System Administration Guide

How to Reserve Space for Crash Dump Files

  1. Be sure you have completed any required tasks identified in Table 69-1.

  2. Become superuser.

  3. Change to the /var/crash/system-name directory.

    # cd /var/crash/system-name


    The system for which you want to save crash dump files. 

  4. Using the editor of your choice, create a file named minfree that contains a number specifying the minimum available free space (in kilobytes) that must remain available for crash dumps.

  5. Exit the file, saving changes.

Example--Reserving Space for Crash Dump Files

The following example shows the contents of a minfree file that reserves 500 Kbytes of available free space to contain crash dump files for the system saturn.

$ more /var/crash/saturn/minfree