Solaris Common Desktop Environment: User's Guide

Chapter 11 Using Calendar

Calendar is a desktop application that enables you to schedule appointments and To Do items, set reminders, make and print appointment and To Do lists, browse other calendars, and schedule group appointments.

Calendar Startup

You can start Calendar in one of two ways:

    Click the Calendar control in the Front Panel.


    Type dtcm to start Calendar from the command line.

Calendar Main Window

The menus and tool bar controls are at the top of the main window. The selected Calendar view is displayed in the lower part of the main window.


Calendar Tool Bar

Calendar's tool bar provides controls for quick navigation through calendars. The tool bar controls and their functions are described in Table 11-1.

Table 11-1 Calendar Tool Bar Icons





Appointment Editor icon opens the Appointment Editor so you can insert, delete, or edit Calendar appointments.



To Do Editor icon opens the To Do Editor so you can create, modify, update, or set reminders for things you have to do.



Previous View arrow changes the Calendar view to display the view before the current view. For example, if you are viewing August in Month view, clicking the Previous View arrow changes the Calendar display to July.



Today changes the Calendar view to display the current day in the format you are viewing. For example, if you are viewing by month, clicking Today displays the current month.



Next View arrow changes the Calendar view to display the view after the current view. For example, if you are viewing August in Month view, clicking the Next View arrow changes the Calendar display to September.



Day View icon displays the calendar you are viewing with one day's appointments in the window plus a three-month mini-calendar.



Week View icon displays the calendar you are viewing with a week's appointments in the window plus a week grid showing scheduled times.



Month View icon displays the calendar you are viewing with a month's appointments in the window.



Year View icon displays the calendar you are viewing with a year in the window. Appointments are not displayed.

Calendar Views

The Calendar view is the day, week, month, or year displayed in the main Calendar window.

Day View

Day view displays the calendar you are viewing with one day's appointments in the window. Day view also provides a three-month mini-calendar that displays the month you are viewing and the previous and next months.

Clicking on a day in the three-month mini-calendar changes the Day view to display the selected day. Clicking on a month name in the mini-calendar changes the Calendar display from Day view to Month view.


Week View

Week view displays the calendar you are viewing with one week's appointments in the window. The selected day is highlighted.

Week view also provides a week grid showing at a glance the times that are scheduled (shaded) and the times that are available (unshaded).

Clicking on a day name in the Week view changes the Calendar display from Week view to Day view.


Month View

Month view displays the calendar you are viewing with one month's appointments in the window. The selected day is highlighted.

Clicking on a day in Month view changes the Calendar display to Day view.


Year View

Year view displays a year calendar. Appointments are not displayed. Clicking on a month name in Year view changes the Calendar display to Month view.



Use the Appointment Editor to insert, change, or delete appointments on your calendar.

To Schedule a Basic Appointment

  1. In Day, Week, or Month view, display the day for which you want to schedule an appointment.

  2. Double-click that day to open the Appointment Editor.

  3. Choose the Start and End times.

    The default appointment duration is one hour. If your appointment is longer or shorter, edit the time in the End field.

  4. Type a description of the appointment in the What field.

    For example, you may want to enter the appointment's location and purpose.

    If you want to add optional settings to an appointment, see "To Set Appointment Options".

  5. Click Insert.

    The appointment is added to your calendar.

  6. Click Cancel to close the Appointment Editor.

To Set Appointment Options

  1. Set up a basic appointment, as described above.

  2. Click the More button in the Appointment Editor to display additional appointment options.

  3. Select the desired appointment in the Appointment Editor list.

  4. Select Beep, Flash, Popup, or Mail (or more than one, in combination) for the types of reminders you want.

  5. Edit the reminder intervals and the Mail To entry if necessary.

  6. Optional. To repeat the appointment more than once, choose an option from the Occurs menu, and then choose an option from the For menu.

    If you don't see the interval you want, choose Repeat Every from the Occurs menu, and type the desired interval in days, weeks, or months.

