System Administration Guide

setgid Permission

The set-group identification (setgid) permission is similar to setuid, except that the process's effective group ID (GID) is changed to the group owner of the file, and a user is granted access based on permissions granted to that group. The /usr/bin/mail program has setgid permissions:

-r-x--s--x   1 bin      mail       62504 May  3 07:58 /usr/bin/mail

When setgid permission is applied to a directory, files created in this directory belong to the group the directory belongs to, not the group the creating process belongs to. Any user who has write permission in the directory can create a file there--however, the file will not belong to the group of the user, but will belong to the group of the directory.

You should monitor your system for any unauthorized use of the setuid and setgid permissions to gain superuser privileges. See "How to Find Files With setuid Permissions" to search for the file systems and print out a list of all programs using these permissions. A suspicious listing would be one that grants ownership of such a program to a user rather than to bin or sys. Only superuser can set these permissions.