System Administration Guide

Example--Displaying a crontab File

The following example shows how to use crontab -l to display the contents of the default user's crontab file, the default root crontab file, and the crontab file belonging to another user.

$ crontab -l
13 13 * * * chmod g+w /usr/documents/*.book > /dev/null 2>&1
$ su
# crontab -l
#ident "@(#)root    1.12    94/03/24 SMI"    /* SVr4.0
# The root crontab should be used to perform accounting data
# collection.
# The rtc command is run to adjust the real time clock if and when
# daylight savings time changes.
0 2 * * 0,4 /etc/cron.d/logchecker
5 4 * * 6   /usr/lib/newsyslog
15 3 * * * /usr/lib/fs/nfs/nfsfind
1 2 * * * [ -x /usr/sbin/rtc ] && /usr/sbin/rtc -c > /dev/null 2>&1
20 * * * * [ -x /usr/lib/inet/ntpdate ] && /usr/lib/inet/ntpdate
-m >/dev/null 2>&1
# crontab -l jones
13 13 * * * cp /home/jones/work_files /usr/backup/. > /dev/null