Solaris Naming Administration Guide

Browsing the FNS Namespace

Once the namespace has been set up, you can browse using the following commands:

Listing Context Contents

The fnlist command displays the names and references bound in the context of name.

fnlist [-lvA] [name]
Table 19-2 fnlist Command Options




A composite name. Displays the names bound in the context of name


Verbose. Displays the binding in more detail 


Also displays the bindings of the names bound in the named context 


Forces fnlist to obtain its information from the authoritative server. Under NIS and NIS+, that is the domain master server. The -A option has no effect when the primary naming service is files.

For example:

To list names in the initial context:

% fnlist

To list in detail all the users in the current organizational unit:

% fnlist -v user

To list the contents of the service context for the user pug:

% fnlist user/pug/service

To list names and bindings from the authoritative server:

% fnlist -l -A

Displaying the Bindings of a Composite Name

The fnlookup command shows the binding of the given composite name.

fnlookup [-vAL] [name]
Table 19-3 fnlookup Command Options




The name of a context. Displays the binding and XFN link of name


Verbose. Displays the binding in more detail 


Also displays the XFN link that the name is bound to 


Forces fnlist to obtain its information from the authoritative server. Under NIS and NIS+, that is the domain master server. The -A option has no effect when the primary naming service is files-based.

For example: to display the binding of user/ana/service/printer:

# fnlookup user/ana/service/printer

Showing the Attributes of a Composite Name

The fnattr command displays (and updates) the attributes of the given composite name.

For example, to search for the attributes associated with a user named ada:

# fnattr user/ada

To search for the attributes associated with a printer named laser-9:

# fnattr thisorgunit/service/printer/laser-9

See "Working With Attributes" for more details.

Searching for FNS Information

The fnsearch command displays the names and, optionally, the attributes and references of objects bound at or below a composite name whose attributes satisfy the given search criteria.

For example:

To list the users and their attributes who have an attribute called realname:

% fnsearch user realname

To list the users with the attribute realname whose value is Ravi Chattha:

% fnsearch user "realname == 'Ravi Chattha'"

The fnsearch command uses the common Boolean operators. Note the use of double and single quotes and double equals sign in the above example.