System Administration Guide

Setting Up Quotas Task Map

Table 58-2 Task Map: Setting Up Quotas





For Instructions, Go To 


Configure a File System for Quotas  


Edit /etc/vfstab so that quotas are activated each time the file system is mounted, and create a quotas file.


"How to Configure File Systems for Quotas"


Set Up Quotas for a User  


Use the edquota command to create disk and inode quotas for a single user account.


"How to Set Up Quotas for a User"


Set Up Quotas for Multiple Users  


Optional. Use edquota to apply prototype quotas to other user accounts.


"How to Set Up Quotas for Multiple Users"


Check for Consistency  


Use the quotacheck command to compare quotas to current disk usage for consistency on one or more file systems.


"How to Check Quota Consistency"


Turn Quotas On 


Use the quotaon command to initate quotas on one or more file systems.


"How to Turn Quotas On"