  7. Choose an option from the Privacy menu.

    Others See Time and Text 

    Displays full appointment to others 

    Others See Time Only 

    Displays only time commitment, not description 

    Others See Nothing 

    Displays nothing to others 

  8. Click Change.

    If you set the appointment options at the same time as setting up a basic appointment, click Insert at this step.

    Note -

    If you are inserting multiple appointments one after another, be sure to click Clear between insertions. This will reset options that you may not want to carry over from one appointment to the next.

  9. Click Cancel to close the Appointment Editor.

To Change an Appointment

  1. Click the Appointment Editor icon.

  2. Select the appointment in the appointment list that you want to change.

  3. Edit the appointment date, start or end time, description, reminders, frequency, or privacy.

  4. Click Change.

  5. Click Cancel to close the Appointment Editor.

To Delete an Appointment

  1. Click on the Appointment Editor icon to open it.

  2. Select the appointment in the appointment list.

  3. Click Delete.

  4. Click Cancel to close the editor.

To Find an Appointment

  1. Choose Find from the View menu.

    The Find dialog box is displayed

  2. Type some text in the in the Find field that can become a keyword for the search; for example, conference.

    The Find field is not case-sensitive.

    By default, Calendar searches the past and future six months in your calendar. If you want to change the search range, click Search all to search your entire calendar (can take a long time) or edit the dates in the Search from fields.

  3. Click Find.

    Appointments with matching text are displayed in the Find window.

  4. Select the desired appointment in the list.

  5. Click Show Appointment to display the entire appointment.

  6. Click Close to close the Find dialog box.

To View an Appointment List

This section describes how to create an appointment list and display it on your system. If you want to print your Appointment list, see "Printing Calendars, Appointment, or To Do Lists".

  1. Display the view of the calendar that you want the appointment list to show.

  2. Choose Appointment List from the View menu.


    Appointments are listed chronologically and show date, time, and description. For example, if you are viewing by week, the Appointment List displays the week's appointments.

To Do Items

Use the To Do Editor to insert, update, or delete To Do items in your Calendar.

To Insert a To Do Item

  1. Click the To Do Editor icon.

  2. Type or edit the due date for the item in the Due Date field.

  3. Type a description of the To Do item in the What field.

  4. Click Insert.

  5. Click Cancel to close the To Do Editor.

To Change a To Do Item

  1. In Day, Week, or Month view, display the day for which you want to change a To Do item.

  2. Select that day.

  3. Click the To Do Editor icon.

  4. Select the To Do item in the To Do list.

  5. Edit the due date or the description of the To Do item.

  6. Click Completed to change the status of the To Do item, if applicable.

  7. Click Change.

  8. Click Cancel to close the To Do Editor.

To Delete a To Do Item

  1. Click the To Do Editor icon to open it.

  2. Select the To Do item in the To Do list.

  3. Click Delete.

  4. Click Cancel to close the editor.

To View a To Do List

This section describes how to create a list of To Do items and display it on your system. If you want to print your To Do list, see "Printing Calendars, Appointment, or To Do Lists".

  1. Display the view of the calendar that you want the To Do list to show.

  2. Choose To Do List from the View menu.


    To Do items are listed chronologically and show a check box beside each item, due date, and description. For example, if you are viewing by day, the To Do List displays the day's To Do items.

Marking To Do Items Completed

Calendar keeps track of the state of To Do items: whether they're completed or pending. In the To Do List dialog box, you can choose to display all To Do items, only completed items, or only pending items.

If you make a To Do list and then want to check off an item on the list, use one of the two methods described below.

To Mark an Item Directly in the To Do List

  1. Choose To Do List from the View menu.

  2. Click the check box beside the To Do item you've completed.

  3. Click Apply or OK.

    This changes the item's state to completed.

    To return the item's state to pending, click the check box again and apply your changes.

To Use the To Do Editor To Mark an Item

  1. Click the To Do Editor icon.

  2. Select the To Do item in the To Do list.

  3. Click Completed to mark the item completed.

    To return the item's state to pending, click Completed again.

  4. Click Change.

    This changes the item's state to completed.

