System Administration Guide

Example--Installing Software From a Remote Package Server

If the packages you want to install are available from a remote system, you can manually mount the directory containing the packages (in package format) and install packages on the local system. The following example shows the commands to do this. In this example, assume the remote system named package-server has software packages in the /latest-packages directory. The mount command mounts the packages locally on /mnt, and the pkgadd command installs the SUNWaudio package.

# mount -F nfs -o ro package-server:/latest-packages /mnt
# pkgadd -d /mnt SUNWaudio
Installation of <SUNWaudio> was successful.

If the automounter is running at your site, you do not need to mount the remote package server manually. Instead, use the automounter path (in this case, /net/package-server/latest-packages) as the argument to the -d option.

# pkgadd -d /net/package-server/latest-packages SUNWaudio
Installation of <SUNWaudio> was successful.

The following example is similar to the previous one, except it uses the -a option and specifies an administration file named noask-pkgadd, which is illustrated in "Avoiding User Interaction When Adding Packages". In this example, assume the noask-pkgadd administration file is in the default location, /var/sadm/install/admin.

# pkgadd -a noask-pkgadd -d /net/package-server/latest-packages
Installation of <SUNWaudio> was successful.