Solaris 1.x to 2.x Transition Guide

Directory and File Changes

This section describes the changes to directories and files between the SunOS release 4.x and SunOS release 5.6 environment.

/dev Directory

The /dev directory has changed from a flat directory to a hierarchical one. Table 9-6 describes the subdirectories that have been added.

Table 9-6 Additions to the /dev Directory




Contains block disk devices 


Contains raw disk devices 


Contains pseudo terminal (pty) slave devices


Contains raw tape devices 


Contains entry points for the STREAMS Administrative Driver 


Contains terminal devices 

/etc Directory

The /etc directory contains system configuration information. Several files and subdirectories have been added, removed, or changed.

Table 9-7 Initialization Scripts and Their Run Control Files


Run Control Files 

















Table 9-8 Additions to the /etc Directory




Defines default system configuration 


Defines Internet services configuration 


Defines LP system configuration 


Defines installed optional software 


Defines run-state transition operations 


Defines Service Access Facility (SAF) configuration 

/etc/vfstab File

In the SunOS release 5.6 software, the virtual file system file /etc/vfstab replaces the /etc/fstab file. In the virtual file system architecture, the /etc/vfstab file provides default file system parameters used by the generic commands for file system management. For information about these commands, see "Generic File System Commands".

In addition to the name change, the /etc/vfstab file is different from the /etc/fstab file in the following ways:

Table 9-9 /etc/vfstab File Field Names and Content

Field Name 


device to mount

The entry in this field may be any of the following: 

The block special device for local UFS file systems (for example, /dev/dsk/c0t0d0s0)

The resource name for remote file systems (for example, myserver:/export/home for an NFS system)

The name of the slice on which to swap (for example, /dev/dsk/c0t3d0s1)

The /proc directory and proc file system type

CD-ROM as hsfs file system type

/dev/diskette as pcfs or ufs file system type

This field is also used to specify swap file systems. For more information on remote file systems, see NFS Administration Guide .

device to fsck

The raw (character) special device that corresponds to the file system identified by the device to mount field (for example, /dev/rdsk/c0t0d0s0). This field determines the raw interface that is used by fsck. Use a dash (-) when there is no applicable device, such as for a read-only file system or a network-based file system.

mount point

The default mount-point directory (for example, /usr for /dev/dsk/c0t0d0s6).

FS type

The type of file system identified by the device to mount field.

fsck pass

The pass number used by fsck to determine whether to check a file system. When the field contains a dash (-), the file system is not checked. When the field contains a value of 1 or more, the file system is checked; non-UFS file systems with a 0 fsck pass are checked. For UFS file systems only, when the field contains a 0, the file system is not checked. When fsck is run on multiple UFS file systems that have fsck pass values greater than 1 and the preen option (-o p) is used, fsck automatically checks the file systems on different disks in parallel to maximize efficiency. When the field contains a value of 1, the file system is checked sequentially. Otherwise, the value of the pass number does not have any effect. In SunOS 5.6 system software, the fsck pass field does not explicitly specify the order in which file systems are checked.


yes or no for whether the file system should be automatically mounted by mountall when the system is booted. An auto in the fourth column of your SunOS release 4.x /etc/fstab would translate to a "yes" in this column; a noauto, a "no." Note that this field has nothing to do with the automount program.

mount options

A list of comma-separated options (with no spaces) that are used in mounting the file system. Use a dash (-) to show no options. See the mount(1M) man page for a list of the available options.

For detailed information about the /etc/vfstab file, see System Administration Guide.

/etc/shadow File

The SunOS release 5.6 software contains an /etc/shadow file, which includes entries that force password aging for individual user login accounts. The /etc/shadow file also contains encrypted passwords. The /etc/shadow file does not have general read permissions. This prevents general access to the encrypted passwords that formerly appeared in the /etc/passwd file.

/sbin Directory

The SunOS release 5.6 /sbin directory contains the rc scripts used to alter system run levels as well as the rcs script used to initialize the system prior to mounting file systems. See the rc man pages and "Changing System Run Levels" for a description of the scripts.

/usr Directory

The SunOS release 5.6 /usr directory contains sharable files and executables provided by the system. Table 9-10 describes the subdirectories that have been added to the SunOS release 5.6 /usr directory.

Table 9-10 Additions to the /usr Directory




C compilation systems 


Executables and other files used by admintool

Table 9-11 shows files that were in the SunOS release 4.x /usr directory but have been moved in the SunOS release 5.6 software.

Table 9-11 Files Changed in the /usr Directory

SunOS release 4.x Location 

SunOS release 5.6 Location 










Contents removed  







Appendix E, / and /usr File Systems Changes, contains tables with detailed information about the directories and files in each of these file systems.

/var Directory

The /var directory contains files that change sizes during normal operation. Several files and subdirectories in the /var directory have been added, removed, or changed.

/kernel Directory

The SunOS release 5.6 /kernel directory contains the operating system kernel and kernel-level object modules that were in the SunOS release 4.x /sys directory. Table 9-12 describes the subdirectories that have been added to the /kernel directory.

Table 9-12 Additions to the /kernel Directory




Device driver and pseudo-device driver modules 


Kernel modules to run ELF or a.out executable files


Kernel modules that implement file systems such as ufs, nfs, proc, fifo, and so on


Miscellaneous modules 


Modules containing scheduling classes and corresponding dispatch tables 


STREAMS modules 


Loadable system calls such as system accounting and semaphore operations 


Operating system kernel, loaded at boot time 

/opt Directory

The SunOS release 5.6 /opt directory contains optional add-on application software packages. These packages were installed in the SunOS release 4.x /usr directory..

/sys Directory

The /sys directory has been retired. Its files, used to reconfigure the kernel, have been made obsolete by the dynamic kernel.