  5. Click Cancel to close the To Do Editor.

Printing Calendars, Appointment, or To Do Lists

You can print any of the four Calendar views, plus appointment and To Do lists. Calendar uses the default printer settings when you choose Print Current View from the File menu. To customize printer settings, see "To Change the Printer Settings for Future Print Jobs".

To Print Current Day, Week, Month, or Year Views

  1. Display the Calendar view you want to print.

  2. Choose Print Current View from the File menu.

To Print Your Appointment or To Do List

  1. Display the Calendar view containing the day for which you want to print an appointment or To Do list.

  2. Select that day.

  3. Choose Print from the File menu.

    The Print dialog box is displayed.

  4. Choose Appointment List or To Do List from the Report Type menu.

  5. Specify a printer in the Printer Name field.

  6. Click Print.

To Change the Print Options for a Single Print Job

  1. Choose Print from the File menu.

    The Print dialog box is displayed.

  2. Double-click in the Printer Name field to select the contents and type a printer name.

  3. Choose the view or list you want to print from the Report Type menu.

  4. Click the arrows next to the Copies field to adjust the number of copies to be printed or type the number.

  5. Optional. Change the range of time to print in the From or To fields.

  6. Optional. Add printer options in the Print Command Options field.

    For example, to save paper, you may want to specify -o nobanner to suppress header pages.

  7. To print Calendar data to a file instead of to a printer, select Print to file.

    Click again on this setting to deselect it.

  8. Edit the file name, if desired.

  9. Click Print.

  10. Click Close to close the Print dialog box.

Browsing Calendars on a Network

If you know the names of other calendars on a network, you can use Calendar to browse those calendars. A practical example is to set up a meeting or appointment for several people. You can use Calendar to check for free times.

To browse other calendars and possibly to insert an appointment, you need:

Note -

Calendar doesn't yet provide a way for you to look up other calendar names. Call or talk to people and get them to tell you their calendar-name@hostname information.

By default, Calendar allows the "world" (all users) to have browse permission. Only the calendar owner has insert and delete permission. To change access and permissions, see "Changing Access and Permissions".

To Add or Delete Calendars in the Browse List

To add:

  1. Choose Menu Editor from the Browse menu.

  2. Type calendar-name@hostname in the User Name field.

  3. Click Add Name.

  4. Click OK to add the calendar to the Browse list and close the dialog box.

To delete:

  1. Select a calendar name in the Browse list.

  2. Click Remove Name.

  3. To delete the calendar from the Browse list and close the dialog box, click OK.

    To delete the calendar and leave the dialog box displayed, click Apply.

  4. To erase your changes and leave the dialog box displayed, click Reset.

    To erase your changes and close the dialog box, click Cancel.

To Determine Whether You Have Access to Other Calendars

  1. Choose Compare Calendars from the Browse menu.

  2. Select one or more entries in the Browse list that you want to check for access.

  3. Click Schedule to open the Group Appointment Editor.

  4. Look at the Calendar Access list.

    The Calendar Access list displays the calendar names that you selected in the Compare Calendars dialog box.

    A "Y" in the Access column means you have insert access. An "N" means you don't.

    Note -

    To add appointments or To Do items to other calendars, ask the owners to grant you insert access. To find out how to grant or deny access to your calendar by others, see "Changing Access and Permissions".

Scheduling Appointments on Other Calendars

Once you've browsed calendars for free times and have permission to insert appointments on other calendars, you can schedule a group appointment.

Use the Group Appointment Editor to insert, change, or delete a group appointment on your and other calendars. If you don't have insert access to other calendars, you can use the Group Appointment Editor to mail notices of group appointments to other users.

To Schedule a Group Appointment

  1. Choose Compare Calendars from the Browse menu.

  2. Click one or more entries in the Browse list.

    Notice that the grid overlays calendars one on top of another and displays busy times shaded darker and available times unshaded.

  3. Click in an unshaded time block in the grid.

  4. Click Schedule.

    The Group Appointment Editor is displayed with the fields for date, time, and mail automatically filled out.

