System Administration Guide

Example--Changing File Permissions

This example shows changing the permissions of a public directory from 744 (read/write/execute, read-only, and read-only) to 755 (read/write/execute, read/execute, and read/execute).

$ ls -ld public_dir
drwxr--r--  1 ignatz   staff    6023 Aug  5 12:06 public_dir
$ chmod 755 public_dir
$ ls -ld public_dir
drwxr-xr-x  1 ignatz   staff    6023 Aug  5 12:06 public_dir

This example show changing the permissions of an executable shell script from read/write to read/write/execute.

$ ls -l my_script
-rw------- 1 ignatz   staff    6023 Aug  5 12:06 my_script
$ chmod 700 my_script
$ ls -l my_script
-rwx------ 1 ignatz   staff    6023 Aug  5 12:06 my_script