System Administration Guide

Example of an Execution Log File

ASET running at security level low

Machine=example; Current time = 0325_08:00

aset: Using /usr/aset as working directory

Executing task list...
All tasks executed. Some background tasks may still be running.

Run /usr/aset/util/taskstat to check their status:
     $/usr/aset/util/taskstat     aset_dir
Where aset_dir is ASET's operating directory, currently=/usr/aset

When the tasks complete, the reports can be found in:
You can view them by:
more /usr/aset/reports/latest/*.rpt 

The log first shows the system and time that ASET was run. Then it lists each task as it is started.

ASET invokes a background process for each of these tasks, which are described in "ASET Tasks". The task is listed in the execution log when it starts; this does not indicate that it has been completed. To check the status of the background tasks, use the taskstat utility.