Solaris Naming Setup and Configuration Guide

Initializing Subdomain NIS+ Client Machines

After the master server's tables have been populated from files or NIS maps, you can initialize an NIS+ client machine. This section shows you how to initialize an NIS+ client in the new domain using the nisclient script with default settings. The NIS+ client machine is a different workstation than the NIS+ master server.

Note -

The -i option used in "How to Initialize a New Subdomain Client Machine" does not configure an NIS+ client to resolve host names requiring DNS. You need to explicitly include DNS for clients in their name service switch files. See "Enabling a Machine to Use DNS" for more information on resolving host names through DNS.

You use the same procedure to initialize a client in the new domain as you do to initialize a client in the root domain. This example shows you only what you would type to initialize a client for the new domain. For the rest of the script's output, see "Initializing a New Client Machine".

Prerequisites to Running nisclient

Before you can use the nisclient script to initialize a user:

Information You Need

You need:

How to Initialize a New Subdomain Client Machine

    Type the following command as superuser to initialize the new client on the new client machine.

subclient1# nisclient -i -d -h client2
Initializing client subclient1 for domain "".
Once initialization is done, you will need to reboot your machine.
Do you want to continue? (type 'Y' to continue, 'N' to exit this script)

The -i option initializes a client. The -d option specifies the new NIS+ domain name. (If the domain name is not specified, the default becomes the current domain name.) The -h option specifies the NIS+ server's host name.

See "Initializing a New Client Machine" for the rest of this script's output.