Solaris Common Desktop Environment: User's Guide

Customizing Mailer

Once you have used Mailer for some time, you may want to change some of its defaults. The Options menu provides you with these choices:

To Display Message Numbers in Your Mailbox

  1. Choose Basic from the Options menu.

    The Basic Options dialog box is displayed.

  2. Select the Display message numbers option.

  3. Click OK or Apply to make your changes take effect.

    The numbering appears on the left side of your Message Header List.

To Change the Character Marker for Included Text in a Reply

Having a marker for text you include when you reply to a message sets it off from the text you want to add. Mailer provides a right-angle bracket (>) as the default. You can customize this marker to a character of your choice.

  1. Choose Compose Window from the Options menu.

    The Compose Window Options dialog box is displayed.

  2. Type the character you want to use under Indent Characters For Included Message.

  3. Click OK or Apply to make your changes take effect.

To Set How Often Mailer Checks for Messages

  1. Choose Basic from the Options menu.

    The Basic Options dialog box is displayed.

  2. Increase or decrease the setting in the "Check for new mail every" field.

  3. Click OK or Apply to make your changes take effect.

To Add Custom Fields to the Format Menu

Besides the To, Subject, Cc, and Bcc fields in the Format menu of a Compose window, you may want to add your own fields, such as Reply-To, Return-Receipt-To, and so on.

  1. Choose Compose Window from the Options menu.

    The Compose Window Options dialog box is displayed.

  2. Type a name in the Header Name field as it will appear in the Compose window header (for example, Return-Receipt-To).

  3. Optional. Type a default entry for the defined header field in the Default Value field (for example, your email address).

  4. Click Add to add the values to the scrolling list.

    To change a custom field, select it and edit the Header Name or Default Value field, as appropriate, then click Change.

    To remove a custom field, select it and click Delete.

  5. Click OK or Apply to make your changes take effect.

To Customize Mail Notification

To determine how Mailer signals the arrival of new mail:

  1. Choose Notification from the Options menu.

  2. Under "Signal new mail with," specify whether you want Mailer to beep, the Header window to flash, or Mailer to play an audio file when new mail arrives. You can choose to have all three signals if you desire.

    Set the number of beeps and flashes by clicking on the up or down arrow under Beeps and Flashes.

    To play an audio file, either type the full path name of the file in the Sound File text field, or click Select to specify that file in a File Selection dialog box.

Configuring the Appearance of the Toolbar

From the settings in the Toolbar Options dialog box, you can change the appearance of the Toolbar buttons (as icons or with text), determine which buttons display, and set the order in which they are displayed.

By default, the following commands appear as icons: Delete; Next; Previous; Reply, Include Message; Forward; New Message; and Print One.


To Customize the Toolbar

  1. Choose Toolbar from the Options menu.

    The Toolbar Options dialog box is displayed. Under Commands is a list of the commands you can choose to be displayed in the Toolbar, either as icons or with text. Those commands you have chosen to be displayed in the Toolbar are shown in the Toolbar scrolling list.

  2. Select Icons or Text as your preference for the display.

  3. Optional. Click Add or Remove to add or remove a selected command from the Toolbar.

  4. Optional. Click Move Up or Move down to change the order in which the buttons are displayed.

  5. Click OK or Apply to make your changes take effect.