  5. Type (or edit) the group appointment start time in the Start field.

  6. Type (or edit) the group appointment end time in the End field.

  7. In the What field, type the appointment description, such as its location or purpose.

  8. Click More.

  9. Choose the repeat interval and duration for the group appointment.

  10. Click Insert to add the group appointment to the selected calendars.

    If you don't have insert access on all the calendars, you can send mail to notify others about the group appointment. See "To Mail Reminders to a Group Using Calendar".

  11. Click Cancel to close the Group Appointment Editor.

To Mail Reminders to a Group Using Calendar

Once you've set up a group appointment (date, start and end times, description, repeat interval), you may want to mail the group a reminder. With the group appointment displayed in the Group Appointment Editor:

  1. Click More to display additional options.

  2. Click Mail.

    Calendar displays a Compose window containing an appointment attachment. The appointment attachment is pre-addressed to the selected users and automatically filled out with the date and appointment start and end times.

  3. Click Deliver in the Compose window.

    Calendar mails the reminder to the selected users.

    Recipients of a mail message with a calendar-formatted reminder can drag the message from the mailer header window and drop it on their calendars to automatically schedule the pre-formatted appointment.

To Create an Appointment Message Using a Mail Program

  1. Start Mailer (or your regular mail program).

  2. Open a compose window or create a blank message.

  3. Add a section to the message that includes exactly the following format. Replace <tab> with a tab character, <blank line> with a blank line, and replace the italicized format information with actual data.

    <tab>** Calendar Appointment **
    <blank line>
    <tab>Start:<tab>hh:mm am
    <tab>End:<tab>hh:mm pm
    <tab>What:<tab>description line 1
    <tab><tab>description line 2

    An example might be:

    	** Calendar Appointment **
    	Date:	11/22/94
    	Start:	10:00 am
    	End:	11:00 am
    	What:	Staff meeting
    		Monet conference room
  4. Insert any additional text into the mail message.

  5. Address the message to the recipient and include the subject of the message.

  6. Send the message.

    For information about using Mailer, see Chapter 8, Using Mailer.

To Drag an Appointment from Another Application to Calendar

From Mailer or File Manager, and possibly other applications, you can drag an appointment icon to Calendar to schedule it.

From Mailer

  1. In Mailer's Message Header List, click the header containing the formatted appointment.

  2. Drag the header to Calendar and drop it.

    The pointer changes to an icon representing the moving file.

    Calendar schedules your appointment and prints a message in the message area stating that the appointment was scheduled.

  3. Display the Calendar view containing the day on which you scheduled the appointment.

  4. Double-click that day to open the Appointment Editor.

    Verify that the appointment is scheduled for the correct day and time.

    For more information on using Mailer, see Chapter 8, Using Mailer.

From File Manager

If you have a file containing a formatted appointment:

  1. In an open File Manager window, navigate to a folder containing a file with a formatted appointment.

  2. With both the formatted appointment and Calendar visible on your screen, drag the formatted appointment file to Calendar and drop it.

    Calendar schedules your appointment.

  3. Double-click that day to open the Appointment Editor.

    Verify that the appointment is scheduled for the correct day and time.

    For more information about File Manager, see Chapter 5, Managing Files with File Manager .

To Drag an Appointment from Calendar to Another Application

From Calendar, you can drag an appointment icon to Mailer to mail it to someone or to File Manager to save it in your file system.

To Mailer

  1. Use the Appointment Editor to create an appointment but don't click Insert.

  2. Start Mailer and choose New Message from the Compose menu.

    Make sure both the Appointment Editor and Mailer's Compose window are visible on your screen.

  3. Drag the Drag Appt icon from the Appointment Editor and drop it on Mailer's attachment list.

    The pointer changes to an appointment icon representing the moving file.

    Mailer displays your appointment as a text file in the attachment list.

  4. Compose and address your mail message and send it.

    For more information on using Mailer, see Chapter 8, Using Mailer.

To File Manager

  1. Use the Appointment Editor to create an appointment but don't click Insert.

  2. In an open File Manager window, navigate to a folder where you want to save the appointment in a file.

  3. With both the File Manager window and Calendar Appointment Editor visible on your screen, drag the Drag Appt icon from the Appointment Editor and drop it on the File Manager window.

