System Administration Guide

Use Site Initialization Files

When customizing a user initialization file, it is important that the user initialization files can be customized by both the administrator and the user. This important feature can be accomplished with centrally located and globally distributed user initialization files, called site initialization files. Site initialization files enable you to continually introduce new functionality to the user's work environment, while enabling the user to also customize the user initialization file.

When you reference a site initialization file in a user initialization file, all updates to the site initialization file are automatically reflected when the user logs in to the system or when a user starts a new shell. Site initialization files are designed for you to distribute site-wide changes to users' work environments that you did not anticipate when you added the users.

Any customization that can be done in a user initialization file can be done in a site initialization file. These files typically reside on a server (or set of servers), and appear as the first statement in a user initialization file. Also, each site initialization file must be the same type of shell script as the user initialization file that references it.

To reference a site initialization file in a C-shell user initialization file, place a line similar to the following at the beginning of the user initialization file:

source /net/machine-name/export/site-files/site-init-file

To reference a site initialization file in a Bourne- or Korn-shell user initialization file, place a line similar to the following at the beginning of the user initialization file:

. /net/machine-name/export/site-files/site-init-file