System Administration Guide

How to Modify a User Account

  1. Start Admintool, if it's not already running. Select Users from the Browse menu.

    See "How to Start Admintool" for more information.

  2. Select the user account entry to modify from the Users window.

  3. Choose Modify User from the Edit menu.

    The Modify window is displayed containing the selected user account entry.

  4. Modify the user account.

    If you need information to complete a field, click on the Help button to see field definitions for this window. You can change any of the Account Security fields, which includes changing a password or changing password aging. See the following tasks for detailed step-by-step instructions:

  5. Click on OK.

  6. To verify that the modifications were made, double-click on the modified user account entry in the Users window, then click on Cancel to close the window without making any modifications.

Example--Modifying a User Account

The following example adds the secondary group membership lp to the rimmer user account.