    The appointment is saved in a text file in the folder where you dropped it.

    For more information about File Manager, see Chapter 5, Managing Files with File Manager .

Customizing Calendar

Calendar provides Options dialog boxes to change the settings for all future appointments. To change the settings for individual appointments, see "To Set Appointment Options".

To Change Appointment Editor Defaults

  1. Choose Options from the File menu.

    The Calendar Options dialog box is displayed.

  2. Choose Editor Defaults from the Category menu.

  3. Optional. Change the default appointment duration in the Duration field.

  4. Optional. Change the default appointment start time by choosing from the Start menu.

  5. Select Beep, Flash, Popup, or Mail reminders.


    Causes your system to emit an electronic beep 


    Causes your calendar to flash 


    Displays a reminder dialog box 


    Sends electronic mail 

  6. Edit the default time intervals if necessary.

    The time interval fields are active for each reminder you select. They specify the time before an appointment that the reminder is activated.

  7. Choose a privacy option from the Privacy menu.

    Others See Time Only 

    The default - displays only the time of an appointment so others can see you're busy 

    Others See Time and Text 

    Displays the time and text of an appointment in your calendar 

    Show Nothing 

    Displays nothing about an appointment in your calendar for maximum privacy 

  8. Click Apply to apply the new defaults to all future appointments.

  9. Click Cancel to close the Calendar Options dialog box.

Changing the Display Settings

You can customize many parts of the Calendar display:

To Set the Initial Calendar Displayed

You can set Calendar to display a calendar other than your own when you first start it.

  1. Choose Options from the File menu

    The Calendar Options dialog box is displayed.

  2. Choose Display Settings from the Category menu.

  3. Double-click in the Initial Calendar View field and type calendar-name@hostname for the calendar you want to view each time you start Calendar.

  4. Click Apply.

  5. Click Cancel to close the Options dialog box.

To Set the Time Boundaries on Day and Week Views

Time boundaries are the earliest and latest hours you want displayed in your calendar.

  1. Choose Options from the File menu.

  2. Choose Display Settings from the Category menu.

  3. Move the Begin and End sliders to adjust the earliest and latest hours you want displayed on your calendar.

  4. Select 12 Hour or 24 Hour time display.

  5. Click Apply.

  6. Click Cancel to close the Options dialog box.

To Set the Default Calendar View

Calendar displays the default Calendar view each time you start it. The initial default view is by month. You may want to set the default to the view you use most often, such as Week view.

  1. Choose Options from the File menu.

  2. Choose Display Settings from the Category menu.

  3. Select Day, Week, Month, or Year from the Default View options.

  4. Click Apply.

  5. Click Cancel to close the Options dialog box.

Changing Access and Permissions

You can set access to your calendar, controlling what others can do in your calendar. To determine whether you have access to other calendars, see "To Determine Whether You Have Access to Other Calendars".

To Grant Access to Your Calendar

  1. Choose Options from the File menu.

  2. Choose Access List and Permissions from the Category menu.

    The Access List and Permissions dialog box is displayed.

    Note -

    Depending on the version of your calendar, your Access List and Permissions dialog box may look different than the one pictured in Figure 11-1. If so, go to Figure 11-2 and follow the instructions after that figure.

    Figure 11-1 Access List and Permissions dialog box - Version 1


  3. In the User Name field, type username@hostname for the user to whom you want to grant access. To grant access to everyone, type world in the User Name field.

    The default permission is for browse access only.

  4. Select Browse, Insert, and/or Delete permissions.


    The default - enables others to see information in your calendar 


    Others can add appointments or To Do items to your calendar 


    Others can delete appointments or To Do items from your calendar 

  5. Click Add Name to add username or world to the Access list with the permissions you've chosen.

    Note -

    Individual user access overrides world access; if everyone (world) has browse access only and user X has browse and insert access, user X can browse and insert entries in the current calendar.

  6. To grant the selected access and close the dialog box, click OK.

    To grant the selected access and leave the dialog box displayed, click Apply.

