto /usr/aset/all_reports/pluto_rpt
    share -F nfs -o rw=neptune /usr/aset/all_reports/neptune_rpt
  4. Make the resources in the dfstab file available to the clients.

    # shareall
  5. On each client, mount the client subdirectory from the server at the mount point, /usr/aset/masters/reports

    # mount server:/usr/aset/client_rpt /usr/aset/masters/reports
  6. Edit the /etc/vfstab file to mount the directory automatically at boot time.

    The following sample entry in /etc/vfstab on neptune lists the directory to be mounted from mars, /usr/aset/all_reports/neptune_rpt, and the mount point on neptune, /usr/aset/reports. At boot time, the directories listed in vfstab are automatically mounted.

    mars:/usr/aset/all_reports/neptune.rpt /usr/aset/reports nfs - yes 