System Administration Guide

Kernel-Mode Parameter Table

The scheduler uses the kernel-mode parameter table, ts_kmdpris, to manage sleeping timesharing processes. A default version of ts_kmdpris is delivered with the system, in the /kernel/sched/TS_DPTBL loadable module, and is automatically built into the kernel as part of system configuration. See ts_dptbl(4) for more information.

Note -

The kernel assumes that it has at least 40 priorities in ts_kmdpris. It panics if it does not.

The kernel-mode parameter table is a one-dimensional array of global priorities from 60 through 99. If a process owns a critical resource, it is assigned a kernel priority so that it can release the resource as soon as possible. Critical resources are:

Prior to SunOS 5.3, processes were assigned kernel priorities while they were asleep. This ensured that the resources they were waiting for were not paged out before they had a chance to execute again.

In order to do this after SunOS 5.3, processes return from sleep with the highest time-share priority (59).