    To erase your changes and leave the dialog box displayed, click Reset.

    To erase your changes and close the dialog box, click Cancel.

    Note -

    If your Access List and Permissions dialog box resembles Figure 11-2 below, follow the instructions after the figure.

    Figure 11-2 Access List and Permissions dialog box - Version 2


  7. In the User Name field, type username@hostname for the user to whom you want to grant access. To grant access to everyone, type world in the User Name field.

    The default permission is for view access to public appointments only.

  8. Select View, Insert, or Change permissions and Public, Semiprivate, or Private access rights.

    Permissions control whether others can perform specific operations on your calendar. You can choose more than one permission.

    Access rights control the specific types of appointments others can perform operations on.`


    Enables another user to display the time and text of your appointments marked Others See Time and Text 


    Enables another user to display the time and text of your appointments marked Others See Time Only 


    Enables another user to display the time and text of your appointments marked Others See Nothing 

  9. Click Add to add username or world to the Access list with the permissions and access rights you've chosen.

    Note -

    Individual user access overrides world access; if everyone (world) has browse access only, and user X has browse and insert access, user X can browse and insert entries in the current calendar.

  10. To grant the selected access and permissions and close the dialog box, click OK.

    To grant the selected access and permissions and leave the dialog box displayed, click Apply..

    To erase your changes and leave the dialog box displayed, click Reset.

    To erase your changes and close the dialog box, click Cancel.

To Deny Access to Your Calendar

  1. Choose Options from the File menu.

  2. Choose Access List and Permissions from the Category menu.

  3. Select the user to whom you want to deny access in the Access list.

  4. Click Remove Name (Calendar data version 3, Figure 11-1) or Delete (Calendar data version 4, Figure 11-2) to remove the user from the Access list.

  5. To remove access for the specified user and close the dialog box, click OK.

    To remove access for the specified users and leave the dialog box displayed, click Apply.

    To erase your changes and leave the dialog box displayed, click Reset.

    To erase your changes and close the dialog box, click Cancel.

To Change the Printer Settings for Future Print Jobs

To print a Calendar view or appointment or To Do list using the default printer settings, see "To Print Current Day, Week, Month, or Year Views". To change the printer settings for future print jobs:

  1. Choose Options from the File menu.

    The Options dialog box is displayed.

  2. Choose Printer Settings from the Category menu.

    The Printer Settings dialog box is displayed.

  3. Select Printer or File.

  4. Type the name of your default printer.

  5. Edit the Options field to specify print command-line options, if any.

    For example, to save paper, you may want to specify -o nobanner to suppress header pages.

  6. Edit the page dimensions or position, if necessary.

  7. Edit the number of units, if desired.

    For example, if you are printing Week view and you set Units to 2, you will print the current week and the next week.

  8. Edit the number of copies if you want more than one.

  9. Choose the desired privacy option for the information you want printed.

    See Step 7 of "To Change Appointment Editor Defaults" for privacy options.

  10. To save your changes and close the dialog box, click OK.

    To save your changes and leave the dialog box displayed, click Apply.

    To erase your changes and leave the dialog box displayed, click Reset.

    To erase your changes and close the dialog box, click Cancel.

To Change the Date Format

  1. Choose Options from the File menu.

  2. Choose Date Format from the Category menu.

    The default date format in Calendar is MM/DD/YYYY.

  3. Choose the desired date order option.

  4. Choose the desired date separator.

  5. To save your changes and close the dialog box, click OK.

    To save your changes and leave the dialog box displayed, click Apply.

    To erase your changes and leave the dialog box displayed, click Reset.

    To erase your changes and close the dialog box, click Cancel.

To Change the Default Time Zone

You can set Calendar to view your or another calendar's appointments in a time zone other than your local one.

  1. Choose Time Zone from the View menu.

  2. Choose the Custom Time setting.

  3. In the Hours field, edit the number of hours before or after Greenwich Mean Time that you want your calendar set to.

    For example, to synchronize your calendar for Pacific Standard Time, choose GMT+8 hours. For Finland, choose GMT-2 hours. For Japan, choose GMT-9 hours. You may have to adjust by one hour for daylight, or summer, time.

