Solaris Naming Setup and Configuration Guide

Creating a Sample NIS+ Namespace

The procedures in this chapter show you how to create a sample NIS+ namespace. The sample NIS+ namespace will be created from /etc files and NIS maps. This sample shows you how to use the scripts both when your site is not running NIS and when NIS is running at your site. You can set your servers to NIS-compatibility mode if they will be serving NIS clients. See NIS+ Transition Guide and Solaris Naming Administration Guide for more information on NIS-compatibility mode.

Note -

Your site's actual NIS+ namespace and its domain hierarchy probably differs from the sample namespace's, and yours probably contains a different number of servers, clients, and domains. Do not expect any resemblance between your final domain configuration or hierarchy and the sample one. The sample namespace is only an illustration of how to use the NIS+ scripts. After you have created this sample namespace, you should have a clear idea about how to create domains, servers, and clients at your site.

The sample namespace contains the following components:

This scenario shows the scripts being used to configure NIS+ at a site that uses both system information files, such as /etc/hosts, and NIS maps to store network service information. The sample NIS+ namespace uses such a mixed site purely for example purposes.

Summary of NIS+ Scripts Command Lines

Table 4-2 contains the generic sequence of NIS+ scripts and commands you will use to create an example NIS+ domain. Subsequent sections describe these command lines in detail. After you are familiar with the tasks required to create NIS+ domains, servers, and clients, use Table 4-2 as a quick-reference guide to the appropriate command lines. Table 4-2 is a summary of the actual commands with the appropriate variables that you will type to create the sample NIS+ namespace.

Table 4-2 NIS+ Domains Configuration Command Lines Summary




Include /usr/lib/nis in root's path; C shell or Bourne shell.

Root master server and client machines as superuser 

setenv PATH $PATH:/usr/lib/nis


PATH=$PATH:/usr/lib/nis; export PATH

Create a root master server without or with NIS (YP) compatibility. 

Root master server as superuser 

nisserver -r-dnewdomain.


nisserver -Y-r-d newdomain.

Populate the root master server tables from files or from NIS maps. 

Root master server as superuser 

nispopulate -F-p /files -d newdomain.


nispopulate -Y-d newdomain. -h NISservername\ -a NIS_server_ipaddress -y NIS_domain

Add additional users to the NIS+ admin group. 

Root master server as superuser

Make a checkpoint of the NIS+ database 

Root master server as superuser 

nisping- C domain.

Initialize a new client machine. 

Client machine as superuser 

nisclient- i-d domain . -h master1

Initialize user as an NIS+ client. 

Client machine as user 


Start the rpc.nisd daemon--required to convert a client to a server without or with NIS (and DNS) compatibility. 

Client machine as superuser 





rpc.nisd -Y -B

Convert a server to a root replica. 

Root master server as superuser 

nisserver-R-ddomain. -h clientname

Convert a server to a non-root master server. 

Root master server as superuser 

nisserver -M-dnewsubdomain.domain. -h\clientmachine

Populate the new master server tables from files or from NIS maps. 

New subdomain master server as superuser 

nispopulate -F-p/subdomaindirectory -d \ newsubdomain .domain .


nispopulate -Y-dnewsubdomain .domain.-h NISservername -aNIS_server_ipaddress -y NIS_domain

Convert a client to a master server replica. 

Subdomain master server as superuser 

nisserver-R-dsubdomain .domain. - h clientname

Initialize a new client of the subdomain. Clients can be converted to subdomain replicas or to another server.  

New subdomain client machine as superuser  

nisclient -i -d newsubdomain.domain. - h \ subdomainmaster

Initialize user as an NIS+ client.  

Client machine as user 

nisclient -u

Note -

To see what commands an NIS+ script calls, without actually having the commands execute, use the -x option. The -x option causes the command names and their approximate output to echo to the screen as if you were actually running the script. Running the scripts for the first time with -x may minimize unexpected results. For more information, see the man pages for the scripts.