System Administration Guide

How to Set a System's Date and Time Manually

  1. Become superuser.

  2. Enter the new date and time.

    # date mmddHHMM[[cc]yy]


    Month, using two digits. 


    Day of the month, using two digits. 


    Hour, using two digits and a 24-hour clock. 


    Minutes, using two digits. 


    Century, using two digits. 


    Year, using two digits. 

  3. Verify that you have reset your system's date correctly by checking your system's date and time using the date command with no options.

    The output should show a date and time that matches that of the other system.

Example--Setting a System's Date and Time Manually

The following example shows how to use date to manually set a system's date and time. Thu Mar 6 09:12:00 MST 1997

# date
Thu Mar  6 09:10:20 MST 1997
# date 030609121997