  4. To revert to your own time zone, click the My Time setting in the Time Zone dialog box.

  5. Click OK to apply changes and close the dialog box.

Other Calendar Tools

Calendar includes several command-line interface tools:


Use sdtcm_admin from the command line to create and administer calendars. This tool can be used to add or remove a calendar on a local system or remotely on a host on the network. Use sdtcm_admin to list calendars that exist on a host, or to grant and revoke access to users to a specific calendar. Options to sdtcm_admin include:


Lists calendars on your system in a single column 


Lists calendars on other hosts 


Adds a new calendar to a system (by default, login@localhost)


Add a named calendar to a system 


Delete a calendar from a system (by default, removes) 

See the sdtcm_admin(1) man page for more details and examples of the other options.


To list calendars on your system:

% sdtcm_admin -l

To list calendars on another host:

% sdtcm_admin -l -h totoro

To add a calendar with your login name to the host you are logged in to:

% sdtcm_admin -a

By default the -a option will create the calendar <login>@<localhost>. Other calendars can be created on the host by using the -c option.

To create the calendar buildschedule on the local host, aha:

% sdtcm_admin -a -c buildschedule@aha

To create the calendar sleepy on the remote host totoro:

% sdtcm_admin -a -c sleepy@totoro

To remove the calendar with your login name from the host you are logged in to:

% sdtcm_admin -d

By default the -d option will remove the calendar <login>@<localhost>. For example, if kasso is logged into aha and runs sdtcm_admin -d with no other options, the following response will be displayed:

Delete the calendar kasso@aha [y/n]?

Respond y or n.

To remove the calendar old on the host aha:

% sdtcm_admin -d -c old@aha

You can only remove calendars for which you have Owner privileges. If you attempt to remove a calendar that you do not own, you will see an error message:

Delete the calendar old@aha [y/n]? y
sdtcm_admin: Could not delete calendar because: Permission denied.


Usesdtcm_convert to convert Calendar data format, prune a calendar, or check data integrity. Use it to convert version 3 (OpenWindows) calendar data format to version 4 (the extensible calendar data format), and vice versa.

Note -

sdtcm_convert is automatically invoked when performing an OS upgrade to 2.6.

sdtcm_convert must be run by superuser or the owner of the calendar. Superuser can run sdtcm_convert on any calendar; a regular user can only run sdtcm_convert on his or her own calendar. Note that sdtcm_convert can be used only on calendars located on the local host.

The version 3 data format is fixed and limited. In order to take advantage of the new features supported by the calendar API, version 3 calendars should be converted to the version 4 data format.

Note -

OpenWindows Calendar Manager does not support the version 4 data format. If you need to switch back to OpenWindows Calendar Manager and you have a version 4 calendar, you should convert your calendar to the version 3 data format before switching the server. Be aware, however, that data not supported in the version 3 data format (for example, all calendar attributes except the access list, entry attributes such as date of creation or date of last update, and so on) will be lost.

Options for sdtcm_convert are listed and described below.

Note -

The data version of a calendar is displayed in the About Calendar dialog box of Calendar, accessible from the Help menu.


To convert the calendar user1 to version 4 data format and also prune the calendar:

% sdtcm_convert -v 4 -s 1/1/94 user1

To check data integrity of the calendar user1:

% sdtcm_convert user1

If no option is specified, sdtcm_convert will check the calendar file for data integrity.


Use the standalone Appointment Editor to create a Calendar-formatted appointment and save it in a file.

  1. Type dtcm_editor filename at the command line.

    The standalone Appointment Editor is displayed.

  2. Type a date in the Date field.

    Remember to use the date format set in the Date Format dialog box.

  3. Choose the Start and End times for the appointment.

  4. Type a description of the appointment in the What field.

  5. Choose a frequency for the appointment from the Occurs menu.

  6. Click Save to write the appointment contents to the file you specified on the command line.


Use dtcm_lookup to view appointments on your calendar.

  1. Type dtcm_lookup at the command line to view appointments for the default view.

    For example, if Day view is the default, to view appointments for the current day:

    system% dtcm_lookup
    Appointments for Monday October 31, 1994:
    		1) Halloween
    		2) 2:30pm-3:30pm Staff meeting
    		3) 6:00pm Trick-or-treating
    		4) 7:15pm-10:00pm Choir practice
  2. To choose the calendar, date, or range of time for which to look up appointments, use the following syntax:

    dtcm_lookup [-c calendar] [-d date] [-v view]

    For example:

    system% dtcm_lookup -c hamilton@artist -d 10/28/94 -v day
    Appointments for Friday October 28, 1994:
    		1) 9:00am-10:00am Project meeting
    		2) 1:30pm-2:00pm Testing


Use dtcm_insert from the command line to insert appointments on your calendar. For example:

system% dtcm_insert -d 11/1/94 -s 11:30am -e 12:30pm -w workout
Appointments for Tuesday November 1, 1994:
	1) 10:00am-11:00am one-on-one
	2) 11:30am-12:30pm workout
	3) 12:30pm-1:00pm eat lunch

Calendar automatically prints the appointments scheduled so you can see that the new appointment was inserted.


Use dtcm_delete from the command line to delete appointments from your calendar. For example:

system% dtcm_delete -d 11/1/94
Appointments for Tuesday November 1, 1994:
	1) 10:00am-11:00am one-on-one
	2) 11:30am-12:30pm workout
	3) 12:30:pm-1:00pm eat lunch
Item to delete (number)? 3
Appointments for Tuesday November 1, 1994:
	1) 10:00am-11:00am one-on-one
	2) 11:30am-12:30pm workout

When you don't want to delete any more items, press Return.

Using Federated Naming with Calendar

If your site uses Federated Naming Service (FNS), calendar naming can be location independent: you can name a calendar without including its host machine. For example, to name the calendar of user jsmith without FNS, you need to enter jsmith@hostmachine; with FNS you can enter jsmith alone.

The default behavior of Calendar is unchanged; you can name calendars using the form username@hostname. To use the new way of naming calendars, you need to set the resource useFNS. You can turn this resource on either manually by editing your .desksetdefaults file or through the Display Settings dialog box. (Choose Options from the File menu and Display Settings from the Category options menu in the Options dialog box. Click the Calendar Names: Use Federated Naming checkbox and then click OK.)

Calendar Naming

When the useFNS feature is on, you can use both the old and new ways of naming calendars. When you choose Show Other Calendar from the Browse menu, you can enter simply rosanna to browse user rosanna's calendar. Or you could enter rosanna@alto to name the calendar directly. The new names can be entered wherever a calendar name is expected (Show Other Calendar, Initial Calendar View in Display Settings Options, Browse list editor, Browse short list, and so on).

For location-independent naming to work, there must be a name space that holds registered information about where the calendars are.

Calendar Registration

When you run Calendar with useFNS set on, Calendar will automatically attempt to register your calendar into the name space. Once it has been registered, someone can use just your username to browse your calendar. If you subsequently move your calendar, change the User Calendar Location in theDisplay Settings dialog box and the registered calendar address in the name space will automatically be updated the next time you restart Calendar. You can also update the information in the name space outside Calendar using the FNS command, fnbind.

In an NIS environment, auto-registration is not supported because NIS does not support dynamic updates of arbitrary data. In addition, fnbind only succeeds when run by root on the NIS master.

Naming Service Dependencies

In Solaris 2.5, FNS works with NIS+ only.

Build Dependencies

For CDE developers that build dtcm, you need to have the appropriate FNS package installed on the build machine. For a Solaris 2.5 or earlier target, you need to have the Solaris 2.5 SUNWfns package. These packages can be picked up from the OSNet gates (/ws/on297-gate/packages, for example) or from the packages directory of a specific Solaris release.

Runtime Dependencies

If dtcm cannot locate the appropriate SUNWfns package at runtime, it will simply not use FNS. Calendar can always run on a system without the SUNWfns package.